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Machine Foundation

Plate No.3


ME 69 (Power Plant Engineering)-Lab PLATE No. 3 DATE SUBMITTED:
1. To be able to describe the purpose and significance of machine foundation.
2. To be able to describe the functions of machine foundation.
3. To be able to state some essential considerations of a good foundation.
4. To be able to enumerate factors to be considered in the design of a machine
5. To be able to enumerate factors affecting the weight of foundation.
6. To be able to state the general requirements of machine foundation.
7. To be able to solve the given technical problems.


1. Purpose and Significance of Machine Foundation.
A machine foundation is an underlying component that supports machines like
motors, turbines, blowers, and other weighty gear. The motivation behind a machine
establishment is to give a steady and inflexible stage that can oppose the powerful powers
produced by the machine during its activity.

The ability of a machine foundation to prevent excessive machine vibrations and

movements, which can result in equipment failure, decreased performance, and safety
risks, is crucial. Machines can experience issues such as misalignment, fatigue, and
premature wear and tear of crucial components without a foundation that is designed and
built correctly. This can result in costly repairs and downtime.

Power generation, manufacturing, mining, and construction are just a few of the
many sectors in which machine foundations are absolutely necessary. Machine weight,
operating speed, and the characteristics of the soil and structural elements surrounding the
machine are all important considerations that must be carefully taken into account when
designing and building machine foundations. Machine operators can maximize the
performance and dependability of their equipment while reducing the likelihood of costly
failures and downtime by establishing a solid foundation.
Function of Machine Foundation
Machine foundations are special types of foundations required for machines,
machine tools and heavy equipment which have wide range of speeds, loads and operating
conditions. These foundations are designed considering the shocks and vibrations
(dynamic forces) resulting from operation of machines

2. Essential Consideration of a Good Foundation

A machine foundation's primary purpose is to provide a rigid and stable support structure
for heavy machinery. Nonetheless, there are a few other significant elements of machine
establishments that are fundamental for guaranteeing ideal execution and life span of the
hardware. A portion of these capabilities include:

1. Ingestion of vibrations: Large equipment creates dynamic powers and

vibrations during activity, which can make harm the machine and
encompassing designs while perhaps not satisfactorily hosed. These
vibrations must be absorbed and dissipated by a machine foundation in
order to prevent excessive movement and equipment failure.

2. Load distribution: The machine's weight and other loads must be

evenly distributed across the soil or substructure below in a machine
foundation that is designed correctly. This prevents localized
settlements that could result in uneven loading and machine component
deformation and ensures that the foundation remains stable.

3. Separation of equipment: To prevent damage to delicate parts or to

reduce noise and other environmental effects, the machine may need to
be isolated from external vibrations and shock waves. Machine
establishments can be planned with different sorts of isolators, like
springs, elastic cushions, or air mounts, to accomplish this capability.

4. Insurance of encompassing designs: Large equipment can produce

critical measures of commotion, vibration, and shock waves, which can
harm close by structures, designs, and gear. A machine foundation that
has been designed correctly can assist in minimizing these impacts and
safeguarding the surrounding structures from damage.

5. Maintainability accessibility: The design of a machine foundation must

make it simple to work on and repair the machine's parts. This
incorporates giving adequate room around the machine and
consolidating highlights like access entryways, hatches, and removable
boards to work with support exercises.

3. Factors to be Considered in the Design of a Machine Foundation.

To ensure that the structure will be durable, stable, and capable of supporting the
intended load, designing a good foundation requires careful consideration of several
essential factors. The following are some of the most significant considerations:

1. Soil conditions: The sort, thickness, and dampness content of the dirt at the site are
basic factors that can essentially influence the solidness and toughness of the
establishment. A strong groundwork configuration should represent the dirt properties
and guarantee that the establishment can securely convey the heap without extreme
settlement or disfigurement.

2. Underlying necessities: To ensure that the foundation can provide the required
stability and support, it is necessary to take into consideration the structure or
machine's size, weight, and shape. To ensure that the foundation can withstand all
anticipated stresses, the design must also take into account the anticipated loads, such
as dead loads, live loads, and loads from the environment.

3. Factors in the environment: The site's environmental conditions, such as seismic

activity, wind loads, and soil erosion, necessitate that the foundation be constructed to
withstand them. The design must take these factors into account because they can
have a significant impact on the stability and durability of the foundation.
4. Development materials: It is essential to select the appropriate building materials, such
as concrete, steel, or masonry, in order to guarantee the strength and durability of the
foundation. In addition to being compatible with the soil and structural components,
the materials must be able to withstand the anticipated loads and environmental

5. Quality control: In order to guarantee that the construction process complies with the
design specifications and industry standards, a good foundation design must include
quality assurance measures. Testing the soil, keeping an eye on the progress of the
construction, and evaluating the foundation's performance after it has been installed
are all examples of this.

4. Factors Affecting the Weight of Foundation.

The weight of a foundation is a critical factor that can significantly impact its
stability, durability, and ability to support the intended load. Several factors can
affect the weight of a foundation, including:

1. Type of structure: The weight of the structure or machine that the foundation will
support is a crucial factor that will influence the size and weight of the foundation.
Heavier structures will require larger and more massive foundations to provide the
necessary stability and support.
2. Soil conditions: The type, density, and bearing capacity of the soil at the site can
alsoImpact the weight of the foundation. In soft or weak soils, larger and more
massive foundations may be required to distribute the load and prevent excessive
settlement or deformation.
3. Environmental factors: The environmental conditions at the site, such as wind loads,
seismic activity, and soil erosion, can also impact the weight of the foundation. For
example, structures in areas with high wind loads may require larger and heavier
foundations to resist wind forces and maintain stability.
4. Construction materials: The type and quantity of construction materials used in the
foundation will also impact its weight. For example, a foundation made of reinforced
concrete will generally be heavier than one made of masonry or timber.
5. Enumerate factors affecting the weight of foundation

1. Type and weight of the structure being supported

2. Soil conditions, such as soil bearing capacity and soil type
3. Environmental conditions, such as wind loads, seismic activity, and temperature
4. Design requirements, such as allowable settlement or deflection limits
5. Construction materials, such as concrete, steel, or timber
6. Foundation type, such as shallow or deep foundations
7. Location of the foundation, such as below or above ground level
8. Presence of underground utilities or other obstructions
9. Access to the construction site and availability of construction equipment
10. Construction timeline and budget constraints.

6. General Requirements of Machine Foundation.

1. Adequate strength and firmness: All anticipated loads, including static and dynamic
forces, must be able to withstand the foundation's strength and stiffness.
2. Support that is uniform: To prevent excessive deflection or vibration, the machine
needs uniform support from the foundation. Misalignment, premature wear and tear,
and decreased machine performance are all possible outcomes of uneven support.
3. Isolation of vibrations: The establishment should segregate the machine from outside
vibrations that can influence its exhibition and cause harm. Utilizing appropriate
vibration isolation materials, such as rubber pads or isolators, is one way to
accomplish this.
4. Durability: Materials that is long-lasting and resistant to the site's environmental
conditions, such as moisture, fluctuations in temperature, and chemical exposure,
must be used to build the foundation.
5. Maintenance ease: The machine's components, such as motors, bearings, and
couplings, ought to be simple to access and maintain thanks to the foundation design.
6. Adaptability to the conditions of the soil: To ensure that the foundation can safely
distribute the load and prevent excessive settlement or deformation, the design of the
foundation must take into account the site's soil conditions, including its type, bearing
capacity, and drainage.
7. Conformity with industry norms: The American Concrete Institute (ACI) and the
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) are two examples of relevant
industry standards and regulations that must be adhered to during the design and
construction of the foundation.
8. To be Able to Solve the Given Technical Problems.


The following data refer to a 6-cylinder, 450-kw, 650 bmhp Diesel engine alternator unit
having direct connected exciter: Weight of engine and flywheel, 63,500 kg; weight of alternator
and exciter, 6,800 kg; bedplate of engine, 3 m x 7.3 m; length of whole unit, 10.6 m, width of
generator bedplate, 3 m. The subsoil is average sand. Design and detail a foundation for this
engine. The foundation top is all in one horizontal plane. Calculate the amount of sand, stone,
cement, and form lumber required for its construction.
A 60-kw vertical, single-cylinder, steam engine-generator set has a bedplate 1.5 m x 2.25
m. Its weight is 4536 kg. Design a foundation to rest on average sandy soil. Foundation mass in
accordance with Table 4-5.


The following data refer to a 6-cylinder, 450-kw, 650 bmhp Diesel engine alternator unit
having direct connected exciter: Weight of engine and flywheel, 63,500 kg; weight of alternator
and exciter, 6,800 kg; bedplate of engine, 3 m x 7.3 m; length of whole unit, 10.6 m, width of
generator bedplate, 3 m. The subsoil is average sand. Design and detail a foundation for this
engine. The foundation top is all in one horizontal plane. Calculate the amount of sand, stone,
cement, and form lumber required for its construction.
(Multiplying 5 x 4 = 20Bmhp (attendance list number) then adding it to the given as
650bmhp + 20bmhp = 670Bmhp
(Multiplying 300 x 4 = 1200Kg (attendance list number) then adding it to the given as
We = 1200kg + 63500kg + 6800kg = 71500Kg


We= 71500 kg
Diesel Engine, Multicylinder = 570 kg/ bmhp (Table 4-5)
Wf = 670 bmhp x 570 kg/bmhp = 381900 kg
c = 0.3 m
Average sand safe bearing power of soil = 39 tonnes/m²
lf = length of machine foundation
lf = lu + 2c ; c = 300 mm = 0.3 m
lf = 10.6 m + 2(0.3 m)
lf = 11.2 m

Sb= = 39 tonnes/m2

1000 kg
Ab or Sb = 39 tonnes/m2 x = 39000 kg/m2

F . S (W e +W f ) 5(71500 kg+381900 kg)

b= =
Sb L 39000 kg /m2 (11.2m)

b = 5.19m

381900 kg
volume of foundation = = 2403 kg = 158.926 m3
ρf 3

2(V f )
( a+b ) L

h= = 3.229m
( 3.6+5.19 m ) 11.2

Amount of Sand, Stone, Cement, and Form Lumber

Use 1:3:5 for concrete foundation,

For 1 cum concrete

Cement = 6.2 sacks

Sand = 0.52 m3

Stone = 0.86 m3

FOR Lumber

diagonal = ( b−a ) +h2

d = ( 5.19 m−3.6 ) +3.2292 = 3.325 m

Surface Area = (L x a) + (L x b) + 2(d x L) + 2(a + b/2) h

Total surface area = (11.2 x 3.6) + (11.2 x 5.19) +2(3.325 x 11.2) + (2) (3.6 + 5.19/2) (3.229)

= 212.935 m2

Sand= 0.52 x 158.926 = 82.64m3

Stone = 0.86 x 158.926 = 136.676m3

Cement = 6.2 x 158.926 = 985.341 sacks


A 60-kw vertical, single-cylinder, steam engine-generator set has a bedplate 1.5 m

x 3.25 m. Its weight is 4536 kg. Design a foundation to rest on average sandy soil.
Foundation mass in accordance with Table 4-5.

(Multiplying 5 x 4 = 20 (attendance list number) then adding it to the given as follows :)

60kw + 20kw = 80kw
(Multiplying 150kg x 4kg = 600kg (attendance list number) then adding it to the given as
We = 600kg + 4536kg = 5136kg


Wb = 1.5m
Lb = 3.5m
F.S = 5
Pf = 2403 kg/m3
We = 5136kg
Sb= = 39 tonnes/m2

1000 kg
Sb = 39 tonnes/m2 x = 39000 kg/m2

Table 4-5
320 kg/bmhp (Steam Engine, Single Cylinder)
1 bmhp
80kw x = 108.844bmhp
0.735 kw
Wf = 108.844bmhp x 320 kg/bmhp = 34829.93 kg

L = Lb + 2c
= 2.25 + 2(0.3) = 2.85 m

a = Wb + 2c
= 1.5 + 2(0.3) = 2.1 m

F . S (W e +W f ) 5(5136 kg+ 34829.93 kg)

b= = 2
Sb L 39000 kg /m ( 2.85 m)

b = 1.798m
34829.93 kg
VF = = kg
2403 3 = 14.494 m
2(V f )
( a+b ) L

h= = 2.678m
( 2.1+ 1.2497 m ) 2.85


A machine foundation is a crucial part of many industrial and mechanical

systems that have to support heavy machinery in a stable way while reducing noise
and vibration. The machine's load capacity, soil conditions, environmental factors, and
industry standards must all be taken into consideration when designing the foundation.
A machine foundation designed well must be strong and stiff enough, provide uniform
support, isolate vibration, be durable, and be easy to maintain, work with soil
conditions, and follow industry standards. By meeting these prerequisites, the machine
establishment can assist with guaranteeing ideal machine execution and unwavering
quality over its life expectancy, diminishing upkeep expenses and free time, and
further developing security and effectiveness in modern and mechanical frameworks.

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