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Comprehensive Examination 2020–21

Chemistry – Second Year
Time: 2 hrs. Max. Marks : 85
Section “A” (Multiple Choice Questions) (43 Marks)
Note: (i) This Section consist of 43 part questions and all are to be answered, each qustion carries 01
(ii) Do not copy down the question. Write only the correct answer against the proper number of
the question and its part according to the question paper.

1. Ionization potential depends upon.

a) Nuclear charge b) Atomic size c) Shielding effect d) All of these

2. Which of the following has highest -ve reduction potential?

a) Be b) Li c) Na d) Ca

3. Which orbital is in the process of completion in case of transition elements?

a) p-orbital b) f-orbital c) d-orbital d) d & f orbitals

4. What is the nature of Al2O3?

a) Acidic b) Basic c) Amphoteric d) Neutral

5. Which of the following forms polymeric hydrides.

a) Na b) K c) F d) Be

6. The laws of chemical combination are not obeyed by.

a) Ionic hydrides b) Covalent hydride c) Complex hydrides d) Interstitial hydrides

7. The bond dissociation energy of hydrogen molecules is.

a) 104 Kcal mol-1 b) 105 Kcal mol-1 c) 103 Kcal mol-1 d) 100 Kcal mol-1

8. Alkali metals need ________ electrons to complete their valence shell.

a) 3 b) 5 c) 6 d) 7

9. A pair of elements in the same family in the periodic classification is.

a) Cl and C b) Ca and Al c) N and Ne d) Na and K

10. Alkali metals act as.

a) Reducing agent b) Oxidising agent c) Bleaching agent d) All

11. The electrolytic cell used for the production of metallic sodium is known as.
a) Down’s cell b) Solvay’s cell c) Haber’s cell d) None of these

12. Sodium forms largely.

a) Normal oxides b) Per-oxides c) Superoxides d) None of these

13. Aqua Regia is formed by mixing one volume of nitric acid and three volumes of.
a) H2SO4 b) HCl c) NaOH d) All of these
14. The chemical formula of laughing gas is.
a) NO2 b) NO c) N2O5 d) N2O

15. Chlorine acts as _________ when it is used for bleaching.

a) a dehydrating agent b) an oxidizing agent
c) a reducing agent d) All

16. Bauxite is the ore of.

a) Al b) B c) Si d) Cu

17. Any substance which has only paired electrons is called.

a) Diamagnetic b) Paramagnetic c) Ferromagnetic d) None

18. NH3 is an example of ________ ligand.

a) Anionic b) Neutral c) Cationic d) All

19. Electronic configuration of Cu+1.

a) 4S1, 3d9 b) 4S1, 3d10 c) 4So, 3d10 d) 4So, 3d9

20. The self-linking property of carbon is called as:

a) Linking polymerization b) Addition
c) Catenation d) Elimination

21. The active part in a molecule is called:

a) Hetroatom b) Functional group c) Chemical Bond d) Ion

22. 1-butene and 2-butene are an example of:

a) Chain Isomerism b) Positional Isomerism
c) Metamerism d) None of these

23. Alkanes normally have _________ geometry:

a) Planar b) Tetrahedral c) Linear d) None of these

24. Benzene can react with ________ easily to produce substituted product.
a) Nucleophile b) Electrophile c) weak electrophile d) strong electrophile

25. Aromatic compounds burn with sooty flame because:

a) They have high percentage of hydrogen.
b) They have ring structure
c) They have high percentage of carbon
d) They resist to react with air

26. The nature of –COOH group is _______:

a) ortho b) meta c) para d) orth and para

27. Primary alkyl halides follow.

a) E1 & SN1 mechanism b) E2 & SN2 mechanism
c) Both a & b d) None of these

28. Both E1 and E2 or SN1 and SN2 mechanism can be shown by:
a) 1o – RX b) 2o-RX c) 3o – RX d) None of these

29. The formula of secondary alkyl halide is:

a) R – CH2 – X b) R2CH – X c) R3C – X d) RCH2 - OH
30. The order of stability decreases for carbonium ion:
a) 1o > 3o > 2o b) 1o > 2o > 3o c) 3o > 2o > 1o d) 3o > 1o > 2o

31. Which of the following is an example of tri-hydric alcohol?

a) Methanol b) Glycol c) Glycerol d) All of these

32. Fermentation is a ________ process.

a) Biological b) chemical c) biochemical d) physical

33. Most of the reactions of carbonyl groups are:

a) Nucleophilic addition b) Nucleophilic substitution
c) Electrophilic addition d) Electrophilic substitution

34. In Tollen’s Test, the end product is _________ formed.

a) While b) Red c) Yellow ppts d) Silver mirror

35. Monosaccharides are:

a) Aldoses b) Ketoses c) Either a and b d) None

36. A dipolar, charge but overall electrically neutral ion is called:

a) Acids b) Zwetter ion c) Base d) None

37. The factor/factors affecting enzyme activity is:

a) concentration b) pH c) Temperature d) All

38. The products of oxidation of glucose are:

a) CO2 b) H2O c) Energy d) All of these

39. Fertilizers are made by:

a) Nature only b) Artificial method only
c) Both artificial and natural method d) None of them

40. Bakelite is obtained from phenol by reacting with:

a) Acetaldehyde b) Acetal c) formaldehyde d) chloro ethene

41. Glass is super cooled:

a) solid b) liquid c) gas d) none of them

42. _________ plastics can be heated again and again to soften for reshaping.
a) Thermosetting b) Thermo c) Both a and b d) none of these

43. The percentage of nitrogen in ammonia is:

a) 80% b) 82% c) 90% d) 50%
Comprehensive Examination 2020–21
Chemistry – Second Year
Section ‘B’(Short Answer Questions) (25 Marks)

Note: Attempt any FIVE (05) questions from this section. Select TWO (02) part questions from In-
organic Chemistry and TWO (02) part questions from Organic Chemistry. All questions
carries equal marks.

Q.2 i) Give the characteristics valence shell configuration of the following:
a) Noble gases b) Halogens
c) Outer transition elements d) Coinage metals
e) Alkali metals

ii) Refer the list of given compounds:

Compound A B C D
Specific Name Dolomite Blue Vitriol Aqua Regia Phitkari

Q.3 i) Write:
* Formula of A & D * The equation for the preparation of B
* Reaction of B with excess ammonia * Give equation for the preparation C
* Give equation for the preparation C

ii) Give scientific reasons for the following:

a) Hydrogen exhibits +1 and −1 oxidation states in its compounds.
b) Transition element form coloured compound
c) Alkali metals are powerful reducing agents.
d) Al is more metallic than Boron
e) Transition elements show reactions variable oxidation states.

iii) Give I.U.P.A.C names of the products:

a) [Zn(OH)4]-2 b) [Ni(CO)4] c) K4[Fe(CN)6]
d) [Co(en)2Cl2] e) K[MnO4]

Q.4 a) Give the two geometrical structures of HNO3.

b) Discuss bleaching action of Chlorine.
c) What happens when acid is added to the solution of Potassium chromate.

Q.5 Give chemical equations for the following:

* Reaction of Aluminum with conc. H2SO4.
* Reaction of concentrated Nitric acid with Copper.
* Reaction of Magnesium with hot water.
* Reaction of Chlorine with SO2.
* Reaction of Copper with KI.
Q.6 What are Hydrides? How are they classified? Discuss Ionic and Covalent hydrides in

Q.7 Define Ligand and Co-ordination number. Discuss classification of Ligands with
examples. Also define Chelate with example.

Q.8 Define the following with examples:
a) Polymerization b) Catenation c) Functional group
d) Metamerism e) Glycosidic linkage

Q.9 a) Draw and explain the orbital structure of Ethene.

b) Identify the type of bonds, bond angle & shapes of the following molecules using
hybridization approach.
* CH3-CH3 * CH2=CH2 * CH≡CH * CH3Cl

Q.10 a) Write the Nitration reaction in Benzene along with its mechanism.
b) Define the following with their general formulae and write names of functional group:
* Alcohol * Aldehyde * Ketone

Q.11 a) Write the role of Amino acid in the human body.

b) Write structural formula of the following:
* Isobutylene * Vinyl acetylene * But-3-ene-1-yne
* Geminal di chloride

Q.12 Prepare the following compounds form Grignard’s reagent. Why dry ether is used in the
preparation of Grignard’s reagent.
a) Propane b) Propanol c) Propanoic acid
d) ter. Butyl alcohol

Q.13 Write equations for the preparation of the following:

* Cyano hydrin from formaldehyde * Ethyl ethanoate from ethanol
* Methanol from water gas * Ethene from ethyl bromide
* Benzene from phenol
Comprehensive Examination 2020–21
Chemistry – Second Year
Section ‘C’(Descriptive Answer Questions) (17 Marks)

Note: Answer any TWO (02) questions from this section. One (01) from In-Organic Chemistry and one (01)
from Organic Chemistry. All questions carries equal marks.


Q.14 The flow chart represents stages in the manufacturing of HNO3 by Ostwald’s process:
NH3 + Air Water H2O

Converter Boiler Oxidation Chamber Absorption Tower HNO3 HNO3

A B C D 68% 98%

* Give the chemical reactions in stage A with conditions.

* Describe the process in ‘C’ and ‘D’
* Describe the conditions to get 95% oxidation of NH3 and NO and how 98% HNO3 obtained.
* What is fuming Nitric acid?

Q.15 a) Describe the extraction of Sodium from molten Sodium chloride. Draw labeled diagram.
b) How is chlorine manufactured by Nelson Cell? Draw its diagram.

Q.16 How 99.9% Aluminium is extracted from Bauxite ore.


Q.17 Explain the molecular orbital treatment of Benzene. Give two equations to prove saturated
behavior of Benzene.
Explain Kekule structure of Benzene. Give two equations to prove unsaturated behaviour of

Q.18 a) What happens when?

* Acetone is treated with I2 in the presence of Sodium carbonate.
* Methyl iodide is treated with Sodium metal.
* Excess Ethanol is treated with Conc. H2SO4.
* Solution of sucrose is treated with yeast.
* Formaldehyde is treated with Fehling’s solution.

b) What is Nucleophile? Explain the reaction mechanism of SN1 and SN2 reactions with

Q.19 Define carbohydrates and discuss its classification. Write biological importance of carbohydrates.
Give distinguish test between reducing and non-reducing carbohydrates.

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