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Case Study 

When Lee decided to take his relationship with Diane to a different level, he needed a
proposal ring, and not just a ring but a diamond ring,  
But then he got to choose from a natural diamond that is being mined, and a synthetic
diamond ring that is made within a lab and made from chemicals 
Case Study Question: Did synthetic diamonds in fact pose a threat to the diamond industry? If
so, what Should DeBeer’s response be, if any? 


Since then Debeer Diamond corporation, Is the leading producer of diamonds but as years
go by different places like countries and more companies started to mine their own
diamonds, so they have got a lot of competitors and their sales have dropped, but then as
time passes and technology and science takes over, there has been an study that proves to
make a diamond from a Laboratory made by different chemicals combined, called Synthetic
diamond that has the same structure and quality as the mined ones 
Still As what Debeer’s  beliefs as nothing could compare the worth of natural and ancient
things, like some that are made from the laboratory and built with chemicals quickly 
But when doing business we know that we should come up to a different strategy when the
sales and demand has turned down and the market chooses to the new and equally same
thing, a company must change their ways for them to cope up with others, but if they will
stand there pride as they are the ones who relies from hard works and hard owned
diamonds maybe some will still believe them but, as Change is the only constant thing,
everyone must try to go with the flow of the market and the demmand and also find a
cheaper source for it is also same as what they believe that what worth is more. 

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