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inger Food Ideas

Always ensure
for 9 months+
finger foods are an
appropriate soft
texture and shape Infants and young children must always be supervised
for your infant or and sitting in an upright position when eating.
young child.
For more advice
about feeding
your baby visit or
call the Careline
on 0800 55 66 66
or call PlunketLine
on 0800 933 922

Chicken slices
Mandarin (segments chopped up) Cooked courgette slices Cucumber (peeled) (cooked, skinless)

Puffed crispbread Pasta (cooked)

Mini meatballs


Chopped watermelon
Pears (cooked, peeled) (no pips)
Apple (finely grated)

Peach slices (soft, peeled)


Finely chopped
roast beef
Broccoli (soft cooked)

Grated cheese

Carrot (soft cooked)

Little sandwiches

Sliced strawberries
Banana (ripe)

Marmite toast

Avocado (soft)

Hard boiled eggs

Hummus with
Kūmara (cooked) Mango (soft) peeled cucumber
June 2022

Prepare and choose snacks and meals with no added sugar or salt.
chb ox & Snack Ide
Lun as
Always ensure
for 12 months+
foods are an
appropriate Young children must always be supervised and
soft texture and
shape for your sitting in an upright position when eating.
young child.

For more advice

about feeding
your toddler visit or
call the Careline
on 0800 55 66 66
or call PlunketLine
on 0800 933 922
Mini pizza Chicken slices
Cheese & Marmite toast Grapes (no pips, cut into quarters) (cooked, skinless)

Wholemeal salad sandwich

Falafel balls
Filled jacket potato

Full-fat yoghurt
Pita pocket (with no added sugar)

Crispbread with hummus
Puffed corn
or rice cakes

Boiled egg toast

Sliced fruit (soft, peeled)

Mini muffins

Egg sandwich
Mini quiche

(cooked or steamed)
Toasted sandwich

Mini scone

Dumplings with minced

meat and vegetable filling
Scrambled egg Banana toast (steamed until soft) Chopped tomato pieces
June 2022

Prepare and choose snacks and meals that are low in salt and have no added sugar. By 12 months of age, most toddlers should be eating the same
types of foods as the rest of the family, especially nutrient-dense foods.

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