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Osman went to the circus yesterday. He
wanted to see the clowns. They can do
funny tricks. Osman’s favorite clown was
the one who juggles balls and did flips.
Osman likes to do flip too. He had a good
time at the circus.

1. Who went to the circus?

A. Azman B. OmarC. Osman

2. Why did Osman go to the circus?

A. He wanted to eat ice-cream.
B. He wanted to see the clowns.
C. He wanted to be a clown.

3. Who was Osman’s favorite clown?

A. The one who juggles balls.
B. The one who do funny tricks.
C. The one who dance and sing.
The crazy crab has a credit card. The
crazy crab bought a crib. The crazy crab
bought a box of crayons. The crazy crab
bought a crown. Oh no! The crazy crab’s
credit card cracked! The crazy crab cannot
buy anything!

1. What does the crazy crab have?

A. Credit card B. Crown C. Crib

2. What did crazy crab buy?

A. Food, vegetables and meat
B. Crib, crayon and crown
C. Orange, apple and mango

3. What happened to the crazy crab’s credit

A. Stolen B. Lost C. Cracked

I need to get the vet! The vet can help my

pet. The vet met with my pet. A net was on
my pet. The got the net off.

1. Who do you need?

A, The pet B. The vet C. The jet

2. Who can the vet help?

A, The pet B. The vet C. The jet

3. Who met the pet?

A, The pet B. The vet C. The jet

4. What was on the pet?

A, The net B. The vet C. The jet

Johan does not wat to go to the school. He

is sad. He does not want to leave his mom
and dad. When Jack sees the big yellow bus,
he feels sad. He does not like the bus.

1. What is the title of the story?

A. Yellow Bus B. johan C. Sad Boy

2. What is the colour of the bus?

A. Purple B. Red C. Yellow

3. Why Johan does not want to go to the school?

A. He does not want to leave his mom and dad.
B. He does not like the bus.
C. He feels sad.

I drive my little car everywhere. It can go

fast and takes me to amazing places. I
went to the zoo with my car. I went to the
market to buy food. Last week it took me
to the mountains.

1. What is the colour of the car?

A. Purple B. Red C. Yellow

2. Where did the car go last week?

A. City B. Mountains C. Zoo

3. I went to the market to buy……

A. Book
B. Food
C. Pencil
“Look! There is a new clown in town!” yells a
little girl. She tugs her mum. “Wow, he looks
like down. Look at that big frown!” says
The clown had a big frown. Kids went up to
see him but he just scowled at them. The
little girl wanted to help the frowning clown.
She picked a flower and handled it the
clown. The clown looked down and stopped
his frown. He grinned. How he is a happy

1. The clown had a ______

A. Frown B. Cow C. Dog

2. Who is new in town?

A. Mom B. A little girl C. Clown

3. How did the little girl help the clown?

A. She frowned
B. B. She gave flower
C. She tugged her mom
Today, Nancy and her family went to the
zoo. It is Nancy’s birthday. She is 8 years
old. She loves animals. At the zoo, Nancy
sees many animals. Her favorite animal is
elephant. She also likes tigers. She had a lot
of fun. She likes the zoo.

1. The story is about who?

A. Nancy B. Nandos C. Naomi

2. Why does she go to the zoo?

A. It is her birthday.
B. She is on holiday.
C. She hate animals

3. How old is she?

A. 7 years old B. 8 years old C. 9 years old

4. What is her favourite animal?

A. Cat B. Monkey C. Elephant
There was a thief in our house. He took a lot
of things. The thief took my mom’s jewelry.
He also took my English book. I was really
upset because he took my pet iguana,
Rambo. I hope the police catch the thief.

1. Who took things in the story?

A. Thief B. Mom C. Police

2. What kind of book did the thief take?

A. Bahasa Melayu B. Math C. English

3. What is the pet’s name?

A. Rambo B. Ramli C. Rahimah

4. Who will catch the theif?

A. Firefighter B. Teacher C. Police
Jamil got a new bicycle for his tenth
birthday. His uncle bought it for him. He hid
it in his truck to surprise him. When Jamil
went to get inside, he saw a shiny new
bicycle. It is bright red and gave a big hug.
“This is what I have always wanted! Thank
you so much!” he said.

1. What did Jamil gets for his birthday?

1A. Bus B. Bicycle C. Car

2. Where did his uncle hide it?

A. In his truck B. behind a tree C. Under his bed

3. Who bought the gift?

A. His mother
B. His uncle
C. His sister

4. What color of the gift?

A. Purple
B. Red
C. Green
Bob is a frog. He is green with yellow spots.
He has a long sticky tongue that he uses to
catch flies. He lives near the a pond.
Sometimes he goes into the water and
sometimes he stays on the land. Bob has
strong legs that he uses to hop. When Bob
was a little baby, he was called a tadpole.

1. What is Bob?
A. A snake B. A cat C. A frog

2. What colour is Bob?

A. Purple B. Green C. Orange

3. What does Bob uses to catch flies?

A. Net B. Tongue C. Hand

4. What was Bob called when he was little?

A. Baby
B. Tadpole
C. Puppy

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