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Teacher: Popa Serban

Class: VI B
Subject: English
Lesson: The painting on the wall
Date: February, 9th, 2015
Time: 50’

Hello everybody! (Answer...) We are going to do this lesson together

Activity 1
-Let’s remember Sam and Kate’s adventure in the rain forest. Turn back to page 22
(Show them the page)
- What did they find there? (R:They found an old building)  (Show them the building)
- Was it a pyramid? (R: No it wasn’t)
- Why? (R: Pyramids are in Egypt, not Indonesia)

Activity 2
Turn to page 32! Look at the pictures! Sa discutam imaginile ! Ce vedem in prima
imagine? Sam and Kate descopera un templu, pe care-l explorează. Pe un perete văd un
desen care înfăţişează o femeie, care ţine în mână o orhidee. Este tocmai The Angel of
the Forest; floarea cautată de prof. Wallace. Look at picture 5! Ce fac Zack şi Tex? (R-
Zack and Tex blochează intrarea in templu)

Activity 3
-Now look at picture 1
-What does the building look like? (R: It looks like a temple- Pe tablă) – Translate ! (R:
Arată ca un templu)
- Look at picture 4.
- Kate hears a noise. What does it sound like? (R: It sounds like a door- Pe tablă) –
Translate! ( R: Sună ca o uşă)

Activity 4
- Listen and follow! (I play the cassette)
- Read the text ! (They read the text twice)

Activity5 ( Show the pictures all the time!)

Comprehension questions:

- Now, look at the pictures again!

- What did they do in picture 1? (R:They climbed up to ….)
- Who followed them? (Zack and Tex followed them)
- Was it light inside the temple? (No, it was dark inside the temple)
- Did people live in pyramids? (R – No , they buried people in pyramids)
- What do they see on the wall? ( They see a picture of a woman)
-What has she got in her hand? (She’s got a flower)
-What is it? (It’s the Angel of the Forest)
-What do they hear? (They hear a noise)
-What does it sound like? (It sounds like a door)
-What are Zack and Tex doing? ( They are blocking the door)

Activity 6
-Exercise 1, page 33. You are going to hear sounds from the story.
-Listen! (Play the cassette, stop it after each sequence and ask the question)
-What does it sound like ? (R- It sounds like a waterfall/ like bees /like a frog /like

Activity 7
Look at Exercise 2 ( Zack’s mistakes)! This is Zack’s diary and it’s full of mistakes.
Read it, find the mistakes and correct them! Work in groups of 4! You have 4 minutes!

Activity 8 ( Check corrections to practise Past tense simple negative)

-Razvan, read the first sentence in the diary! (Razvan reads….)
-Correct the sentence! (R: No, they didn’t. They climbed up to the old building)
-Write it on the board! (Alt elev o scrie)
-Robert, read the next sentence! (Robert reads...)
-Correct the sentence!(R: No, it wasn’t. It was dark inside the temple)
etc (They climbed over some rocks/There was a picture on the wall/It was the
picture of a girl)- (Propoziţiile corectate – pe tablă)

Activity 9 (To reinforce Past tense simple negative and give Follow up)
-Atentie pentru ca aceasta va fi tema. voastră. Veţi auzi nişte sunete. Notaţi ce credeţi că
sunt. Dacă nu puteţi numi în engleză ce auziţi, notaţi în română şi acasă căutaţi cuvântul.
Ca temă scrieţi 6 propoziţii, aşa:

Number 1 sounded like a...

Number 2 sounded like... etc

Now, listen! (Play the cassette. They listen and take notes. (They hear:
seal/elephant/wind/bat / volcano / and parrot sounds)
-We check the answers next time.
- Good bye!

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