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TPACK Template

Subject Español

Grade Level Sixth Grade

Linguistic and Cultural Comparisons

Learning Objective SI.10 The student will compare basic elements of the Spanish language to those of
English and other languages.
1. Recognize cognates, genders, level-appropriate idioms, and differences in

writing systems.
2. Recognize differences in sound systems including basic sound distinctions
and intonation patterns and their effects on the communication of meaning.
3. BONUS: Discuss regional pronunciation/dialects of Spanish found in separate Hispanic Countries
and their location on the map.
Complete the sentence below:

In this interactive white board activity, the children will touch the board to:
• select between options when answering questions during collaborative work
• list vocabulary terms in English and their equivalent in Spanish
Pedagogy Planning

• match affixes between languages in order to contrast L1 and L2

• label/drag names of countries to correct location
• label/drag country shape to correct location
• explore Latin-American nationalities through linked websites
and learn about:
• cognates and false cognates between English and Spanish.
1. Ss are greeted at the door by the tr and directed to the assignment
on the board: slide 2 from Spanish Cognates.
2. Tr gives ss two minutes to make a choice and calls on someone to
pass to the front in order to choose/circle the correct cognate.
3. Tr elicits more examples of cognates from the class, if ss have no
examples, the tr can provide: hospital, idea, horrible, original, motor,
and lava. These examples will be written on the board by each ss
who provides them, using the writing function on the smartboard.
4. Depending on the size of the class, ss will either work in small groups
or binary pairings to match/complete work from slides 3-5 from
Spanish Cognates.
5. Each of the groups will be called on to connect English-Spanish
cognates on the board, match suffixes, and list additional cognates.
6. Slide 6 from Spanish Cognates: Tr calls on ss who have participated
the least and asks for false cognates: if ss do not have examples, tr
can suggest: éxito (success, not exit), pie (foot, not dessert), chocar
(to crash, not shock), and delito (crime, not delite).
7. Tr explains how English is a tool. People use tools through different
means and for a variety of purposes. Spanish is the same, and this is
the reason why people from different Spanish speaking countries
have different accents/regional Spanish. An English example consists

of comparing Canadian English to American, Australian, and British.

Latin-American Spanish and European Spanish have differences too.
However, Spanish from Latin America is unique by country though it
is still easily understood.
8. To help students visualize these regional differences, depending on
the size of the class, whole-group or small groups will take turns
coming to the front of the board to complete slides: 4, 6, 7, and 8
from Países de centro y sud américa.
9. In these slides, ss will have an opportunity to label countries based
on names, geographical shape, and continent (North and South
America Hispanic countries).
10. Tr will guide concluding thoughts:
• Spanish and English are similar because they help people
• Spanish and English vary depending on region
• Sometimes words are direct translations
• Sometimes words are not direct translations
11. If time allows, tr will visit the website on the last slide of Países de
centro y sud américa to practice nationalities.
Technology Spanish Cognates:

Países de centro y sud américa:

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