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Analyze the tone and writing style of the competition.

Take note of your competition’s copywriting. Is it something you feel like you can
successfully emulate? Does it ring true to the type of blog you’d like to create?
What do readers most respond to? For most, creating a tech blog might be an
excellent idea, but if journalistic, review-based writing doesn’t work for you,
then that might not be a good fit. Be aware of what you can feasibly execute or
hire freelance writers.

3. Determine what topics you’ll cover.

Before you write anything, pick a topic you’d like to write about. The topic can be
pretty general to start as you find your desired niche in blogging.

Here are some ways to choose topics to cover.

Find out which topics your competitors often cover.

One easy way to choose topics for your blog is to simply learn what other blogs are
writing about. After you determine your competitors, go through their archive and
category pages, and try to find out which topics they most often publish content
about. From there, you can create a tentative list to explore further. You might
find, for instance, that a competitor only covers surface-level information about a
subject. In your blog, you can dive more deeply and offer more value to readers.

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