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Honorable Chairperson, distinguished guests, ladies, and gentlemen,

"Religion, when used as a tool of discrimination, can poison the mind and

corrode the soul, causing harm to individuals and society as a whole."

On this quote, I would like to begin with my rebuttals

My first rebuttal is to the

Adding on to the rebuttal made by the first speaker, religion widens the gap

between the differeng levels on the society more commonly known as the

caste ladder

Taking hinduism as an exmaple, brahmins are considered the highest and

most important people in the society where as the dalits are considered the

lowest and are treated as untaouchables and are denied basic resources
A dalit could

I stand before you today to speak against the motion "Religion is essential to a vibrant

and democratic society." While religion can provide comfort and guidance to individuals,

it should not be considered essential to a vibrant and democratic society.

Firstly, religion is a personal choice and should not be imposed on individuals. In a

democratic society, every person has the right to choose their beliefs or have no belief at
all. The state should not favor or discriminate against any religion. If religion is considered
essential to a vibrant society, it implies that non-religious individuals are less valuable to
society. This notion is unfair and contradicts the fundamental principles of a democratic

Furthermore, religion has been the cause of several conflicts throughout history. People
have been discriminated against, persecuted, and even killed because of their religious
beliefs. The idea that religion is essential to a vibrant and democratic society is not only
unfounded but also dangerous. If the state endorses religion as essential, it could lead to
religious discrimination, violence, and oppression of minority groups who do not share
the same beliefs.

Moreover, the role of religion in society has declined significantly in recent years. In the
past, religion played a crucial role in shaping society's moral values and ethics. However,
with advancements in science and technology, people have become more rational and
logical in their thinking. As a result, the influence of religion on society has decreased.
This does not mean that society has become less vibrant or democratic. On the contrary,
societies have become more diverse, inclusive, and open-minded.

In addition, the concept of a vibrant and democratic society is based on the principles of
equality, justice, and freedom. These principles are not dependent on religion but are
universal values that every individual should enjoy, regardless of their beliefs. In a vibrant
and democratic society, individuals should be allowed to express their opinions freely,
without fear of persecution or discrimination.

Furthermore, the idea that religion is essential to a vibrant and democratic society is not
supported by empirical evidence. Countries with high levels of religious diversity and
secularism, such as the Netherlands, Sweden, and Canada, have been ranked as some of
the most democratic and prosperous nations globally. On the other hand, countries with
high levels of religious influence, such as Iran and Saudi Arabia, have been ranked as
some of the most repressive and undemocratic nations in the world.
In conclusion, I urge you to reject the motion that "Religion is essential to a vibrant and
democratic society." Religion is a personal choice that should not be imposed on
individuals, and it should not be favored or discriminated against by the state.

A vibrant and democratic society is based on universal values of equality, justice, and
freedom, which are not dependent on religion.

Finally, the notion that religion is essential to a vibrant and democratic society is not
supported by empirical evidence and can be dangerous if endorsed by the state.
Thank you.

However, when taken to extremes or used to justify harmful actions, it can also

have negative consequences.

Some examples of harmful aspects of religion include:


Religious extremism: When people use religion to justify violence, terrorism, or

other forms of extremism, it can lead to harm to both individuals and


Discrimination: In some cases, religion can be used to justify discrimination

against certain groups of people, such as women, LGBTQ+ individuals, or

members of other religions.

Suppression of science: Certain religious beliefs can conflict with scientific

knowledge, leading to the rejection of important scientific findings, such as

evolution or climate change.


Sexual abuse: Unfortunately, some religious leaders have been accused of and

found guilty of sexually abusing members of their congregation, particularly


Mental health: In some cases, religious beliefs can contribute to the

development or exacerbation of mental health issues, such as anxiety or


When a person feels conflicted or challenged by religious issues, doubt,  anxiety , or

depressive symptoms may be the result. Spiritual or religious challenges may effect
changes in one's beliefs and practices, behaviors and feelings toward others, and
relationship to one's self. Those who are questioning their faith may feel off-balance
or uncertain, experience anxiety, or fear divine retribution for their doubts, especially
when their faith is based on belief in a punitive god. Some may use drugs or
alcohol  to cope, self-harm , or experience thoughts of suicide . 
Religious discrimination and persecution can also have harmful effects on a person's
well-being. Not only might some individuals experience anxiety, depression , or
stress, some may be victimized by acts of physical violence, which can lead
to posttraumatic stress  as well as personal harm. 

A recent study, which examined the correlation between religious beliefs and mental
health concerns, suggested that the type of god one worships may have an effect on
one's mental and emotional health. Research found that those who believed in a
vengeful or angry deity, as opposed to a benevolent or uninvolved deity, were more
likely to experience mental health concerns such as social anxiety , paranoia ,
and obsessions and compulsions . 

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