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The Ventrue offer a very simple boast: They win.

Crown and Scepter
They always win.Other Kindred often despise the Ventrue often adopt a conservative, low-key
Lords,but they seldom dispute the Clan’s boast. All appearance that expresses high status without
too often, a Kindred works and schemes to win being flashy. Young Lords sometimes favor a
some prize, only to find that a Ventrue owned it all “preppy” look, the timeless suit-and-tie uniform of
along. The officers who lead a city’s Kindred business, or (for female Lords) elegant gowns or
almost always include several highly placed business skirt-suits, with unobtrusive jewelry.
Ventrue. The Lords acknowledge no defeats, only Ventrue elders might keep the styles of long ago, at
setbacks. The Bloodline shares a ruthless will to least in their own havens, and in public they still
power and the power to enforce its will. Their tend to look decades out of date. Even rebellious
favored Disciplines account for some of their young Ventrue wear their metal-studded jackets
success. The Ventrue learn to command the like a uniform, asserting their dominance. A Lord
thoughts of other beings almost by instinct. Their surrounds himself with other trappings of wealth
mastery of lesser animals harks back to nights of and status, too, from the big, fancy car in the
domains in which the Lord was a master of beasts garage to the wine cellar full of vintages he will
as well as men. Although they do not especially never again have the opportunity to enjoy.
cultivate the arts of combat, they often prove Havens
remarkably hard to kill. Ventrue regard their If a Ventrue did not possess great wealth before the
supernatural gifts, however, as merely a tool to Embrace, she often becomes rich afterward.
begin the acquisition of real power — the power of Ventrue select their havens to reflect their wealth
money, property, corporate stock, political and power. Many Lords dwell in mansions or
contacts, rank in Kindred society and large actual walled estates. Few would settle for
numbers of mortals, at every level of society, anything less than a classic townhouse or
begging to lick their boots and fulfill their penthouse apartment (with secure curtains, of
commands. course). Bloodline tradition holds that any Ventrue
The Ventrue take the feudal nature of Kindred can claim sanctuary from the sun at any other
society very seriously. Every sire tells her childe Lord’s haven and not be refused, but few Lords
that some people rule, and some are ruled. As ever invoke this right. Not only do proud Lords
Lords, they should strive to place themselves hate to beg another Kindred’s aid, a supplicant
among the rulers. Most Ventrue neonates already henceforth owes a debt of honor to the Ventrue
believed this before their Embrace. Throughout the who provided refuge. Great shame would befall
Bloodline’s history, the Ventrue have sought power any Lord who denied a Bloodline mate or who
in whatever forms mortals offered. Kindred could not provide a comfortable rest, however, so a
historians say that in ancient Rome the Bloodline prudent Ventrue makes sure his haven can
Embraced senators and patricians. In the Middle accommodate a Kindred guest or two.
Ages, they brought knights and churchmen into the Background
fold. As commerce became an avenue to power, The Ventrue most often seek childer among the
they cultivated merchant princes, bankers and ranks of professionals or the cream of high society.
magnates. When states grew more bureaucratic, Some Lords prefer childer from “old money”
the Lords Embraced high-ranking civil servants. families or political dynasties, as the closest the
The rise of organized crime brought mob bosses modern world comes to feudal nobility. Other
and Lords prefer self-made leaders such as millionaire
drug kingpins into the Bloodline. At the start of the entrepreneurs, politicians, military officers or even
21st century, Ventrue elders ponder the merits of crime bosses. As new professions and new forms
Embracing scientists, engineers and computer of power arise, the Ventrue bring them into the
wizards. No matter where in society the power lies, Bloodline. The rise of the computer industry, for
the Ventrue vow to exploit it before other Kindred instance, has prompted a wave of tech-sector
even know it exists. childer.
Nickname Character Creation
Lords Ventrue favor Social Attributes and Skills — the
traits needed for leadership — though they also
value Mental Attributes and Skills such as Politics
and Academics. The Bloodline excels at Social input know the difference between succeeding and
Merits such as Resources, Contacts and just vomiting ethos. Being a champion of the
Status.Most Lords possessed great social influence masses can be addictive
in life, and they acquire more in undeath. The Circle of the Crone
Favored Attributes Lords of men and beasts, some Ventrue expand
Presence or Resolve their mastery of the world by bending occult forces
Bloodline Disciplines to their will. Becoming one with the dark earth,
Animalism, Dominate, Fortitude they make themselves into witch-kings and witch-
Bloodline Bane queens. The Lords like to connect their Blood to
The Ventrue are inextricably tied to their domains deities, and some find this urge satisfied by
of origin, and must rest in the proximity of at least becoming avatars of the Crone and all of her many
two handfuls of “native soil” — earth from a place faces.
important to them as a mortal, such as the soil The Invictus:
from their birthplace or the graveyard where they There are those, handicapped by an over-reliance
underwent their Embrace. Each night spent on stereotypes, who say the Invictus is the
without this physical connection to the soil, the covenant designed for the Ventrue. They would not
player loses one die from all pools for every day be wrong. All the best qualities of the Lord’s
that the character fails to sleep in their special Blood are highlighted and encouraged by the First
earth (“special,” because the earth must be from an Estate. Who so elementally manifests the ideals of
area important to the character — birthplace, grave the Invictus? Who else is Manifest Destiny made
site, etc. The specifics vary from Ventrue to flesh and fang?
Ventrue, but any given character has only one such The Lancea Sanctum
site). This modifier cannot grow larger than –5, but Some Ventrue know that their inherent superiority
once it reaches this point it persists until the comes at a price. They must guide their lesser
character has spent a full night in at least two cousins. How better than as spiritual authorities?
handfuls of appropriate soil. No, don’t thank us. The work is reward enough.
Organization: The Lords track their ties of blood Some Sanctified Ventrue have an iron-clad faith in
and obligation through an old-boy network that a higher power. And some more jaded Lords
extends across generations, bloodlines and believe the only higher power is themselves. These
continents. A respectable Ventrue knows his fellow latter still find value in the Second Estate, for the
Lords ancestors, their brood mates, allies, enemies clergy of any society are a sure path to power.
and Kindred owed and owing favors (though the Who else is so like the Almighty, so as to better
information might be a century out of date). Two understand His will?
Ventrue often compare lineages and acquaintances The Ordo Dracul
when they first meet. Thus do they establish their For creatures so well equipped and so driven to
relationships and status within the Bloodline. master the world around them, it must be
The Ventrue also take Bloodline offices very infuriating for the Ventrue to have so little control
seriously. Ventrue Whips, Prisci and other over their Beasts, banes, and the Curse within.
Bloodline leaders often try to hold monthly How can you rule others if you cannot rule your
meetings of all Bloodline mates, regardless of own Curse? Some Ventrue join the Order and
covenant. The Lords use these meetings as study their mystical arts with a frightening
opportunities to brag, size up the competition, cut obsession. Step by step, they take praxis over their
deals and chide Bloodline mates who seem to vampire bodies, just as they would take over a city,
show insufficient ambition. After all, the Ventrue block by block.?
have a reputation for steel-fisted power to up-hold.
One does not want other Kindred thinking that any
Lord might go soft.
In the Covenants
The Carthians: The Ventrue win. Victory is
sweeter than blood. And what game is more
engrossing than taking on the house? Some Lords
join the Revolution more for the challenge than for
ideological fervor. Firebrands who value the

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