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Vega is an advanced anatomy visualisation and study system, which

can be used for education and preoperative planning. Vega creates
3D models of anatomical structures by processing medical images,
and allows highlighting and characterisation of tissues, organs, and
organ systems. Automatic fusion of different types of medical
images, such as CT, MRI, and ultrasound images, adds more details
to the clinical picture. Vega also provides an extraordinary
immersive experience, which allows exploration of anatomical
volumes in virtual and mixed reality using VR/MR headsets.



which helps doctors diagnose diseases and plan surgical and interventional
procedures. They can outline lesions and structures at risk, combine
images, and define trajectories to the target points.
Vega changes traditional medical education and makes it more engaging:
students can observe the anatomy of the human body and its pathological
alterations, examine treatment options, compare different imaging
modalities, and build their skills in simulated and hybrid environments.


Doctors and students can hone their skills also with virtual reality and
mixed reality when using Vega.
If they don VR headsets, they become fully immersed in a digital
environment, where they can focus completely on the object of interest
and examine every aspect of it. If they don MR headsets, they experience
the blending of physical and digital worlds, and have the ability to
manipulate 3D reconstructions and move them around as if they were real
The exploration of the anatomy in three dimensions becomes therefore
even more effective, for example, when it comes to highlighting tissues to
visualise a tumour, enlarging and rotating organs to see them from
different angles, and practising on medical images from patients to operate
with higher accu

X3D standard
1.X3D fully represents 3-dimensional data. X3D is developed and maintained by the
Web3D Consortium. X3D has evolved from its beginnings as the Virtual Reality Modeling
Language (VRML) to the considerably more mature and refined ISO X3D standard

2 X3D is a XML based format for representing and communicating 3D information. It is

an improved version of the VRML (or WRL) format and shares many similarities. X3D is
used for 2D and 3D graphics, 3D viewers, animation, computer assisted design, navigation
and much more.
3 You need a higher-level language like X3D to compose several 3D assets into a
meaningful 3D Web application. X3D provides the best presentation layer when combining
3D models, 3D tiles, Point clouds, Smart Game Format (SGF) and more into one system.

Free and open

• Open source and commercial tools are both widely available

• Many free resources, and all results are royalty free - authors own their models!
• Numerous resources, examples, tooltips, tools, and documentation sources
• International standard that lasts for years and decades
• Co-evolving with DICOM, HL7, ISO, OGC, Khronos, and W3C standards for
interoperability and convergence
X3D is the only international standard for the delivery and integration of interactive 3D data
over networks.

• Open Standard 3D graphics format for the Web

• Runs on all devices and platforms without plug-ins
• It’s Royalty free – Own your content no reliance on proprietary formats
• Provides multiple content sources and authoring pathways
• Multiple formats: XML, Binary, VRML-Classic, JSON and PYTHON.
• Multiple language bindings: EcmaScript(JavaScript) & Java
• Sustainable, Scalable & Secure ISO Standard
• Displays in VR environments: Oculus Rift, Cardboards & Caves
• Designed and developed through the open source community, along with industry
and government involvement
4 The X3D extension supports multi-stage and multi-texture rendering; it also supports shading
with lightmap and normalmap. Starting in 2010, X3D has supported deferred rendering
architecture. Now X3D can import SSAO, CSM and Realtime Environment Reflection/Lighting.
The user can also use optimizations including BSP/QuadTree/OctTree or culling in the X3D

Touch feedback
Touch feedback is among the earliest technologies to try and bridge the gap between human
and digital interactions by recreating the feeling of vibrations, touch, and pressure to send
subtle signals to users.

An example of haptic feedback is when a person long presses a smartphone’s touch screen to
activate a feature, and the screen recognizes the gesture with a slight vibration.

Today, with the rise of immersive technologies and the Metaverse, haptic feedback has
gained fresh momentum. One can use the technology in all sorts of disruptive use cases, from
full-body haptic suits to haptic wrist controllers that help in hands-free Metaverse navigation.

Touch feedback is the process of communicating with users through the sensory experience
of touch, vibrations, motions, or the perceived application of force and pressure. It recreates
the way we interact with the world around us.

For instance, when we press a button on a keyboard, the key vibrates and applies a mild
pressure on our fingertips to let us know that we have pressed the correct spot.

The sensory experience of pushing a heavy object is different from that of pushing a light
object, not only due to the force it requires, but also because of the difference in force
feedback from the action.

Without haptics, there would be no way to distinguish one touch experience from another,
diminishing ability to navigate the worl. TmIt complements hand controllers, eye tracking
systems, and voice commands, with an interaction system that actively recognizes and
validates our inputs.

It complements hand controllers, eye tracking systems, and voice commands, with an
interaction system that actively recognizes and validates a user’s inputs.

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