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Study of Thermal Damage during grinding of mild

steel during dry and wet grinding

To understand the study of thermal damage during surface grinding under dry and wet

Grinding is an abrasive machining process that uses a grinding wheel as the cutting tool. This
wheel rotates at a very high speed and by giving a very small depth of cut, a very little layer of
the material is removed in order to achieve the desired low surface finish and desired
dimensions after removal of the material.
The three constituents are the abrasives, they are bonded using the bond material and there are
spaces left between the bond and abrasives, which are known as the pores.

Grinding wheel specification:

● Grinding wheels can be applied to various specifications by combining
○ Abrasive
○ Grain Size
○ Grade
○ Structure
○ Bond

● The workpiece is placed on the magnetic chuck.
● The workpiece should be lightweight so that it cannot be removed from the magnetic
● chuck easily.
● The positioning of the workpiece is aligned at right angles to the grinding wheel and is
precisely parallel to the sides of the magnetic chuck.
● The magnetic chuck is switched on and the powerful electromagnet holds the job firmly
in position
● Now the spindle is turned on and the grinding wheel is just touched the workpiece
surface to mark its zero / reference position
● Now the required feed, either totally or in steps, is given to the grinding wheel and the
wheel is traversed all over the workpiece.
● The same procedure has to be performed with the coolant once and without the coolant
once to observe the damage.
● Grinding wheel speed: If D is the diameter of the grinding wheel, and it rotates at N
revolutions per minute, the grinding wheel speed is given by πDN.
● Grinding wheel grade
● Depth of cut: This quantifies how deep the tool goes into the workpiece, the depth of cut
varies from 0.1 to 1.0mm in grinding.
● Feed rate: Feed rate is the distance which the cutting tool during one spindle revolution.
● Grinding wheel material: Alumina, Silica Carbide, CBN, Diamond.

● Always wear shoes in the lab.
● Wear goggles when necessary in the lab.
● Only run the machine with knowledge.
● Do not stand in front of the grinding wheel.
● Only touch something once everything stops working.

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