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Clark C.



Answer the following questions briefly and concisely.

1. Why is there a debate around the world regarding GMO?

GMO also known as genetically modified organisms, are plants or animals,

microorganisms, or other organisms that are being processed through the use of
what we called genetic modifications, where the genetic makeup of the said
organisms has been modified using genetic engineering or transgenic technology.
Genetically engineered crops have benefits such as increased crop yields, enhanced
nutrient composition, food quality, and resistance to pests, drought, and disease.
Aside from plants, some animals have also been genetically engineered to increase
yield and decrease susceptibility to disease.

Arguments about GMO had been raised around the world due to various
concerns regarding the effects of GMO crops on human health especially when
consumed, and the effectiveness of GMO in food production. One of the arguments
about GMO crops is that GMO crops contain more nutrients, are grown with fewer
pesticides, and are usually cheaper than their non-GMO counterparts. Another
argument about GMO is that GMO foods are may cause allergic reactions because of
their altered DNA and they may increase antibiotic resistance.

2. What are the limitations of gene therapy?

Genetic Therapy is a technique that focuses on the genetic modification of the cell
that was used to provide treatment or cure for some various diseases.

Genetic Therapy includes:

Replacing a disease-causing gene with a healthy copy of the gene.

Inactivating a disease-causing gene that is not functioning properly.

Introducing a new or modified gene into the body to help treat disease.

Gene therapy products are being studied to treat diseases including cancer, genetic
diseases, and infectious diseases.

Gene Therapy has some potential risks that are being raised concerning its effect,
especially on human health. These risks are being considered in practicing Gene
Therapy that has been studied until now.
These potential risks are:

The reaction of the Immune system.

- Our body's Immune system may view the newly introduced viruses as
invaders, and it may attack them and can potentially cause inflammation and organ
failure in some cases.

The target of wrong cells.

- Healthy cells may be impaired causing other illnesses or diseases, such as
cancer because viruses can affect more than one type of cells and there is a
possibility that it may alter viruses and there is a possibility that it may infect
additional cells.

Ability to cause infection.

- There is a possibility when viruses once introduced into the body, they may
recover their original ability to cause disease.

Probability of causing a tumor.

- There is a chance that the insertion of new genes in the wrong spot in your
DNA might lead to tumor formation

Germline and Somatic Gene Therapy

- The idea of germline gene therapy is much more controversial. The goal is
to change the child's genetic inheritance to avoid genetic disorders and introduce an
enhanced genetic variation. This therapy replaces the genes of an offspring and
inherits a new trait.

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