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The movie poster for "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" is a classic example of how

character poses and colour can effectively capture the essence of the western genre.
The character stances on the poster capture key elements of the western subgenre, which is
recognised for its untamed landscapes, peril, and conflict. The three major characters' triangle
arrangement generates the tension and struggle that are essential to western narrative. Blondie
is seen in the centre of the poster, standing with a casual and self-assured posture that
suggests he is in command of the circumstance. Angel Eyes is depicted on the right side of
the poster in an aggressive and scary attitude while clutching a gun and staring directly at
Blondie. Tuco, is on the left side of the poster, looking untrustworthy with a devious grin and
holding a pistol behind his back. These poses reflect the archetypical roles of protagonists
and antagonists in the western genre and set up the conflicts that will drive the story forward.

The choice of earthy and subdued tones on the poster emphasizes the genre's ideas of
violence and peril. Colour is an important component in western genre movies as well. The
dark brown hues convey the genre's signature gloomy, menacing tone. The limited colour
scheme makes the characters and their poses stand out, making the poster more powerful and

The character poses and colour on the poster are essential in capturing the essence of the
western genre.

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