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What makes the Five Guys Successful

The success of Five Guys can be attributed to these six characteristics and principles, first is they have
High Risk Tolerance. This principle can be seen when they were asked by their father whether they want
to go to college or start a business, we can see how big of a risk was made by choosing the latter.

Second is Simplicity, from the start, they built up their business with simplicity. It can be seen on their
menus and other things that they serve; they didn’t make extravagant designs on their products but
made sure that the quality of the food they are selling is top quality.

Third is Quality, they always make sure that the ingredients they use are top quality to ensure that the
food they are selling is really good and memorable.

Fourth is No Paid Ad, while there are certain benefits from using an advertisement, they believe that the
food they serve are good enough to be spread by their customer.

Fifth is Slow and Steady, they trusted their product and they didn’t push for early expansion giving their
company a steady foundation and from there gradually branch out.

Sixth is Franchising, their decision of not expanding made their name more solid and this decision made
sure that the quality of the food they are serving are of top quality and didn’t drop from expanding

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