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Education is one of the fundamental things that you must possess especially as it is the most required to

have a stable and good job in the future. Remember, education is such a simple thing that you can have
in just a day. It takes gradually and it involves a lot of things. Education's main purpose is to provide the
knowledge and skills that we must acquire to develop ourselves.

We can have an education by going to school but there are other people too who had or have it now in
their homes. There are people who are the one who prepares and facilitates the learning that we should
have and they are called the teachers. They're the ones who are responsible for facilitating the learning
of the students. Schools should provide quality education for the students therefore schools' curriculum
should emphasize the traditional disciplines such as math, natural science, history, grammar, and
literature, especially at the elementary level. These contents are suitable for their learning. Schools
should also stress the teaching of basic skills. For a learner to acquire the basic skills he or she should go
through a rigor and discipline of serious study. But if you're one of the people who are gifted, specifically
a genius like the famous Einstein with a very high IQ. I think studying these contents and basic skills will
surely be a literal basic for you.

Schools should have a course of study in either or both in general or specialized; liberal or vocational;
humanistic or technical. These should depend on the program of the learner. A learner mostly produces
their knowledge through experiences. Therefore, they should be allowed to learn at their own pace.
Experiences help students to expand their knowledge by applying those experiences to solving new
problems. Also, teaching the learners how to be confident in sharing their ideas and feelings with other
people could help them learn the contents and skills of the school's curriculum. Learning should be
assessed in different ways as the students learning are different too. It should be in the examination or
give them an assessment that will help them to show what they learn and a recitation is a good way too.

As future educators, education is important to us because it is why educators are considered a valuable
source of knowledge for our society. Having education helps us teach others morals, manners, and
ethics in our society. For this reason, people deal with us considerably and especially for being
productive and resourceful. All in all, education is the process of acquiring knowledge and information
that leads to a successful future. There are maybe successful people in the world without having a
degree. But they still have acquired some knowledge and skills that they learned in schools that help
them develop and be what they are now.

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