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The discovery of electricity has been an incredible breakthrough

in human history. In the late 18th century, a few scientists were Function of Sentence Question
beginning to understand how this phenomenon worked and its
potential applications. Benjamin Franklin was one of the first
pioneers who conducted experiments related to electrical charges
and created hypotheses on their behavior which helped pave way for
further exploration into what would become modern-day electricity.
Which choice best describes the function of the 3rd sentence in the
Through his research with kites during thunderstorms he showed
overall structure of the text?
that lightning is essentially electrical energy at work while other
researchers like Alessandro Volta started developing batteries using
metals, liquids, etc., as well as discovering new methods by which
electric current could be generated through friction or chemical
reactions between different materials in contact with each other. With To provide an example of Benjamin Franklin’s contributions to electricity
these early discoveries came numerous inventions such as light bulbs, A research.
telephones and even radio broadcasting technology; all paving way
for our modern world where we rely heavily upon electricity daily!

To describe modern-day applications for electricity such as powering

B lights, phones etc..

To provide an example of how light bulbs, telephones and radio broad-

C casting technology were invented using electricity research findings from
Benjamin Franklin’s experiments.

D To introduce Alessandro Volta and his discoveries related to electricity.

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Function of Sentence Exercises - 2022/2023 - Digital SAT Material 1 SCORE Test Prep & College Counseling - Author: Tyler Lynn
Inflation is a complex phenomenon that results from many factors
working together to cause prices of goods and services to rise. In the Function of Sentence Question
short-term, demand-pull inflation occurs when aggregate demand
outpaces an economy’s ability to produce enough supply; this often
happens in times of rapid economic growth or due to excessive
government spending. Additionally, cost-push inflation can occur
if firms increase their costs for wages or raw materials which then
Which choice best describes the function of the 4th sentence in the
leads them to raise prices on finished products as well. Furthermore,
overall structure of the text?
currency devaluation may also lead to consumers demanding more
foreign currencies, resulting in further price increases as domestic
money loses purchasing power relative abroad. Finally monetary
policy decisions by central banks such as lowering interest rates can
spur too much liquidity into markets leading buyers bidding up
asset values beyond sustainable levels thus raising overall consumer A It explains the relationship between supply and demand in an economy.

expenses over time. All these macroeconomic forces come together

creating upward pressure on market pricing levels we call “inflation”.

B It states that inflation is caused by central banks raising interest rates.

It outlines how price increases result from government spending too much
C money.

D It provides an example of how currency devaluation can lead to inflation.

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Function of Sentence Exercises - 2022/2023 - Digital SAT Material 2 SCORE Test Prep & College Counseling - Author: Tyler Lynn
Communism is a political and economic ideology that has its roots
in the 18th century, specifically with German philosopher Karl Marx. Function of Sentence Question
His writing laid out his concept of class struggle between those
who own capital (bourgeoisie) and working classes (proletariat).
The proletariat would eventually gain enough power to overthrow
capitalism through revolution, allowing for a more equal distribution
of wealth among all citizens. This was later implemented by Vladimir
Which choice best describes the function of the 2nd sentence in the
Lenin during Russia’s October Revolution in 1917 where he declared
overall structure of the text?
Soviet Russia as the world’s first socialist state based on Marxist-
Leninist principles. Since then it has been adopted or adapted by
many states around the globe including China, Cuba, North Korea
and Vietnam which still practice varying forms today though some
have since transitioned away from their Communist systems towards It defines terms that are important for understanding the rest of the para-
other ideals like market socialism or social democracy due to global A graph.
pressure over human rights violations associated with Communism
regimes throughout history.

It outlines all human rights violations associated with Communist regimes

B throughout history.

C It explains Marx’s concept of the conflict between two classes.

It explains why Communism was adopted by many countries around the

D globe.

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Function of Sentence Exercises - 2022/2023 - Digital SAT Material 3 SCORE Test Prep & College Counseling - Author: Tyler Lynn
Nancy Pelosi is a progressive Democrat who subscribes to the
ideology of “pay-go” economics. This means that she believes any Function of Sentence Question
new spending should be offset with cuts in other areas or revenue
increases, such as taxes. She supports raising taxes on corporations
and high earners while advocating for tax breaks for middle class
families and those living in poverty. In addition, Pelosi has pushed
hard against Republican attempts to repeal Obamacare because it
Which choice best describes the function of the 4th sentence in the
provides healthcare access to millions of Americans who would have
overall structure of the text?
none otherwise; instead she proposes strengthening existing health
care legislation through amendments like lowering prescription
drug costs by allowing Medicare negotiations with pharmaceutical
companies and providing greater subsidies so more people can afford
insurance premiums without government assistance relying heavily It describes how she has opposed Republican attempts at repealing
upon Medicaid expansion programs. Lastly, Nancy is also an advocate A Obamacare.
for LGBT rights proclaiming all forms of discrimination based on
gender identity or sexual orientation unacceptable whether at home
or abroad.

It explains Pelosi’s stance on healthcare legislation with specific examples

B of her policy proposals.

C It provides an example of her radical progressive ideology.

It highlights how different Pelosi’s ideas are compared to those of Repub-

D licans.

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Function of Sentence Exercises - 2022/2023 - Digital SAT Material

4 SCORE Test Prep & College Counseling - Author: Tyler Lynn
D-Day was a major event during World War II and is remembered as
one of the most significant battles in history. On June 6th, 1944 more Function of Sentence Question
than 156,000 Allied troops landed along the coast of Normandy in
France to launch an attack against Nazi Germany’s occupying forces.
This massive invasion involved soldiers from multiple countries
including Britain, Canada, Poland and The United States—marking it
as largest amphibious military operation ever undertaken by mankind
Which choice best describes the function of the 5th sentence in the
at that time. Code named “Operation Overlord” this daring feat came
overall structure of the text?
with great risk but paid off; within three months of the invasion,
Germany was forced to surrender and World War II was brought to
an end. As incredible as this victory may have been, it also came with
a heavy price; over 4,400 Allied troops were killed during D-Day
while many more suffered injuries or went missing in action. On June
6th every year since then we remember those who made the ultimate A To remind readers that D-Day was a costly victory.

sacrifice on that fateful day so long ago—and are reminded of their

courage and heroism when faced with such grave danger.

To explain why Operation Overlord was such an important mission in

B World War II.

To highlight how remarkable it was for so many countries from around

C the world to come together.

D To generate sympathy from the reader for the individuals who died.

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Function of Sentence Exercises - 2022/2023 - Digital SAT Material 5 SCORE Test Prep & College Counseling - Author: Tyler Lynn

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