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A trade mark (sometimes called a brand) is the way you show your customers and the

public who you are. Your trade mark might be:

your logo
your business name
what you’ve painted on the side of your truck
your signage
your packaging, or
your letterhead.
When you register a trade mark, you get exclusive use of the trade mark throughout
Australia. This means you get a legal right to take action against any other
business that tries to use the trade mark to provide goods or services similar to
the goods or services your business provides.

You can apply to register a trade mark online through IP Australia. Make sure you
have all the information you need before you start your application.

Note: You can check the availability of your trademark with IP Australia’s trade
mark checker tool before you apply.

IP Australia - Register a trademark
TM Checker - IP Australia
Last updated: 22 March 2023

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