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Strategic Planning for my University

 External Opportunities  
- New construction
- Number of students who succeeded
- Partnerships for internships
- Improving the external vision
- Opportunities for athletes

 External Threats  
- Lack of space for outdoor activities
- Implementing policies and norms in various departments
- Transportation difficulties in bad weather
- Limiting university funding
- Fewer professors in the courses on perspective

 Internal Strengths
- Allowance distribution for scholars
- Numerous college activities
- Engaging and reliable leadership in a society
- Incentives/Merit as another source of financial assistance
- Learning capacity quality

 Internal Weaknesses
- Lack of facilities maintenance
- Weak issues regarding technologies
- Proper uniform/dress code for perspective departments
- Lack of equipment in events
- Too many approvals for utilizing the venue for an event
For everyone, being accepted into a state university is a major accomplishment
that might make their life as a student simpler. We place a high significance on having
this course and completing it in order to take the chosen course that we desire. My
intention for this institution was to concentrate on creating a pleasant atmosphere where
students may walk to a park or find other interesting places to spend their free time.
Likewise, facilities that might aid students in getting ready for potential events should be
improved. We are really grateful for the expert professors who have helped us realize
our potential and complete our academic journey. Future improvements they will be
working on to better the institution could make it even more magnificent.

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