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April 13, 2023

Brenda P. Maroleña
School Principal
Ormoc City National High School

Dear: Ma’am;
Greetings of Peace!
In partial fulfillment of my requirements for my subject Practical Research 1, I am
Jennielyn Calanda, a grade 11 students of section Fibonacci I would like to ask a
permission to conduct a research study entitled “A study of how fungus affects plant
I believe that you are with me in my enthusiasm to finish the requirements as
compliance for my subject and to develop our well-being. This study will be conducted
on April 30, 2023. I’m hoping for your positive response in this humble matter. Your
approval to conduct this study will be greatly appreciated.

Respectfully Yours;
Jennielyn Calanda
The Researcher

Recommending Approval:
Ms. Aylene Bagulaya
Practical Research 1 Teacher
Approved by:
Brenda P. Maroleña
School Principal
April 13, 2023
Hon. Lily C. Maglasang
Barangay Captain
Brgy. Punta, Ormoc City

Dear: Hon. Maglasang;

Greetings of Peace!
In partial fulfillment of my requirements for my subject Practical Research 1, I am
Jennielyn Calanda, a grade 11 students of section Fibonacci I would like to ask a
permission to conduct a research study entitled “A study of how fungus affects plant
In connection with this, I would like to ask if you allow me to conduct a study in your
barangay for my research. This study will be conducted on April 30, 2023. Rest assured
that this data I will gather will remain absolutely confidential and to be used in academic
purposes only.
I believe that you are with me in my enthusiasm to finish the requirements as
compliance for my subject and to develop our well-being. I’m hoping for your positive
response in this humble matter. Your approval to conduct this study will be greatly

Respectfully Yours;
Jennielyn Calanda
The Researcher

Recommending Approval:
Ms. Aylene Bagulaya
Practical Research 1 Teacher
Approved by:
Hon. Lily C. Maglasang
Brgy. Captain
A Study on How Fungus affect Plants Growth
I. Personal Information

Name: Gender: Age:

______________________ ________ _________

II. Questionnaire
Directions: Check your answer in a scale number box. 1 Is the lowest and 5 is
the highest.
Questions 1 2 3 4 5
1. Does the fungus affect the plant’s growth?

2. Scale from 1–5 the effect of fungus on plant


3. Scale the positive effect of fungus on plant

4. Scale the negative effect of fungus on plant

III. Write your answer in the space provided.

1. How many days does fungus affect the plant’s growth?

2. What kind of plants does fungus affect?

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