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Christmas Quiz (C1/C2)

1. 2. 3. 4.
What do you call the What is the name of What do you call What’s the name of
drink made from the popular Christmas the objects which the sparkly decoration
grapes which is served confectionary which make a bang on which people wrap
warm with spices at is shaped like a Christmas Day and around their trees at
this time of year. walking stick? contain jokes and Christmas?
m_____ ____ c____ ____ t_____

5. 6. 7. 8.

Who followed the Which plant are What do you call What’s the name of
star in the sky to people expected to the ball-shaped the place above the
find the baby Jesus kiss under at decorations which fire, where stockings
and bring him gifts? Christmas time? are hung from are hung for Santa to
Christmas trees? fill?
W___ ___ m________
b______ m__________

9. 10. 11. 12.

What is another This is a sweet What vehicle does
What is the name of
way to say the pastry, filled with a Santa Claus travel in?
the drink made from
egg, which is popular Christmas period? mixture of dried
fruits and spices. s_____
at Christmas time? y_______
m____ ___

13. 14. 15. 16.

What are the small What do you call the What do you call the If you’re on this
round vegetables animals that pull ring-shaped list, you won’t get
which are traditionally number 12? arrangement of flowers any toys from
eaten with Christmas and leaves, which is Santa.
dinner? r_______ hung on a door for
decoration? n______
s______ w_____ list

17. 18. 19. 20.

This is a decorative What bread mixture is What is the name of
Santa is covered in
piece of card with small typically eaten with the fruit cake which is
this black substance
windows for each day turkey for Christmas served with cream and
when he comes out
of the month before dinner? eaten at
of the chimney?
Christmas Day. Christmas?
s_______ s___ p___ p______

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Teacher’s Notes & Answers
Lesson: Christmas Quiz Level: C1 – C2 Time: 1 hour +

Preparation: Try our other Christmas-themed

lessons for more practice!
- Print or display handouts.
- Read over the questions to check for any words you will need to pre-teach.

Teaching Method:
Step 1:
- You may need to pre-teach confectionary and sparkly.
Step 2:
- Put students into pairs and give them 10/15 minutes to complete the quiz. You can make it easier by
giving them the option to use the internet, as some of the vocabulary is quite specific for this holiday.
- Note: There are two accepted plural forms of ‘reindeer’; reindeer and reindeers.
Step 3:
- Get the students to pass/send their completed quizzes to another team for correction.
- Go through the answers as a class and have the teams calculate and share the total score of the quiz
they’re correcting.
Step 4: (Extension task)
- Give students 10 minutes to think of 5 more words related to Christmas and write them down. (Note: If
Christmas is not celebrated in your students’ country, then have them choose another celebration in
their country that they do celebrate.)
- Students must work alone to write 5 questions which describe the words they thought of, beginning
with some of the following question words/phrases or simply by giving definitions with ‘This is....’:

• What do we call…? • Where…? • Who…?

• What is the name of…? • When…? • Whose…?
• How…? / How many…? • Why…?

- Have the students work in pairs to ask each other the questions they have written down while their
partner guesses the answers.
- This game can also be played as a class activity.

1. mulled wine 8. mantelpiece 15. wreath
Did you enjoy this lesson?
2. candy cane 9. eggnog 16. naughty
3. crackers 10. yuletide 17. advent calendar Subscribe for more at
4. tinsel 11. mince pies 18. stuffing
5. wise men 12. sleigh 19. soot
6. mistletoe 13. brussels sprouts 20. plum pudding
7. baubles 14. reindeer

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