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Name: Cecellie M.

Section Code: P4
Course: BPA 1A


We are able to alter our schedule during pandemics by staying home instead of being
active at work and school. As time passes, our community gradually recovers, and the festivities
and celebrations that are being planned by our leaders will provide us new things to do. I
participated in tree-planting activities as a Senior Scout because it was one of the conditions for
earning the Eagle Scout rank, the highest rank, which is administered by our Scout Executive. At
five in the morning, I jump out of bed and get ready for the tree-planting event that was taking
place at one of the mountains in Kalasungay, Malaybalay City. In order to be prepared for a new
experience and get to my destination on time, I had packed hiking boots, water, and snacks the
night before. I was in tears as I arrived at our meeting spot because that was the first time I had
seen my friends since the outbreak. We gave each other hugs and had fun spraying each other
with alcohol. We are ecstatic to meet each other because we thought that this pandemic would
prevent us from participating in the activities. Then, our scouters showed up, and we welcomed
The program begins, and we receive an orientation on how the activity operates. We are
also given instructions on how to plant the seedlings properly and the purpose of our tree-planting
activity. Since so many trees have been destroyed or damaged by landslides, which are common
in Bukidnon due to its mountainous terrain, the planting of trees is intended to repair the damage
and reduce the heat in the area. following orientation. We load the seedlings and ourselves onto
the van that the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the Department of
Agriculture have provided. As the van is moving all we had to do was look at the lovely trees in
our location. As we exited the van, we enjoyed the serenity of the surroundings. The DENR and
DA staff members distributed the seedlings once we arrived at our location. Two seedlings were
transported from the base of the mountain to its summit by me and my pals. Although the
mountain is not very tall, our excitement is much greater. Digging a hole and pressing the roots
out of the plastic bag before planting the trees is how we plant the seedlings. We took images of
the lovely nature that is given to all of us.
After the tree planting, we took a trek down the mountain and had breakfast. The staff
cooked and prepared our meal, which consisted of rice with a boiled egg and longganissa, a
delicacy that is well known in our country. After a long period of not interacting with my friends,
we eat there and converse with them while we talked about how we handled and deal with the
pandemic situation. After that great moment, we said our goodbyes to the people who gave us
that kind of amazing experience and thanked them. With that experience, we were able to put
together new documents to meet our requirements. As I preparing to go home, I realized how
important it is to value our natural surroundings. We can feel good about life thanks to trees. The
trees provided us with greater protection as we repaired the damage. I hope that everyone will
agree with my perspective on the value of trees. Without trees, nothing exists.

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