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A.) Do you think Church should intervene in scientific activities?

 No, because I believe that church does not, but rather should appreciate and help all
individuals who wants to use their experience and skills to develop and progress our
existing way of life, so therefore, science activities is a large subject to address since
science may be separated into a number of divisions that are not just dissimilar but also
connected, and I think that scientists and also scholars are mainly individuals who make
a secret contribution to society, possibly because their terminology and interpretation of
everything vary from those of the ordinary citizen, and now the church is an different
various subject because its experience and interpretation is based mostly on their
religious values and practices, so god is the ultimate being that created it, while science
indicates that the universe was created as a result of certain collisions and other chain
reacting processes, there is a strict rule of church that we must be human to others and
find our divine meaning.

B.) How can Darwin’s evolutionary theory influence the following fields in modern times :

i. Agriculture

 So, makes a compelling and personal argument for using evolutionary values to solve
the twin problems of feeding an ever increasing human population while reducing
agriculture’s environmental footprint, and using eco evolutionary concepts of agriculture
is not recent but however, considering land use patterns and other transformative
processes in development environments, ecological and evolutionary studies in agro-
ecosystems must take these concerns into account in the light of larger system, and I
strongly agree of Denison that evolutionary ideas have the power to help us better cope
with these complicated challenges, and that multidisciplinary approaches are needed to
increase both efficiency and sustainability.

ii. Political Science

 So, evolution has never been just a hypothesis, the theory has been used to promote a
number of political ventures since it was first correctly proposed by Darwin, and the most
important accomplishment in Darwin account of evolution is that it does away with the
notion of nature or purpose and these evolution is a haphazard mechanism that
produces extremely complex modes of life only to extinguish them, while there is no
change in existence, the concept of evolution is invariably associated with the promise of
advancement in ethics and politics and it is also cited by generations of radical
intellectuals to support their dreams of a more advanced in a modern world, however the
content of these visions has varied over time, and one of the political gene’s strengths is
that it demonstrates how Darwinism has been used to uphold illiberal, totalitarian, or
racial ideas of human development.
C.) What are the controversies or questions in Freud’s idea in the following fields :

i. Medicine

 So as these controversies in Freud idea in medicine, his philosophy argues that

personality problems and mental health difficulties are caused by persistent mental
disputes that have been repressed into the unconscious mind as Freud called, As a
result, the aim of psychotherapy is to put these unresolved issues into awareness in
order to help patients recover, and the psychoanalytic theory has merits and it use has
resulted in the healing of a large number of patients recovering from psychiatric traumas,
and as psychoanalysis expanded across psychology and others modes of therapy, the
social sciences art, literature, and popular culture, so its did critics of Freud’s theories
and practices, and in the face of criticism, Freud was aware of the fact that he was
building and controlling his intellectual legacy.

ii. Mass Media

 So as these mass media I conclude that Freud philosophers and artists to extend hi
realm of inquiry to include fundamental questions regarding spiritual and political life as
he extended his sphere of inquiry to include strife, desire, and the unconscious, and
these ideas seemed too many to open up exciting new directions for explaining
contemporary society’s achievements and shortcomings, and others assumed that
taking these paths would lead to deceit or worse, so these would apparently discuss of
how psychoanalysis professional expansion and the critical response to it, and of
course to following on that the exhibition delves into Freud’s ideas on culture, from his
speculations about its history to his perspectives on the present day, and its reflects on
the violent conflicts that rocked the world at the end of Freud’s life.

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