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2nd Project

Good afternoon, today we are here to interview 3 different people and write down
in this report what they said, we are going to aks them about a plan that they may
have done during day time, midnigth and in other city, asking them about the place,
why they were there, the posible activities and how was their experience in that
place and if they will recommend to you the plan they are telling us. The people we
are going to interview today are 3, and the have quite the age gap for having a
different point of view, finally they are, My mother, My grandmother and My
boyfriend. My mother’s name is Tatiana and she is 37 years old, my grandmother’s
name is Yolanda and she is 61 years old and my boyfriend’s name is Camilo and
he is 16 years old, also as an extra point of view we are going to ask my Best
Friend, her name is Danna and she is 15 yeards old.
For the plan in the day time we Will start with my mom. She told me she had been
planing to going on a Date with my stepdad and that she told him she wanted
something special and original, so my stepdad planed an afternoon snack with her
in Simon Bolivar, my mom told me she had never seen him so happy and that
made her happy too. She told me that they ate a lot of snacks and then they
walked around the park, they were talking and enjoying their afternoon of romance.
My grandmother told me that we my grandfather was still alive in their last Date
they were on a trip in San andres. She told me he prepared something in secret
and she just found out 3 days before the trip, she was angry but also grateful, she
enjoyed the time they spent together cause they have not been alone in a while,
she said she would recomend the diferent activities the people in the islan said,
she said the food was awesome and so was the weather.
Now for the plan at night time we have my boyfriend. My boyfriend told me that for
him the best plan at night was walking and talking with someone you like or enjoy
being with maybe in a park or something like that, he told me that when you looked
at the sky and even if you just stay in silence the environment does not have
description, also he said that eating something and playing around can also be
Good activities to do at nigth, he told me he loved this activity cause is one of his
favorite moments of the day an that spending time with someone he likes is even
For the other city plan we have my Best Friend. Danna told me that when she was
in New York she loved how in there they celebrate Christmas, she told the she
loved the ligths, the snow and how even in that cold environment people where out
playing, having a Good time, with friends, family and kids. She told me she could
tell that they loved Christmas and they loved to celebrate it. She told me that in the
malls there were a lot of decoration and almost every producto was on half it’s
Price, like a black Friday, she told me that in central Parks or in places when
people are used to go, in christmas, they put on ice skating rinks and that those
were very popular among the american themselves as for the foreign people

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