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Debate- school helios tech club

Nearly 6.8million people die every year due to neurological

disorders, spending their last years on Earth in excruciating pain
and agony.
alarming isnt it.
Imagine the plight of the families seeing their loved ones endure
such torture, aware of the hopeless and helpless position they are
We are sitting in the 21st century are still slaves to this petty
misfortune when we can very well be the masters of our destiny
All it takes is one chip, the size of a coin to eradicate this problem
from its roots.
Instead of just hoping for a better future, elon musk is creating it.
His company nueralink is the Potential breakthrough technology for
the brain helping the blind to see and the disabled to walk.

Musk describes it as a 23mm diameter fitbit in your skull, aimed at

treating paralysis, paraplegia and conditions including alzymers,
dementia and spinal cord diseases.

Trials on monkeys are under way, In one released footage we see a

monkey playing video games after getting implants of the new

Imagine the sheer joy a blind person will experience when they see a ray
of sunshine for the first time, or the feeling of being able to move again
for the paralyzed. When such miracles can be made available to them
then why not?

How can u be so sure as its just a theory

The company, last year, has already shared the 87% accuracy results of trying out
this technology on monkeys and mice, and since then the wait has started for the
human trials of the technology
Ivf was looked down upon
Why msut be always be so cynical and not trust the audacity of hope
If there is a potential chancefor such deseases to be sured then why not?

55billion animals are slaughtered for food
Isnt that cruelty

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