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English exposition

RUSIAN: Well I'm here in the United States...

JAPAN: oh hello russia! how's it going??

RUSIAN: ah hello japan!, I am too happy because the citizens are too aware of the issue of voting

JAPAN: that sounds great, it's almost the same as our voting where everyone votes for their benefit

RUSIAN: I wonder how they will be from Latin American countries...

RUSIAN: By the way, from what age do your citizens vote?

COLOMBIAN: hey! hello what do you say??

RUSIAN: we were talking about voting

JAPAN: And about the ages of when they should start voting

MEXICAN: Hey, I couldn't stop listening to you, I'm Mexico, a pleasure, In my case, the votes are
somewhat uncontrolled and without interest.

COLOMBIAN: Hi, I'm Colombian! In my case it is chaos because we do not have a specific order

RUSIAN AND JAPAN: that sounds depressing...

RUSIAN: by the way... what is the age required for people to vote?

COLOMBIAN: in my case they need to be 18 years old

MEXICAN: “ah que chido” here we vote the same and you?

JAPAN: Here we vote from the age of 18 or 20

COLOMBIAN: and your russia?? you didn't say anything yet

MEXICAN: it is true what he says

RUSIAN: “проклинать” I thought I was the only 18 year old

RUSIAN: but I think I'm the only country that has everything organized

MEXICAN AND JAPAN: that's a lie

COLOMBIAN: I'm also organized... maybe

JAPAN: me too but well I have to go to

RUSIAN: I'm leaving too, it was nice talking to you

MEXICAN: likewise


COLOMBIAN AND MEXICAN: ok bye see you next time

End of conversation

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