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Passage 1

In the source text passage number one, my answer to the paraphrased text is Bad paraphrased. Since paraphrasing
means relating the information in our own words. The paraphrased text that is written in the passage that is edited is a
bad paraphrase because it was shown that the first three sentences were just copied and nothing changed in the
paraphrased text in the last. When paraphrasing we should always analyze every word or detail that we watch and read
because by this we can easily break the words and we can retell the story or the information in an easy or short way.
some of the information in passage one is not written in paraphrase it shows that they did not read but they just rewrite
what is written in the paragraph. A good paraphrase of information has all the ideas in one paragraph nothing is left
behind in a good paraphrase. When nothing is left behind is that all the information in the text is in that paraphrased
one. Always re-read the text quickly because if you are not yet sure about the things that you have written you can get
them here. Always pay attention also in every first sentence because it might help to make your text an easy one. Lastly,
you should always check the original text again so you can make sure that you add the main points properly. In the story
or information in passage 1, they didn’t write the whole main points in the paraphrased one and that is wrong because it
can be a lack of information to the readers.

Passage 2

In source text passage number two, my answer to the paraphrased text is the bad paraphrase. Paraphrasing means that
we are some of our ideas of what we think and what we say about the things that we watched. The text that is written
is badly paraphrased because all the words and ideas were just copied and not changed well. Always cover the words or
statements and summaries them so they can be changed and understandable when the viewers will read them and they
will understand the story of the information goes. We cannot go in a way that we just copy and paste what we read and
listen to because we can add more significant information rather than in the first ones. That text needs more
explanation in some details of it because when people will be going to read some of our understanding about it, they
can be confused by some of the statements. That’s why we should take note of all the details and we can show the
proper flow of the story when we summarize it. Also when we going to paraphrase a piece of information with a
question we should frame the question so that the speaker can give a response to them. Lastly, we need to understand
the meaning in order to reword and restructure the idea and write it and it will improve our understanding of the text or
the information, and paraphrasing allows you to share another’s ideas in your own words.

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