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In the modern world today, the internet has become one of the parts that is dispensable for

people. It plays an important role in lives and helps to keep in touch with many relationships. However,
there are many young children who have access to the internet without the supervision of parents and start
to socialize with strangers which is very dangerous for them. These are some problems about this situation
and how to solve it.
The internet is not only has its advantages but also disadvantages with those who don’t know
much about what you have to face with on the internet. Especially, young children who are still naïve and
don’t know much about how dangerous it is to make friends with strangers. The information that children
share on the internet can be stolen and used for many bad purposes from those who steal it. For example, if
they use the phone number that you make public to loan banking then you will be the one responsible for
this. Moreover, without the supervision of parents, children can easily become addicted to the internet and
there will be a lack of community skills. Today, on the internet there are many things that aren’t suitable for
children. If they see the bad things, they can learn to follow it.
However, this problem has many ways to solve. Parents should take notice of their children
when they are using the internet. Besides that, parents need to set the limit on time for children to use the
internet. For example, children can play computer or phone for one or two hours a day. Parents should also
tell children about how dangerous it is to make contact with strangers on the internet and encourage them to
go outside to play more often.
In conclusion, the internet is helpful and convenient, however, there are also many dangerous
that you can’t know on the internet, especially young children. Therefore, parental supervision is important
for their children.

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