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Detailed Lesson Plan in

Catering and Events Management

City College of Angeles

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a) Differentiate strategic and tactic plans;
b) Explain the importance of planning in catering; and
c) Formulate objectives for a short- and long-term plans.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Planning in Catering
Materials: Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, Google Forms, Google Meet
Resources: Professional Catering by Stephen B. Shiring, Sr.

III. Procedures

Teacher’s Activity Students’ activity

A. Routinary Activities
a. Greetings
“Good morning, everyone.” Good morning, Ma’am.

b. Prayer
“_____ can you please lead us in prayer? Okay, Ma’am. Let’s pray.
Lord, thank you for everything
you’ve done for us. I hope you
continue to guide us in everything
we do. Thank you, Lord. Amen.
“Thank you for that short but powerful prayer, __.”

c. Checking of Attendance
“I guess we don’t have any absent today because
you are all here. Let’s proceed.”

“So, how’s everyone?” We’re doing good, Ma’am.

“That’s great to know. I hope you are all good.”
B. Preparatory Activities
a. Review
“So last week, we discussed about the banquet
functions and you also did an activity about the
similarities and differences of banquet and catering.”
“Let’s review. What is the difference between
banquet and catering? Anyone?” *No one is responding*
How banquet and catering differ from each other in
terms of their meaning, formality, purpose, or meals
served?” *Students raising their hands*
Yes, ___.” In terms of formality, banquet is
more formal that catering,
Very good. How about ____”? In terms of their meals, the
banquet is more to have a
luxurious food than catering and
usually banquet is for small group
of people.
“Yes, very well said. In addition to that, banquet
serves main course and dessert. Sometimes, it also
accompanied by alcoholic beverages such as wine
and beer.”
“So, let’s proceed to our new topic.”

b. Motivation
“Before we go further, what can you say with this
quotation “the closer the caterer gets to the event, the
easier the event becomes”?” is it right or wrong? Right, Ma’am. Because when it
the caterer gets closer to the
event, it became more
manageable, Ma’am.
“Okay, you have a point. Thank you, ___.”
“How about those who disagree, why do you think
so?” I think when we get closer or
deeper to the event, the more
difficult it becomes because we
have a lot of things we need to
manage and accomplish.
Okay, thank you, ___. Actually, the right answer is
wrong. Very good, ___. He/she’s right. In addition
to that, it becomes more difficult because there are
lots of systematic process that need to follow and
matters to consider before we finally have a
successful event. And one of those process is the
planning stage which will be our topic for today.

C. Developmental Activities
a. Lesson Proper
“Before that, here are our today’s objectives. At the
end of this session, you should be able to meet these
“And now let’s move on to our main agenda.”
“It says here that planning is the basic among
catering management function. Actually, in catering,
we have this what you call the functions of catering
wherein it helps catering service provider to have a
more manageable and more possibility to have a
successful event catering and planning is the first
among these functions. My question is, why it
became the first and basic function?” **Students raising their hands*
“Yes, ___.” It is our guide on how the
business will operate in the long
Very good, ___. How about the others? Ma’am, without plan, it will be
hard for us to do things because
we don’t have any basis for the
direction of our business.
Yes, very well said. And also, it is the basic because
in every business, planning is always present. It is
always the first step taken by everybody. Even in
education field, teachers are not just appearing in
class without a plan. We are doing lesson planning
to ensure the quality instructions. In planning, we are
also establishing objectives. Why do you think we
are establishing objectives?” For us to have a goal, Ma’am.
“Exactly. Because if we don’t have a goal, why do
we do business? Why do we do things at the first
place, right?” Yes, Ma’am.
“In addition to that, planning helps to minimize
unexpected surprises or happenings including
accidents, and problems, that is why risk
management, contingency plan, and back up plans
are being considered in planning stage.”
“There are 2 types of plans used in catering
management which are strategic and tactic plans.
What do you think is a plan for a long-term and for
short term? *Students raising their hands*
“Yes, ____?” I guess strategic is for long term
because of the word strategy,
while tactic is for short term.
“Very good and well guess. That’s correct answer.
Strategic plan is intended for a long-term while tactic
is for a short-term period.”
“The following are their objectives. How would you
describe their objectives?” The objectives in strategic plan
are focus on the business and how
will it run for the long time.
While in tactic, it focuses on the
service we are offering.
“Very well said, ___.”
“Part of the planning is making a timeline. It is use
for us to have a more organized process.”
“It says here that the catering manager, chef,
purchasing event agent, and the service manager
must include in planning a timeline. Why do you
think so?” Because they are the most
involve and responsible on the
catering event.
“Yes, very good. And they meet early in the
planning stage. The two timeline that they usually
plan is the food production and staffing planning

“Here is the timeline for food production. 75 days

before the event, there should have a clear detail
about the theme and objectives of the catering and
the menu must already select for the chefs and other
back-of-the-house staffs will have a time to study the
menu selected by the client. It takes 2-3 weeks for
selected menu research. The availability, the price,
the quantity needed etc.”

“Then 45 days before the event, the menu must be

finalized. There’s already a standard recipe to follow
and it should be discussed with the chefs. Then 30
days before the event, that is the time for delegation
of responsibilities in food preparation, inventory of
the ingredients, and verification of the menu. After
that, 15 days before the event, inventory are in order
including the equipment needed. Then 7 days before
the event, this is the time for discussion with the
caterer about the following. My question is, why do
we have to discuss about these matters 7 days before
the event? Why not on the day before the event or
why not a month or 3 weeks before the event?” *Students raising their hands*
“Yes, ___?” Because if we’re going to discuss
it the day before the event, it will
be hassle for everyone because
there is no enough time to handle
things and it will probably cause
delays and other problems.
“Very well said, ___. And also, to make sure if every
department are in order and ready for the upcoming
“The 1 day before the event, there will be a briefing
for the kitchen staffs. They will discuss about the
preparation of the food. Then after the event, that is
the time for inventory checking of ingredients and
equipment. Also, checking the leftovers to know
what food was not eaten by the participants and it
will serve also as feedback for the caterer.”

“Next is the staffing planning timeline. Why do you

think this timeline is important?” For the assurance that there will
be an appropriate, qualified, and
back-up staffs in the upcoming
“Very good, ___. And also, to avoid staffing
problems. If there will be a lack of staffs, we will
have an enough time to look for it.”
“It says here, 75 days before the event, the
qualification for a staff should be known so that
recruitment can start. 30 days before the event, there
should now have a number of staffs needed and that
is also the time for delegation of their tasks. Then 4
days before the event, there will be a staff review.
Then 7 days before the event, the caterer should be
able to answer these questions. Why do you think
so? why caterer should know or these things must be
determined 7 days before the event? Why not earlier
than 7 days or 3 weeks before the event?” If this will be discussed prior to
the said day or weeks, we cannot
assure the availability of the
employees. for example, we
discussed these matters 3 weeks
before the event, there’s still an
instance to have sudden changes
or employees might back out
after we discuss.
“Very well said, ___. We cannot avoid that. Usually,
people apply to job to earn. If their expected salary
doesn’t meet what we can provide for them, they
probably will back out. That is why before recruiting
people, make sure that the salary is clearly stated.”

“In addition to your answers, these matters need to

discuss for us to have a smooth flow of the
operations and to assure that we have a structured
organization and well-delegated tasks, and to follow
up things if there’s a changes or problems occurring.
Through that, we can resolve problems right away.
At the event day, it says here that before the function
starts, caterer must submit a report orally or in
written to department supervisor or to event
manager, why do you think so?” *no one is responding*
“What kind of report do you think a caterer must
submit to the event manager or supervisor?”
Maybe the report is about
informing the event manager that
the catering service is prepared
“Yes, exactly. And also, to inform them if there is or and ready for the event.
there is no problem occurring and if foods are ready
to serve.”
“Lastly, 1 day after the event, supervisors will
submit an after-action report or like feedback on how
the cater performed in the event.”

“Any questions?”
“Are you sure? Any clarifications?” None, Ma’am.
Okay, I hope everything is clear. None, Ma’am.
b. Generalization
1. How important is planning in the catering service?
2. How strategic and tactic plans differ from each other?
3. If you are assigned to be a caterer manager, what is the first preparation will you do?
4. How important is the topic to your future profession or as a BTVTED student?

D. Post Activities
a. Application
If you are about to plan for a catering business, what would be your SMART objectives
in the following:
1. Short-term plan
- 2 objectives as a caterer for an inclusive event.
2. long-term plan
- 2 objectives for a catering business.
Criteria 4- Excellent 3- Very good 2- Adequate 1- Marginal
Formulated Specific, 4 descriptions 3 descriptions 2 descriptions
Objectives Measurable, among the among the among the
Attainable, SMART have SMART have SMART have
Realistic, met met met
Content Appropriate Most details Few details No details
details and support the support the support the
accurate ideas main idea; main idea; few main idea;
most ideas are of the ideas ideas are not
accurate are accurate accurate
Pointing system: +2 for effort in passing the activity
Total points for the activity = 10 points
IV. Assessment
Students will take 10 items of questions.
Multiple Choice-type of quiz.

V. Assignment
Read in advance about the functions of catering in preparation for graded recitation for
the next meeting.

Prepared by:
Herbas, Lian E.
Pre-service Teacher

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