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Bright Idea Deck

Based on the Tarot structure but with modern artwork, the Bright Idea
Deck is a creative tool for brainstorming and business. It has 78 cards,
including 22 trumps and 56 minors in four suits titled Red, Blue, Green
and Yellow.

Created by Mark McElroy, Eric Hotz

Tarot Deck - 78 Cards - Llewellyn 2005

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Re v ie ws of the Bright Ide a De ck

Card Images from the Bright Idea Deck

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More About These Cards

Name : Bright Idea Deck
Cre ators: Mark McElroy, Eric Hotz
Publishe r: Llewellyn 2005
De ck Type : Tarot Deck
Cards: 78
M ajor Arcana: 22
M inor Arcana: 56
De ck Tradition: Modern M ost Popular De cks at Ae cle ctic
M inor Arcana Style : Unique Scenes Without Suit Symbols · Wild Unknown Tarot
Suits: Blue, Green, Yellow, Red · Tarot M ucha
Court Cards: Learning, Doing, Feeling, Controlling · Ride r-Waite Tarot
The Fool is 0 · Easy Tarot
Stre ngth is 11 · Ev e ryday Witch Tarot
Justice is 8 · The Good Tarot
Card Size : 3.00 x 4.50 in. = 7.62cm x 11.43cm · Ethe re al Visions Tarot
Card Language : English · Shadowscape s Tarot
Card Back: Unknown · Osho-Ze n Tarot
Companion M ate rial: Companion book. · Wildwood Tarot

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· Golde n Tarot
· Dre ams of Gaia Tarot
· Wisdom of the Oracle

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Bright Idea Deck Review by Bonnie Cehovet

The Bright Idea Deck is clearly meant to act as a follow-up to McElroy's
previous book, Putting The Tarot To Work. There is a slight tilt with this
deck and book, however, as the word Tarot is never mentioned -
anywhere. Not in the book, not in the publicity (it is being marketed under
the category of Self-Help/Business).

It appears that it is being marketed under a veil, as it were. Businesses,

groups and individuals who might balk at using the Tarot will jump at
using "cards, just cards" for creative brainstorming. However, the deck is
broken down into twenty-two trumps and four suits, with four approach
cards entitled "Learning, Doing, Feeling, and Controlling" in each suit.

There is also a plethora of astrological symbols hidden in relatively plain

sight on each of the cards, as well as a fair amount of occult symbology,
such as the red circle, yellow diamond, and crescent moon on the street
sign in the Yellow Two (Debate), the wings on the heels of the figure in
Trump 1 (Capability), the green snake in Trump XI (Boldness), the dove
and crescent moon in the Red Nine (Release), the seven birds in the sky
in Trump VIII (Balance) and the Blue Four (Restlessness), and the
veritable alchemical quilt in Trump XIV (Synthesis).

The 202 page book accompanying the deck is truly full of bright ideas.
The deck is being promoted as a powerful idea processor and
brainstorming tool, leading to a quicker turn-around time in solving
problems, ease of generating new ideas and effectively thinking outside
of the box. McElroy lists some of the ways in which this deck can be used:
generating ideas in planning sessions; mapping out storylines, character
motivation, plot twists and writer's block; boosting creativity for marketing
departments and advertising agencies; corporate trainers and presenters
can use this deck for ice-breakers, attention getting games and memory
aids; and anyone can apply this deck for personal use (exploring options,
problem solving, building action plans).

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It is suggested that each card can be used in several ways: as an

approach to problem solving; an action to be taken; a person (or type of
person); a moment or situation from everyday life; information about an
issue or situation; a factor that influences, creates, perpetuates, or could
resolve your situation.

The deck is broken down into two types of cards: trumps and suits. The
twenty-two trumps carry more weight, representing methods, motivations
and influences that deserve special attention.

The four suits are broken down as follows: Red (actions, desires, goals
and intentions); Blue (emotions, feelings, perceptions, intuitions,
reactions, and prejudices); Yellow (decision making, logic, mathematics,
strategies, responses, judgment, and reasoning); Green (material
resources, the five senses, physical objects, and the environment). The
numbers of each suit are defined as follows: (1) Opportunity; (2) Duality;
(3) Productivity; (4) Stability; (5) Instability; (6) Flexibility; (7) Psychology;
(8) Activity; (9) Totality; (10) Finality.

McElroy lists the following steps in preparing to use the cards: (1)
Prepare Yourself; (2) Phrase Your Question; (3)Select A Spread; (4)
Shuffle the Cards; (5) Deal the Cards; (6) Make Some Meanings; (7) Plan
Some Action.

There are several spreads listed in the book: a five card Four
Dimensions spread; and a three card Past/Present/Future spread.
McElroy also describes laying out lines of cards for working with options
(Pro and Con spread), and for working with individuals.

Each card is presented with its Title; Associations (Encourages and

Cautions Against); Exploration (a listing of five questions to ask about the
card); and Commentary (a short paragraph about how the author sees
the card). There are no scans used in the book.

The book and deck come in a very bright yellow box that opens from the
side. My only complaint here is that the box is of very light construction.
Inside are the book and deck (but no bag to place the deck in once

The cards are approximately 3" by 4 1/2", of good quality, glossy

cardstock. The back of the cards show a hand holding a glowing
lightbulb, over a multi-color background. The graphic is used facing each
direction, so that it would be impossible to determine if the cards had
been drawn in the upright or reversed position. There are two extra cards
with the deck: one that lists the number associations, and one that lists
the trump and suit associations.

The face of the cards shows a 1/4" colored border (Purple for the

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Bright Idea Deck Reviews & Images | Aeclectic Tarot

Trumps, and Red, Blue, Yellow or Green for the suits). For the Trumps,
across the bottom of the card is listed the number and title. For the suits,
across the bottom of the card is listed the card number and a keyword.
The keywords are written in a lighter version of the trump or suit color, so
that they are not distracting, but in reality - this doesn't work, except for
the Yellow suit. The artwork is that of line drawings, with nice use of color.
However, the color is both muted and flat. This type of deck might have
been better presented with a more vibrant, intense color scheme.

The Blue 1 carries the keyword Motivation. Here we see a gentleman,

dressed in a suit, facing a table with a goldfish bowl sitting on it (and a
goldfish swimming in it). He has a large gold cup in his left hand, and a
folded whip in his right hand. On the wall behind him is a gold picture with
the numbers 69, and an astrological glyph. One of the questions that can
be asked here is: "What motivates you more, the promise of the gold cup
or the whip?"

Trump 0 is entitled Freedom. At the top of the card, we see a black spiral
on a yellow background. Following this are curved stripes in red, yellow,
green, blue and purple. Resting on the blue stripe is a white egg. On the
yellow stripe we see a brown dog, with an open book floating in the air
above him. In the center of the card is a businessman dressed in a black
suit. In his left hand he carries a stick with a Joker's head on it, and in his
right hand he carries an hourglass.

Green 1 carries the keyword Receiving. We see a young lady, wearing a

red dress and shoes, seated on a large stone. In her lap she holds an
elegantly wrapped green box that she has just opened. She is seated in
the middle of the desert, with green cacti in the background. Note the
visible split in the ground, with the green plant growing from it. This is
another card that shows multiple astrological glyphs. The commentary for
this card concerns whether we are ready to make the most of what comes
to us each day.

Trump II is entitled Intuition. It features a female, dressed in a green

dress, wearing green shoes and hovering over an expanse of water. She
hold both arms over her head. In her left hand she holds a book, in her
right hand she holds a lit candle. In the background we see a crescent
moon. The commentary revolves around tapping into our feelings and
allowing them to carry us through the desert to the happy oasis.

The Red 10 carries the keyword exhaustion. Here we see a male figure,
seated at a table. His jacked it off, his sleeves are rolled up, and his torso
(but not his arms) are in chains. The table is filled with stacks of
paperwork, and there is a clock on the wall behind him. The look on his
face is one of resignation. The commentary here deals with what
pointless tasks are draining our energy.

5 di 14 05/02/2020, 12:14
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The concept behind this deck and book, the organization and writing, as
well as the illustrations are all top notch. It is easy to use, fun to use, and
will certainly fill its intended purpose. My one problem here is that the
format of the Tarot has been taken in blanket form and attempted to be
placed into a more general "creativity" format. Prospective purchasers of
this book need to be aware of this. If your purpose in working with these
cards is to work with/expand your own creative nature, then they will work
very nicely. If you attempt to work with them from a Tarot standpoint - I
don't think they will work as well.

© Bonnie Cehovet

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Bright Idea Deck Review by Solandia

"Welcome to the Bright Idea Deck, a powerful idea processor and
brainstorming tool disguised as a deck of cards. With this deck you can
solve problems faster, generate new ideas more easily, and think outside
the box more effectively than ever before."

Mark McElroy, author of down-to-earth and pragmatic Tarot books

Putting the Tarot to Work and Taking the Tarot to He art, extends his
business-like approach to a full deck of 78 not-quite-Tarot cards.
Together with illustrator Eric Hotz, he has made a deck for executive,
manager, writers, or even marketing departments that can be used for
creative brainstorming, idea generating, corporate strategising and much

The Bright Idea deck has 22 trump cards that are the "twenty-two highly
experienced advisors", associated with methods, motivations and
influences, and four suits of sixteen cards each. All have very modern
imagery with an emphasis on the urban business and corporate world.
The Tarot archetypes remain, though in detail they are very different in
their depiction of contemporary scenarios and concepts. Judgement, for
example, shows an unusual angle from inside a person’s mouth behind
the teeth (white but for one) while a dentist leans in to check.

The 78 cards are colour-coded: trumps with deep purple edges, and the
suits coloured and named Red, Blue, Green and Yellow. Red stands for
actions, desires, goals and intentions; Blue for emotions, feelings,
perceptions, intuitions, reactions and prejudices; Yellow are the decision,
making, logic, maths, strategies, responses, judgement and reasoning
cards; while Green are the material resources, five senses, physical

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Bright Idea Deck Reviews & Images | Aeclectic Tarot

objects, and environment. All the minor cards show modern scenes from
suburban or city life. The Red 10 card, Exhaustion, will be a familiar
feeling to anyone who has worked in an office – a red-headed man
slumps despondently in chains in front of a desk loaded with piles of

The art for the Bright Idea Deck was produced by Canadian illustrator,
Eric Hotz. It is similar in general style to his previous work, the Magical
Menagerie, and has fully illustrated line drawings of fairly thick black ink,
filled with colour. In content the cards are a little like the Gay Tarot but
drawn with more ambiguity, with less detail in its images and less overt
Tarot symbolism. The men and women pictured in the cards are
representative of the business and executive world; while predominantly
white and of working age, there are men and women (and some who
could be either) with skin colours of all tones and of all ages. They mostly
wear corporate attire of suits and ties for men and jacket and skirt sets
for women, or smart casual.

Along with the non-standard imagery, titles and suit simplifications, the
court cards also differ. Here they are called Approach Cards, and are
titled Learning, Doing, Feeling and Controlling. Much of the occult,
Christian, and traditional symbolism common to a Tarot deck has been
removed or altered to scenes more easily comprehended by a modern
and corporate audience. In spite of the emphasis on the practical and
away from the mystical and spiritual, there are occasional astrological
and elemental symbols used in the card imagery, apparently as
decorating on walls, furniture and other objects, though these are not
explained in the cards.

The companion book, Creative Brainstorming with the Bright Idea Deck,
offers a fresh perspective for using the cards. It has a basic guide for
using the cards, a ‘cheat sheet’ of ideas for the trumps, and a large
section on the cards themselves with Associations, Exploration and
Commentary. The Associations have two sections: Encourages and
Cautions Against. Exploration is a series of questions intended to make
you think about what aspects of the card’s image might mean to you;
what associations it brings up in your mind. The Commentary is the
individual advice referring to the images and scenes in the cards. Finally,
there are fifty things to do with the Bright Idea deck from sharpening your
artistic skills, to putting a finger on what is bugging you, and coming up
with great gift ideas.

The whole Bright Idea set is packaged in a flip-front, rather flimsy

cardboard box and contains the book, cards and an empty white box
without an apparent use. The cards are easy to handle and glossy, with
reversible backs picturing a rainbow background and a mirrored hand
holding a lit bulb.

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Bright Idea Deck Reviews & Images | Aeclectic Tarot

I found the Bright Idea Deck was not conventionally attractive, but very
functional. Developed for use in practical and business situations
requiring a fresh perspective, it provides plenty of starting points for new
ideas, plans and strategies. Ideal for people requiring new solutions for
corporate management or advancement, a kick start in the creative or
writing arena, or simply some practical problem-solving in their every day
work - or home - life.

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Bright Idea Deck Review by Djenra

Nowhere on this Bright Idea Deck box will you find the word Tarot, yet it is
Tarot deck with 78 full cards. It has fully reversible images on the back
and is every thing a Tarotist would recognize and use except it is called
by the author of the concept Mark Mc Elroy - *a brainstorming tool*. This
is Tarot for the marketplace. Tarot for the business world. Who would
want them to be able to identify what they are really dealing with so lets
just say - it is a *deck of cards*.

The deck has renamed the 22 Majors:

Fool- Freedom
Magician- Capability
High Priestess- Intuition
Empress- Nurturing
Emperor- Authority
Justice- Balance
Hermit- Experience
Wheel- Luck
Strength- Boldness
Hanged Man- Perspective
Death- Passage
Temperance- Synthesis
Tower- Demolition
Star- Optimism
Moon- Fantasy
Sun- Energy
Judgment- Examination
Earth- Wholeness

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The Court cards have disappeared replaced by four functions:

King= Controlling
Queen= Feeling
Knight= Doing
Page= Learning

There are no suits in this deck. They have been replaced by color coded
borders. This is not a new idea, it was used quite successfully in the
Wheel of Change Tarot. Thus Red is the equivalent of Wands, Blue of
Cups, Yellow of Swords and Green of Disks. The Trumps have a purple

The art work by Eric Hotz is done in a graphic novel style. Some of the
concepts are quite good and I have seen in a number of cases in the
minors or pips where the illustration gives a real insight into a card that
one may have grappled for in traditional Tarot. Some of the keywords
shine quite brilliantly in Mc Elroy’s work.

The 216 page paperback that accompanies the deck oddly has no
illustrations of any kind other than the author's photo. This detracts from
the use of the book as one has to have the deck on hand when
accessing the content ascribed to each card. At least I find this method to
be useful. A black and white illustration would have been fine, if cost of
production was a factor in this decision. I think that the exclusion of the
cards in the book is a further example of how the author wanted to
maintain a distance between his deck and what is a Tarot book about a

The authors concepts about business are traditional. There is a

disproportionate number of European people in the deck, only a few
Blacks and no Asians. The women seem to be portrayed more as
homemakers and aren't as much involved in the business world. There
are some blonde figures pony-tailed that are hard to pinpoint gender
wise. Thus the predominate business culture is fairly represented in this
deck where things are not *even-steven* nor are they *fair and square*.

Speaking of clichés the author uses a lot of them in his descriptions of

the cards. He tries to *ramp up* with a little business lingo, but all in all the
BWB or big white book (with color cover) that comes with the deck could
have been better designed or planned a bit better. Like the box there is
no mention of the word Tarot in the text of the book except in the bio
blurb of the author.

Purpose of the Deck

Each new deck gets a reading in which it can tell me of it's purpose and
how it can be used in my life. The first card was the Red 2. In the author's
deck the keyword for this card is CONFLICT. An apt view because this

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Bright Idea Deck Reviews & Images | Aeclectic Tarot

deck is itself in conflict. It is Tarot marketed as something else. The

concept itself is conflicted. McElroy says: *push frequently turns to shove
and conflict is born*. To a Tarotist these words brings to mind the
animated RWS 5 of wands, where people are pushing and shoving.

The 2 of wands to us Tarot folk is a card of dominion showing an attempt

to control or to lord it over something or someone. Thus we can see by
looking at this card in two different ways that the function and the
purpose of this deck was to enter into competition not as a Tarot deck
where there is a lot of competition but to *rule elsewhere* being marketed
as a *business tool*. Conflicted purpose is the description pulled out of
the hat of the BRIGHT IDEA DECK.

The reading goes on to say that the deck itself was conceived by a
brainstorming technique in order to make a good impression or leave a
mark. It continues to say it would make a good gift to someone who wants
to access the Spirit of Collaboration! Well, the deck speaks well and it
speaks true. I can see the possibility of using it for business or finance
related readings, at a corporate funded psychic fair, or in an investment
club meeting.

Since it is such an eloquent deck, it would be a mistake to overlook or to

underestimate it’s value and it’s place in the world of Tarot because of a
marketing decision.

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Bright Idea Deck Review by Clara Yvonne

I love this deck and find it a highly creative contribution for both the
novice tarot reader and the experienced tarotist by someone who
understands how people learn. Despite its many innovations, it is
readable right out of the box.

Let me say first that I voted for the Bright Idea Deck by Mark McElroy for
Aeclectic's Best Tarot Deck for 2005. That said, let me, also, say that
though the word tarot does not appear anywhere in the deck, book or
packaging, it is, to me, more of a serious and traditional tarot deck than
almost any I have seen. So many are just about pretty art. For me, it is a
five star deck.

Please do not get your feathers ruffled over McElroy's marketing decision
to create a deck accessible to those who would not ordinarily buy a tarot
deck and whose identified purpose is as a tool for creative problem

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Bright Idea Deck Reviews & Images | Aeclectic Tarot

solving. Let's not be at all distracted by it either. Clearly, he is trying to

address the two worlds he lives in: corporate and tarot. Just be open and,
with fresh eyes, look at the deck; those familiar with tarot will find a wealth
of both traditional and new symbology in a deck well suited for ANY
purpose be it brain storming, meditation, problem solving as well as
developing the characters and plot of a novel, fortune telling or anything
else your little heart desires...and the more you already know, the more
you see. The symbolism isn't always obvious and may be pictorial but it is
there waiting for you to discover it. This is a deck that will gently
challenge you because this is a deck you can grow with.

This 78 card tarot deck, in the tradition of the Rider Waite Smith Tarot
(RWS), has fully illustrated minors but the majors follow in the Marseille
tradition in structure and meanings with The Lovers card depicting a
choice and Vlll as Justice and Xl as Strength. However, in this deck, there
is totally new yet tarotistically valid imagery that is very modern in keeping
with McElroy's pragmatic approach. The meaning of the cards are more
numerologically based. This means there is more consistency from suit to
suit as to the meanings of... say the fives. This does, in some cases,
affect meanings but does not create confusion. The cards have been
renamed so, for example, The Magician is called Capability. The suits are
identified only by the color of the borders (red, blue, yellow, green) with
the majors having their own color (purple). The court cards are the most
innovative. They are called Learning, Doing, Feeling and Controlling
instead of Page, Knight, Queen, King and do not conform even by
gender to the traditional tarot court images.

An interesting issue that this deck brings up for me is the numerological

and tarot significance of the numbers 9 and 10. This has come up for me
in other decks. At what point do we have completion, excess, reality,
wishful fantasy/nightmare, fulfillment of the element??? Numerologically, 9
is the end point and 10 is 1 + 0 or 1. McElroy, in his blue bordered
"10.Overwhelmed" (10 of cups), implies excess or something beyond

I cannot praise this deck enough!! He has reduced the tarot deck to its
essentials, lost nothing of its true form and meaning and has reinvented
the whole look and feel of the deck. Yet it all feels quite natural and
comprehensible despite so much being completely new which is quite a
trick to so sucessfully pull off. Anyone familiar with a tarot deck will find
that they immediately understand.

Because I use my tarot decks for meditation and associate to the imagery
when I do a problem solving reading, imagery is important in my deck
selection. Artist Eric Hotz's colorful line drawings depict no high priestess,
angels or mystical visions and are not "pretty" in any conventional sense;
his focus on everyday situations feels, to me - once I started to work with

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Bright Idea Deck Reviews & Images | Aeclectic Tarot

it, more personally relevant and, therefore, both more spiritually and
more emotionally evocative. This is the real world from which our
spirituality creates its starting point.

The card quality is quite good though just a tad slippery and the size
(about 3" X 41/2") could be just a tad more narrow for my hands.
Because I do a kind of comparative tarot and only shuffle and select
cards from my primary deck (RWS) and, then, add the equivalent cards
from whatever other decks I am using in that reading, I cannot not
comment on how it feels to shuffle this deck.

Overall, I find the deck and book to be extremely well thought out. I was
very impressed with the cohesiveness of his thinking and, for this reason,
also recommend his other books. There is much to like. For starters,
there is the plain-talk clarity of the 202 page book, Creative
Brainstorming with the Bright Idea Deck which accompanies the deck as a
set. Because McElroy is targeting a non- taroist market and given his
background hosting and producing corporate training seminars as well as
writing training manuals, the book's style, format and language benefit
from this gestalt: all is so simple, well organized and clear that even
though I own more tarot books and decks than I care to admit, I found I
gained new understanding of the tarot especially of the court cards and it
immediatly joined my top favorites- RWS, Osho Zen and Melissa
Townsend's Tarot.

Another thing that I like is that his ideas are in sync with my
understanding of the meaning of each card as being neither all positive
or all negative but representing a continuum. There are no all good all or
all bad images in this deck; each card has both. The book's card
descriptions include what each card "encourages" and each "cautions
against". For those who reverse cards (I do not.), these cards are

Then, there are the other books that McElroy has authored -Putting the
Tarot to Work, What's in the Cards for You, Absolute Be ginne r's
Guide to Tarot and Taking the Tarot to He art. I find his books open
doors and windows. This deck is clearly an outgrowth of Putting the Tarot
to Work which was his first book, came out 2004 and explores creative
problem solving. I especially recommend it though, to be honest, I must
add that Taking the Tarot to Heart did not charge my batteries.

I, also, like McElroy as a person; he was one of the presenters at the

annual week-end Reader's Studio of 2005 sponsored by The Tarot
School and I did not know quite what to expect given his corporate
background. He is funny as hell which I am sure is related to the fact he
handles groups of people all the time. He is, also, very serious about
tarot. What was most enlightening to me was how he does a tarot

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Bright Idea Deck Reviews & Images | Aeclectic Tarot

reading. He was one of three I selected to do 1-1 tarot readings for me at

the end of the day by appointmnent for a fee. To me, this would be an
important part of the learning. Each of the three approached me in a
totally different way. One passed his hands over the layout at the start of
the reading and began to talk about the energies from the cards, where it
was hot and where it was cold. He went on to relate it to the traditional
meanings and his conclusions were accurate but his manner was cold
which did not surprise me as I have heard him lecture on tarot history
which he presents in a manner both fascinating and dry. The second
reader was warmer and more personable but more directive. McElroy, the
third, was very interactive, had me associate to the card imagery before
he came in with his response, wrote down stuff for me to think about and
take away with me and was very empowering. We used my copy of his
deck for the reading. I had presented exactly the same question to all
three. He seemed thoughtful, gentle and observant. Some do not like how
his humor manifests in his books but I have no problem.

In summary, from a tarot perspective, regardless of how McElroy markets

it, this is an excellent TAROT deck that will serve your EVERY tarot

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