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Penguins have the ability to fly

On April 1, 2008, the BBC aired a video shot in Antarctica convincing viewers that
penguins can fly, much to the amusement of those who watched it.

According to the BBC, the clip was filmed for a natural history television program
called Miracles of Evolution. The video has recorded images of Adélie penguins
living in Antarctica. The Adélie penguin is one of the largest southern seabirds in
the world. The long and extremely cold Antarctic winters have forced some groups
of Adélies to adapt by acquiring the ability to fly. The video shows the birds taking
off one by one, the sky turning from a normal blue to a sunset orange, and soon the
whole sky becomes filled with thousands of large flocks of birds and penguins in
flight. The penguins fly over the icebergs and then fly away, thousands of
kilometers into the rainforests of South America.

However, shortly after, the BBC clarified that it was an April Fool's hoax with the
aim of further raising awareness about BBC iPlayer and benefiting the service in
its own right. The animation was created by a team of animators and composers
using films about birds with a similar shape to penguins, such as penguins taking
off and flying to ensure They are able to reproduce the movements of the penguin
as realistically as possible.

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