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Outside the Eastern Gates of Rome, 20 B.C.

Marcus was just under a league away from the gate but he couldn’t make it another step. His arm
was broken and the pain overtook him. He fell to the ground yelling out in pain. No one to hear
him but the gang of thieves that had been hounding him for some time. He lay on the ground
trying to catch his breath, trying to grasp that THIS was how it was going to end.
He could hear the jeering of the thieves from far off when he looked up and saw a menacing
shadow move across the tree in front of him, moving as if it had a life of it’s own, created by no
man, but having the shape of a man and as Marcus watched, started to become a man.
The sight was a horror to behold. The man was white as chalk and wore a robe and cloak. But it
was the gladius he held that stood out the most. The sword was completely black save for the
word “Limerick” etched in bright blue light.
The man smiled while looking toward the sounds of the thieves that were fast approaching.
He spoke softly and said, “Ah it would seem that your fate comes closer every minute”. He
smiled as he said it.
Marcus looked up and said “What manner of creature are you? A strige, a Lemure?
The figure looked down still grinning and said “ I am none of and all of those and more. “ He
bowed and said, “I’m Limerick, The Shadow Lord” he stood upright and said, “I’m here to save
you from the clutches of Pluto.”
Marcus gritted his teeth and said, “ Oh how do I feel that it is not as simple as it sounds?”
Limerick squatted down to Marcus and said, “Oh but it is Marcus.” The thieves were now upon
them. One of them yelled out “Over here! He’s over here!”
The group ran up only to find that Marcus was no longer alone and they stopped in their tracks
for the pale man’s features frightened them.
Limerick said “I’m here to give you the gift of Power Marcus. All you have to do is take it” and
with that Limerick held up his hand and summoned a dark wave of Shadow that enveloped the
thieves. Instantly they were fixed where they were and started draining them of their lifeforce.
They shriveled up and became like old men. As their bodies fell to the ground, Limerick turned
back to Marcus and said “ All this and more can be yours. No longer will you be limited by your
mortal shell. You will gain immortality of the gods themselves. Limerick looked down at Marcus
and saw that he was still suffering from fatigue and a broken arm. With but a wave he healed
Marcus of all his afflictions.
Marcus stood up not certain what to say or do. After seeing what Limerick just did to the men he
was scared to even speak.
“Worry not! I plan your fate to be much different.” Limerick said as he sat on a large stone. “For
you I’m giving immortal life and power beyond belief.”
“And just what do I have to do to get all this?” Marcus asked.
“Why kill me with this” he said as he presented the gladius he was carrying.
Marcus looked confused. “I don’t understand” Marcus said.
“Oh it’s very simple” Limerick said. “I’m tired of this putrid existence and want to end it all, but
It doesn’t want me too” he said as he held up the gladius. “So I’m going to have you do the job.”
“I’ll not help you to commit suicide” Marcus said “I’ll not be a part of it. “
Limerick came up to Marcus and forced the gladius into Marcus’s hands saying “Oh you will.
Because if you don’t, I’ll kill that little family of yours. You wife, two daughters and that poor
little cripple lad”.
Marcus stared in disbelief “How do you know about them??”
“I’m the Shadow Lord. I know MANY things my friend.”
Marcus snapped at the thought of this monster coming to his family at night and killing them. He
thrust the sword into Limerick’s chest.
A look of shock went across the Shadow Lord’s face and then a laughing fit overtook him as the
reality of it all hit him.
What looked like a shadowy Ink came out of Limerick and made its way toward Marcus, who let
go of the sword and backed off. But it only speed up the Shadow Ink and it forced its way into
Marcus’s mouth. His eyes turned jet black and his hair and skin pale white. Limerick dissolved
into nothing ness and the name on the sword changed from the Limerick’s to Marcus’s .
Marcus picked up the sword and knew what he had to do. The sword teleported him to the
Shadowfell, to the front door of the Keep of the Shadow Lord. On the path to the Keep, on both
sides were all the previous Shadow Lords who had come before him. All with their cloaks drawn
up to hide their shame. They all started calling out in whispers a number of things, “Take the
power” “Take the throne” , “ Take it! It’s yours”.
Marcus walked up to the door and it opened on its own. Inside the Iron Throne sat waiting for

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