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-Don Mclean-

"Vincent" by Don Mclean is a song rendered for artist Vincent Vangogh. This
was made because the singer was able to read a book about the artist and was
inspired to make the song. The song is a ballad and it's my favorite genre of
music. The song is soothing in the ear and that the used instruments were

After hearing and understanding the song and the lyrics. I wss able to know that
the verses in the song is talking about the painting of Van Gogh's namely Starry
Starry Night. However, what touched my heart is the chorus part. As I read the
lyrics it can be identified that the subject of the song is in pain and is suffering
from life. This can be considered also as a societal issue where it state in one of
the lyrics "They would not listen, they didn't know how." This message hit me
because we experienced all that where you are being watched by those
judgemental eyes waiting for you to make mistake and pull you down. That
would have happened to Van Gogh despite of his soaring career in his time.

Another thing that caught my attention is the statement that says "This world
was never meant for one, As beautiful as you." The message is very impactful to
me and that could be true but we must also be optimistic and see the beautiful
side of why we live here in this world and serve our purpose. As I also listen, I
notice the voice of the singer is very empathetic to whom he is rendering the
song and I really appreciate it.

So this song thought me to be strong and not to be like Van Gogh that was
eaten by the monster of the world and was killed by those judgemental people.
It inspires me that even is the world is like this, we have our creator who is
watching us always. As what the singer said, we are beautiful and let us not be
affected by those people.
-Gary Mathena-

This song is so meaningful for me. I was able to first hear this in
youtube from Baptist Music Virtual Ministry sang by a Pastor and his
daughter. At first glance I thought it was about a father and a
daughter leaning on each other. But it was talking about the our
Father from up above.

The message of the song is touching because it only tell the truth and
that I can relate to it. Our friend, our loved once, and the people
around us will someday leave us for their personal issues. But what if
it is the time that you need them and they are not there. You will be
alone and might breakdown. But the message of this song is that even
if you are alone we have our Father up above where we can lean
unto. Tell our problems, tell our pain, heartaches and suffering. The
Lord our Father is there. People around you will leave you but our
Father will not. We might not see him but He always watch for us.

Our Father from above is also there when we can't make all the things
we need to do. He always stand for us and support us. We might leave
and forget Him but He never did it to us. How amazing is our Father. A
Father that is loving and merciful. That is our Father and WE CAN

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