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Contingency Plan

Name of Production: FMP yr1 lvl 3 media Producers Name: Nima Cooper Contact Number:

Location / Potential problem Effect on production Control Measure Existing measures

New Forest Could get bitten by a Would end up in hospital Lens focal length Will keep safe distance from
horse and can't get the shot. wildlife.
Iford weir River Possibility of falling into possibility to get hurt and How far I setup the shot from the Will keep a safe distance from the
the river not be able to get the shot river edge while carefully watching where
I step.
Bournemouth Gets crowded and Won't be able to finish Number of people on the Go at a quieter time where there are
possibility of getting filming or end up being beach less people
equipment stolen. delayed.
Poole Park Getting attacked by a Could take longer to finish Proximity to swans Keep safe distance.
swan the shot or knock over

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