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A Psycard Prediction Scenario

This spread is designed for use with the Psycard deck. Use This is a “situational awareness” spread that can be used in
of other decks will require adjustment of the card selection problem-solving and decision-making situations. The five-
for the Significator, Archetype and Verdict positions. Card #4 card line shows progress from the querent's initial
Reversals aren't used with the Psycards. awareness and engagement to conclusion of the matter.
The top and bottom cards are meant to show consequences
of the querent's actions.

Card #1
Archetype Card #2 Card #3 Verdict

Position Meanings: Separate the Verdict cards (Yes, No, Now, Never) from the deck
before starting. Shuffle them and randomly select one at the end
Archetype: The Querent's ideal stance in the matter. of the reading to indicate the likely outcome, in terms of the
probability or imminence of success.
Significator: “The Inquirer” or selected topic card. Card #5
Remove “The Inquirer” from the deck if using a topic card as
Card #1: What is at risk in this situation? the Significator.
Card #2: What should I withdraw from?
Card #3: What should I aspire to? The intent of the Archetype Card is to show the querent's most
Card #4: What will be gained? advantageous approach: firm (Father); patient (Mother); open-
Card #5: What will be lost? minded (Fool); conservative (Sage), aggressive (Warrior).
Shuffle the five cards separately, randomly choose one, and
Verdict: Is success likely or imminent? (Yes/Now or No/Never) return the rest to the deck before starting.

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