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B”H Erev Shabbos Vayakhel-Pekudei - HaChodesh, 28th of Adar, 5781; March 12th, 2021 187

pointed him to the room where the

My Broken Heart Rebbe was sitting, whispered 'good luck'
and watched as he bravely approached
Once at a farbrengen (informal gathering the door. The door was open and when
of chasidim), Rabbi Avraham Zaltz- the Rebbe saw him standing there he
man told a story about his days in looked up, stared at him for a moment
the Yeshiva in the town of Lubavitch and asked him what he wanted.
almost one hundred years ago. When he
was only twelve years old he was such a "I want to learn in Lubavitch." He was
wild, uncontrollable child that it was almost crying.
very difficult for him to sit and learn "Lubavitch?" smiled the Rebbe as he
Torah. So he and two other boys in the Rabbi Mendel Futerfass at a Farbrengen, motioned him to come closer, "but there
yeshiva with similar natures were given photograph from Derher are so many other good yeshivas! There
various odd jobs to keep them busy in is Slovadka, Navordak," and he listed all
positive ways. the other Torah academies, about twenty
going to take us back this time." "Yeah,
One of these jobs was to milk a few we're out for sure!" But Avraham didn't of them, in the area.
goats in a nearby farm and supply milk give and before the train arrived he "But I want to learn here, in Lubavitch!"
to the pupils. But this too became boring succeeded in convincing one of the boys The young boy began to whine. When
and one terrible day, desperate for to come back with him and give it a try. the Rebbe saw this he began to smile and
action, they somehow managed to get when Avraham saw the smile he began
They said good bye to their friend and
one of the goats to drink vodka and then trudged back to Lubavitch with no real to cry. This, in turn, caused the Rebbe to
led the intoxicated animal to the entrance laugh, which made Avraham cry even
idea what their next step was, but
of the large study hall where all the harder.
Avraham was determined not to go
pupils were diligently immersed in
down without a battle. They couldn't go Suddenly the Rebbe became serious and
Talmudic studies, and pushed it in. back to the supervisor; he was too angry. said, "we will think about it… come
The goat, totally oblivious of the And the Rebbe, the supervisor's father, back later today."
holiness of the place, jumped on tables, also wasn't the one to approach; he
knocked over several rabbis and would never override his son's Avraham backed out of the office,
scattered books and papers in all decision… especially in this situation. sniffling and wiping his eyes with his
directions. It was hours before the sleeve but suddenly he stopped, took two
Their only chance, they decided, was the steps forward, which put him back in the
studies could be restored and, of course,
supervisor's grandmother, the Rebbe's entrance of the room, and just stood
it was no secret who was to blame.
mother, Rabbanit Rivka. She had a there looking sheepishly at the ground.
The three boys were summoned to the wonderful warm heart and was a mother "Nu? What do you want now?" the
supervisor of the Yeshiva, Rabbi Yosef for all the boys in the yeshiva; she Rebbe asked.
Yitzchak Shneersohn (the future sixth cooked, sewed and washed for them as
Rebbe of Chabad and the son of well as being there in times of illness "Uh, I have a friend," Avraham
the Rebbe 'Rashab'; Rebbe Shalom Dov and need. Maybe she could help. answered. "He's waiting outside."
Ber Shneersohn, the fifth Rebbe of continued on page three
They went to her house, knocked on the
Chabad and founder of the Yeshiva),
door and when she answered Avraham
where they were ordered to pack up their
poured out his heart. When he was
belongings and leave. With no other
finished, her answer was to the point. "I Shabbat Times
choice they did as they were told and
can't go against the decision of my
several hours later were waiting in the
grandson; he's the supervisor of the Candle Lighting Motzei Shabbat
train station in the nearby city of Rodna,
Yeshiva. The only one that might be able Jerusalem 01:5 2166
with their suitcases in hand to return to
to do that is my son, the Rebbe. But I
their homes. Tel Aviv 0160 2166
can't talk to him about this either. I
Suddenly Avraham turned to his friends simply can't mix in. But, what I can do Haifa 01:2 2166
and said, "What are we doing?! We can't is this: every morning at ten my son, the Beer Sheva 0165 2166
leave! We have to go back and plead for Rebbe, sits in his room and drinks a cup
of tea. Come tomorrow morning and I'll New York 0166 216:
mercy!" But the others just shook their
heads 'no'. show you where the room is ... but you
Chabad of Israel
will have to do the talking."
One answered, "it won't work. Did you Rabbi Joseph I. Aronov
see the look on the supervisor's face? He The two boys found some place to sleep Published by M.L.S. Kfar Chabad (03) 3731777
doesn't want to see us again. We're fin- that night and the next morning little Editor: Aharon Schmidt
ished!" The other boy agreed. "We were Avraham reported to Rabbanit Rivka
living on mercy as it is. He's not while his friend, who was simply too Please guard the sanctity of this publication
afraid, waited outside. She let him in,
A Place Beyond Status Every Jew was connected to the Sanctuary maidservants, his tribe of Dan occupied a
to the same degree. Both the one who much lower rung on the social ladder.
gives more and the one who gives less;
In the previous Torah portions of Teruma provided that he do so for the sake of heav- And yet, both men were appointed to over-
and Tetzaveh, G-d commanded Moses to en. see the holy work, as it states, "Betzalel
build the Mishkan (Sanctuary) and make and Oholiav, and all those filled with wis-
all its vessels. This week, in Vayakel and Although the individual contributions may dom of heart...did all kinds of work for the
Pekudei, G-d's command is transmitted to have varied, the intention behind the offer- service of the Sanctuary."
the Jewish people and carried out in full. ing was always the same. All Jews wanted
to build a House for G-d; all Jews there-
Without exception, everyone participated fore shared an equal portion in its con-
in the building of the Sanctuary, Jews from Heart to Heaven
all walks of life. Men and women, rich and
poor, all contributed as much as they were
able. In building the Sanctuary all Jews are
Betzalel and Oholiav equal. It makes no difference whether one
is rich or poor, a descendent of the most
exalted parentage or a child of the simplest
Belongs to Every Jew Moses emphasized this equality among people.
Jews, regardless of their donations, when
he said, "See I have called by name Bet- The only qualifier is that the Jew's heart be
Their contributions, however, were not zalel the son of Uri, the son of Chur, of the directed toward heaven!
equal in value. As no specific amount was tribe of Yehudah...and Oholiav the son of
required, some donated less and some do- Achisamach, of the tribe of Dan...He has
nated more, according to their individual filled them with wisdom of heart...of those Based on the teachings of the Rebbe;
inclination and financial ability. Thus there who do any work, and of those who design Shabbos Table, From our Sages and
were contributions of gold and silver and artistic work." Moshiach Now! reprinted from
contributions of oil and wood, if that was - LYO / NYC
all a person was capable of donating. Betzalel and Oholiav were both in charge
of all the artisans who worked on the Sanc-
Significantly, the type of contribution a tuary.
Jew offered had nothing to do with his
connection to the Sanctuary. The Sanctu- Betzalel came from a very well-connected True Nachas
ary belonged to every Jew in equal meas- family. The grandson of Miriam, his tribe
ure: the rich man whose donation was ex- of Judah was one of the most prestigious.
tremely valuable, and the poor man whose Oholiav, by contrast, was not distinguished The Rebbe Rashab once said that
donation was more humble. by his lineage. A grandson of one of the amongst chassidim, Ahavas Yisroel was
always considered inborn; a person who
lacked it was considered an invalid, just
like a person who is missing a hand or
foot from birth.

You shall not kindle any fire (Ex. 35:3) Rashi explains: "They used to spin the During the festive meal of his bar mitz-
gold together with the threads...making va, the Previous Rebbe asked his father,
them intertwined with every kind of ma- the Rebbe Rashab, why, "Hareini meka-
The main reason we observe Shabbat is in terial...the threads of all the kinds were bel" (the statement wherein we affirm: I
remembrance of the Six Days of Crea- six-fold, and the gold was the seventh take upon myself the mitzvah of, you
tion. As fire was not created until after thread." This teaches that people whom will love your fellow as yourself) is said
the first Shabbat ended, the Torah specifi- G-d has blessed with gold and riches before davening.
cally singles it out - lest anyone think it should not hold themselves apart from
isn't included in the 39 prohibited labors. The Rebbe Rashab explained that before
their poorer brethren. Rather, they should we ask Hashem for our needs during
(Rabbi Yonatan Eibeschutz) act humbly and freely "mix" themselves davening, it is appropriate that we cause
with the more common threads. him nachas, and a father's greatest na-
(Siftei Tzadik) chas is seeing his children act with unity
… the Tabernacle, the Tabernacle of the
and expressing their brotherly love for
testimony (Ex. 38:21)
each other.
On the seventh day there shall be to you a
Why is the word Tabernacle repeated? holy day (Ex. 35:2) When the Previous Rebbe repeated this,
The first time it refers to the spiritual he added that the mitzva of Ahavas Yis-
Sanctuary up above; the second time it Rabbi Bunim once said: There is no other roel entails not only giving food, loans or
refers to the actual physical Tabernacle. mitzva as all-encompassing as that of a place to sleep. It is a mitzva in which
Testimony is only required when some- sukka. A person actually enters the mitz- one should invest his entire essence, to
thing is hidden and not readily apparent. va with his whole body, his clothes, and the extent that the other person's needs
The physical Sanctuary was called the even his shoes. become more important than his own
"Tabernacle of the Testimony" because it needs.
testified to G-d's presence in the physical Rabbi Shlomo Leib of Lentashna re-
world. sponded: The mitzva of Shabbat is even Indeed, elder chassidim used to say,
(the Rebbe) greater. One need not lift a finger to bring "Love yourself as much as you love oth-
it on; Shabbat arrives by itself. And, the ers!"
holiness of Shabbat totally encompasses True Nachas and the Chassidishe
And they beat the gold into thin plates, everyone and everything for more than 24 Businessman reprinted from The Weekly
and cut it into wires (Ex. 39:3) hours. Farbrengen by Merkaz Anash, on-line at
The Chassidishe Businessman
The Frierdiker (Previous) Rebbe said: The who is busy during the day, able to daven My Broken Heart
chassidishe businessmen need to keep a at length like those who sit and learn and
Chumash and Tanya in their store and have the time to do so?”
learn from them in their free time. Of continued from page one:
course it is necessary to conduct business The Frierdiker Rebbe explained that a
dealings, but afterwards a verse should be chassidishe businessman must be like a
learned, and this is what will bring young man who is supported by his father "A friend is it? Well, we will think about him
success. The world, with physical streets -in-law. Being supported, he has no also," the Rebbe replied. "Come back in a
worries, and when his father-in-law hints few hours."
and people who own stores and
businesses, was created for this reason, so to him that his help is needed, he lends a "Well, the story has a happy ending,"
that we walk in the streets and think or hand, but only after he finishes eating Rabbi Avraham concluded to his listen-
say words of Torah, and so that we sit in a comfortably. Similarly, the chassidishe ers. "We returned to the Rebbe a few
physical store and learn Torah. businessman davens and learns at ease, hours later, the Rebbe took us into his
and then he goes off to work… son, Yosef Yitzchak's office, said a few
First Things First words and left. His son imposed a stiff
The True Focus
At a farbrengen, the Frierdiker Rebbe told fine on us; we had to learn tens of pages
one of his chassidim, a store owner, that Reb Shloma ‘der Geler’, a chossid of the of Talmud and Chassidut by heart. But
he wants to make a covenant with him. Rebbe Rashab, worked as a builder’s he accepted us back in! And that's the
The Rebbe asked him if he has a Tanya in assistant, and both he and the builder story! How my broken heart got me back
his store and stipulated, “I do not mean a would discuss chassidus while working. into yeshiva."
Tanya that sits without usage, rather one Once while building a wall, they were
raptly involved in their chassidic Rabbi Mendel Futerfass, a well-known
that is the focus of all comings and Chassid who had been imprisoned many
goings.” The Frierdiker Rebbe added that discussion, and unintentionally enclosed
Reb Shlomo on the opposite side of the years in Siberia, was also present at this
if he will be involved in the sefer, the farbrengen, and he was the first to
communist officials would not mix into wall! When they realized this, they had to
break the wall and take him out. comment. "Tell me, Reb Avraham, why
his ‘books.’ do you think he did that? What made
The Rebbe describes how a Jew must go The Frierdiker Rebbe writes that in him accept you back into the yeshiva?"
about his business. The first thing in the previous times, they would refer to one’s
livelihood as sustenance - ‫הנויח‬. However, "Like I said," Avraham replied, "that's
morning must be the service of davening, the point of the story. Because I wanted
followed by a session of learning, and in America they say one is “making a
living” (implying that it is the essence of so much to learn in Lubavitch that I
only after being ‘soaked’ with ruchniyus actually wept! That's how much a person
can he, in a unenthusiastic manner, go to one’s life).
should want Chassidut; that his heart is
work. In addition, at work he must stand One of the chassidim of stature of the breaking!"
apart as a Jew, thinking or saying words Rebbe Rashab became very involved in
of Torah and during business dealings the business of galoshes. Once the Rebbe "Nope!" said Reb Mendel. "You're
have the intention of serving Hashem. Rashab commented to him, “I have seen wrong. Your broken heart is not what got
feet in galoshes, but I have never seen a you into Lubavitch. The reason the
At a farbrengen, a chassid asked the Rebbe took you back was because you
Frierdiker Rebbe, “How is a businessman, ‘head in galoshes’…”
worried for your friend! You thought of
another Jew! That's why he took you
back! Because of your Ahavat
Yisroel (brotherly love)!"

Adapted by Yrachmiel Tilles from the

Seeing the Geula rendition of Rabbi Tuvia Bolton, in his
weekly email for his yeshiva Ohr
Tmimim (,
who heard it from Rabbi Yosef Zaltzman,
The Rebbe explains that through learning Chassidus, one can enjoy a foretaste of the the grandson of Rabbi Avraham.
revelation of Hashem that will exist when Moshiach comes.
Rabbi Tilles of Tsfat, is a co-founder of
One should therefore prepare for Moshiach by learning and experiencing the light of ASCENT. His email list for stories is in
Chassidus. its 24th year. To join the list a/o his
On another occasion, the Rebbe said that our service today should be to see and feel WhatsApp group for Saturday night
the geula (redemption) in the world. We should therefore study Chassidus and learn Audio, Video and Zoom stories, go to
about the geula in a manner that brings us to recognize the geula. or WhatsApp +972-
(the Rebbe, Likutei Sichot, vol 20, pg. 173; Sefer HaSichot 5752, vol. 1, pg. 152)
Chabad Mashpia of Jerusalem Question: A while back you wrote that we
should look for these three things in a prospec-
Tens of locals and respected rabbonim tive spouse: 1. a shared commitment to build-
gathered in the Baal HaTanya shul [in ing a Jewish home; 2. good character traits; 3.
Meah Shearim] to mark the 21st yahr- an emotional connection - meshichat halev. I
zeit of the famous mashpia of have been dating a young man and he checks all
Yerushalayim, R’ Moshe Veber, a”h. those boxes. Yet, there are things about him that
I wish were different. Should I marry with the
Rabbi Weber was appointed by hope that he will change.
the Previous Rebbe to be mashpia in
yeshivas Toras Emes, where he taught Answer: When a person comes for marriage
and advised students for many years. counseling, they usually begin by voicing their
He was later appointed by the Rebbe complaints against their spouse. They are frus-
as mashpia of Chabad Chassidim in trated and unhappy, their expectations remain
Yerushalayim. unfulfilled, and they feel increasingly distant
from their spouse. Their message is: if only he/
Following the Six-Day War, Rabbi she would change things would be better.
Yet, the issue is usually not their spouse. The
marriage is built on a shaky foundation. We
Cooking Tip of the Week Weber established the tefillin stand at are taught in Pirkei Avos 5:16: A love that is
the Kotel plaza which he tended him- dependent on something, when the thing ceases,
Pargiot for Pesach: An easy way self every day for hours. He was the love also ceases. But a love that is not de-
to make pargiot: Marinate them in known to many ba’alei teshuva and pendent on anything never ceases. The founda-
fresh squeezed orange juice. In a others who enjoyed his hospitality for tion of a stable marriage is acceptance. Behav-
sautée pan with olive oil or shmaltz Shabbos meals in his modest home in iors, interests, appearance, etc., are all external
thinly slice three onions and place Meah Shearim. manifestations. If one loves their spouse be-
on pan with two peeled and sliced cause of these things, they are not loving the
sweet potatoes. Heat and cook till spouse, they are loving things about their
soft. Top with the pargiot and cook The yahrzeit gathering was addressed
by prominent Rebbes and Rabbonim spouse. And, what happens should these things
till done. If you prefer you can cube change?
the pargiot. Covering the pan while including Rabbi Yekusiel Far-
they are cooking is not necessary kash, Rov and posek in Yerushalayim, Yet, how can a love not be “dependent on any-
Rabbi Tuvia Zilberstorm, Rov of thing”? Shouldn’t a husband or wife be able to
but will keep in the moisture. Salt to
Shikun Chabad in Yerushalayim, the list the reasons for their love? No. The reason
Rebbes of Toldos Ahron, Zvhil, Pinks for the love is simply: I love and accept them
Alizah Hochstead, -Karlin, Kretchnif-Sighet, and others. because they are my spouse. The list expresses Source: positive qualities, but is not the reason for love.
In addition, imperfections should not be obsta-
cles to acceptance; they are normal. We come
Halacha Corner – Using Another’s Tefilin into this world so we can grow. Imperfections
enable us to deepen our empathy and acceptance
We may use another’s tefilin if we do not have our own pair, since the hala- of our spouse.
chah is a person is glad when a mitzvah is done with his money or posses-
sions. Therefore, we can assume that a person would not mind if his tefilin In short: acceptance = harmony; lack of ac-
are used by another Jew to do a mitzvah. However, there are a number of ceptance = conflict. Of course, there are excep-
conditions that must be met: tions. Some behaviors are unacceptable and
should not be tolerated And, some expectations
Firstly, borrowing another’s tefilin without his knowledge and explicit per- are healthy and should be maintained. However,
mission should not become habitual; it should only be done temporarily, if by and large, many marriage problems stem
we do not have our own tefilin for some reason. Secondly, we should put from a lack of acceptance. When there is ac-
away the tefilin properly, and not leave them unwound. Thirdly, we may not ceptance there is closeness.
take them out of the shul, even if we plan on bringing them back; we may use
them only in the room where the owner left them. According to many opin- Marrying with the hope that your husband will
ions, we are required to put them back in the same spot where we found change is risky. If change does not occur you
them. The fourth condition is that we can only make the assumption that a may become unhappy, frustrated or even resent-
person would approve of our using his tefilin if he is not present; if the owner ful. Once you decide to marry, be prepared to
is present, we should ask express permission before using his tefilin. There is accept your husband as he is. Growth can hap-
a minority opinion among poskim that even if a person yells, “I do not let you pen, but marital harmony should not be depend-
use my tefilin!” we may use them anyway, but the majority of poskim disa- ent on whether your husband will change.
gree. Aharon Schmidt - marriage, family and individ-
Rav Yosef Yeshaya Braun, shlita, Mara D’asra & member of the Badatz of ual counseling. For appointment or to share
Crown Heights, 1 Minute Halacha, Issue #32, question:

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