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Personal Achievement

I learned to play a few instruments when I was in grade 10, when I took music class in school. I
would say I got curious, and my friend encouraged me to learn how to play instruments as she
knows how. My parents bought me a guitar and that is when I started practicing on my own on
my free time. I have really enjoyed learning and singing along whenever I play music on my
instruments. It gives me a sense of peace and it is also one of the things me and my friends
would do whenever we hung out.
Personal Relevancy:
Learning to play instruments made me open my interests and discover myself more by trying
different things. It also helped me to express how I truly feel through music. There are some
things that are hard to say but with music I can feel the artist’s emotion and it speaks to me
personally. I was able to bring my imagination into an actual thing by making music, and
knowing how to play instruments is one of the parts of composing one. Music connects people
and it shows how humans can relate to each other even if we experience different things in life,
but we all share the same joy, pain, sadness, and anger; and with music we relate to each
other’s feelings.
Skill Development:
There are lots of skills you get when playing an instrument. Body coordination would be the
particularly important one as most instruments require different motor skills. It also builds the
ability to be creative and understand patterns of the song. It also builds reading and
comprehension skills as well as collaboration skills.
Self Awareness:
It allows me to explore my identity and get creative. It also allows me to think differently and
see music as unique perspectives of people, and be able to hear peoples thoughts and ideas
through songs. Music moves me and affects my emotions.
Future Connections:
Skills that I get from learning to play the instruments would be an immense help with
collaborating with people and be able to take risk and experiment on new things.

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