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Blog Process

Know your numbers, how many sales do you need monthly? Go where
the money is. What are your dream numbers? Outdo your competitors,
copy what is already working. Build a brand blog/site/channel,
build a brand on site.

A niche blog but with freedom to pivot as required. Live in the

middle of your niche, build niche, build authority. You want
unique content. Create a content calendar. Begin brainstorming
potential ideas and items.

Become a 6-figure blogger in two ways: selling affiliate products

with $50 or more per sale, or creating your own products and

Blog: viral, searchability, shareability

Strategy – start with the end in mind, identify target market

- Find a product that solves a need your readers have
- Build a funnel designed to build trust and eventually sell that
- Get people into the funnel with sales-centred content,
continually improve the funnel for maximum conversions. It’s not
about you, focus on others, solving somebody else’s problem.

Sales = traffic x conversion rate

Build trust with YouTube videos
Increase traffic and conversion rate, build trust first.

Business Setup
1. Business name, address, postal address, bank account, phone
number, emails, SSL.

Required Pages:
1. Home 2. What we do 3. About us 4. Contact us 5. Careers

Social media. Legal pages, Ts&Cs, Privacy policy, GDPR, Can-Spam

compliance privacy, data removal request form; EV SSL Certificate
(Green Bar) / Real Security Seals?

Tracking – not ClickFunnels.

NB. A physical Mailing Address

Details for CPA Networks
Create a Persona/Brand
Projects – timelines and calendars / Goals/Targets established.

Create a great thumbnail for posts etc. Buttons to share on social

Use complimentary colours – colour Wheel. Use colours chosen to
work eg. Amazon, NetFlix, AirBNB, Reddit etc.
Favicon –
Create Logo –,
A “Good enough” website – launch it!
Nobody will be visiting yet, be good enough. Make sure everything
is installed and activated.

Home Page = Sales Page for you

About Page = Tell your story
Blog Archive – Basic archive page; title, author, image, date

Blog Post Template – readability and usability

Text area should be no wider than 850 px
Black text on white background
Model what already works, responsive theme.
WordPress – Settings – Permalinks
Home Page – Home Page Reading Settings
Posts Page – Blog
Discussion Settings – Comments turned off
Avatar Settings
Permalinks Settings – Custom structure
% postname % check blog posts when live
No trailing slash on Permalinks
Privacy – not required yet?

Yoast WP Plugin – best settings?

Slides: no Portfolio : no Hide SEO metabox
For automatic updates use the Year title (tag)
Customise slug with the keyword, a more exciting spin on the post
title – snippet preview.
Hide date snippet for SEO.
Number of characters.

Slug wording appears in search results

Permalink structure with keyword (with or without trailing or
leading slash)
Permalink settings – keyword focused slug in WordPress

Meta description – catch interest, sound material with more

context of articles

Check site speed and mobile responsiveness.

Tool /fpt/
Check broken links in/out, duplicate titles, descriptions, missing
details, as with Screaming Frog SEO Spider or similar.

Short Pixel – Image optimisation $10 – 10,000 images compressed

Rank Math, Yoast SEO, Litespeed cache, WP Rocket $50 per year
Google Docs – to WordPress
Checking Links – Thirsty Affiliates

5 posts per page is enough

Primary/Footer menu and Top/bottom
Open links in a new tab
Widgets and Sidebars – WP
Have sidebar tap open to reveal changes; Search Bar; Social Plugin
– Display Optin

Use a blog silo structure for pages and posts; an SEO friendly way
to organise content, similar to YouTube and playlists.

Eg. Best Blender

Names #2 #3 #4
Reviews Reviews Reviews Reviews

Make photos and pictures unique

Don’t show categories
Eliminate content duplicates
Tags= no index
Projects=no, disable
Archives – 1 author =disabled is better
Date Archives= disabled
Breadcrumbs= disabled
RSS Foundations (optional)
Check on Tablet and Mobile views A/B testing – for opt in/sales

Affiliate Networks.
Maxbounty (not ClickBank or JVZoo)
Upcoming launches –

Blog Post / Article Formats

Assemble Blog Posts, Structure and Ordered Format. Blog post
structure and on page SEO. URL – title tag – description.
How To – Best of posts loops, live in the middle.

Tell a complete story with 2,000+ words. 500 word articles are
alright, for use with more infographics and videos. Look at the
first page results, then out-do them in some way. Write a great
post and embed YouTube video with great description.

Not just free content, focus on the sale. Avoid offering freebie
How To - Informational keywords – not so good.
Best of – much better.
Never duplicate content on video listing or blog or other forums.

Create an authoritative article/post/page

Do a better job than the other authorities
Keyword and solutions focused title – action-based wording
Secondary title idea in title

One Post to One Specific Keyword

1:1 ratio. One target word, with evergreen terms
High volume/high revenue potential
Searches 500-1000 10,000 too high?
Live in the middle, and pivot.

You only need a handful of winning keywords. Think in turn of

dozens of articles/posts/pages. Everything is a numbers game. Find
new product categories, emerging trends, and establish yourself.

Pre-sale content, articles designed to sell, off larger posts. A

thorough article educating the reader in the topic that relates to
the product, with a concluding paragraph providing a solution to
the problem.

Information (How To) Low

Transactional (Purchases)
Buying Advice (“Best”)

Buying advice and answers. Every post optimised for keyword search
– between Google search and Purchase as mediator.

Keyword searches – to income.

What to post about?

70% - what people are actually searching for
10% - ask audience in surveys
10% - what is popular in your niche?
10% – share your story

Title + Featured Image + Snippet of text (Applets) Syndication

Snap Auto poster – free account?
Add New Post – Screen Options – Excerpt
Select text and paste into Excerpt field
Snippet – Update blog posts required with new videos.

Write 5 potential headlines before choosing one

“How to” “Listicles” “Testimonials” How I/How we

Variance in paragraph text, readability, break it up, bullet

points, bolding, links, wrapping images, coloured highlights and
SEO title tag Title tag preview tool, under 60 characters.

Serif or Non Serif fonts, Use Dark Text.

Black Text on White background #000000 #333333.
<H> tags 1-4 for internal linking. Keep consistent, keywords in
headers where necessary and naturally.

Write intro and outro.

Post should be between 2,000 to 4,000 words.
Prepare in Google Docs, not in WordPress.
“Best of” not “How to”
Internal links – 5 at least (?)
Intro 75-100 word hook.

Title / Main Heading

Only <H1> tag Heading per blog page or post for main title.
+ main keyword or superlative [Number]
+ Best + [Keyword] (odd numbers are best)
+ other search intent trigger words (guide, review, rank,
compared) + [Year] can be important
<H1> Heading keyword title.

Title Numbers – 7/13 appear more random.

Only the target keyword in the URL. You can change everything

Introduction: put the target keyword early in the post, first or

second paragraph.

Introduction: include an obvious statement at the start

“You want to know the best… on the market eg.”
Gain agreement, a micro-commitment/compliance and keyword.
Answer Questions: Who, what, when, where, why etc.

Proper Font Hierarchy <H1>, <H2>, <H3>, <H4> for chunks or


<H2> As needed for sections

<H2> – Sub-heading (what is) (keyword)
- Begins the list post eg. The best question – to the answer
Disclaimer of Affiliate links (recommended tools Legals)
- bulleted list - link down to paragraphs
<H2> – Question subheading – keyword
<H2> Explanation as necessary, Look at competition and improve!
<H2> What is the best? What is it?
Keyword question
How To / Informational Posts
<H2> – Series of Steps – paragraph texts +images and video etc.
<H2> What is the best? What is it? Keyword question.
Table of Contents – sub headings <H2> tags.

Examples, photos, case studies, testimonials, stock photos,

include watermark and logo to make each image unique and with
branding. Lists of benefits, lists of products or services.

Give your images Alt tags. What the image is about helps SEO,
describe the image. Image files = keyword names. Bold and italics
for terms.

Call to action
Links to top page – pass onto lower pages and posts etc.
Meaty piece of content – Thrive theme – Quick Navigation
<H3> Subsections under <H2>
<H3> Answers What is? Paragraph – later/earlier as necessary
<H3> Answers <Paragraph text in between>

Good titles, good info, list/content, summary.

Meta description as not as important any more.

Minimal Viable Post Method

- just viable enough, not prefect yet
- Good enough, move on
- treat blog like a business
- you need a velocity = number of published posts.

Add email optin on all your posts and make sure it works!
Sell affiliate products for $50+ per sale.

LinkBait posts
New bloggers need eye-popping content to get links to posts/page.
Items – 25-50 words max per item (?)
1 image every 10 items
Over 75 items (with goal for 100+)
Short to the point intro
Link out to other posts/pages

Link to your other articles – where else can you link to other
articles? Like in playlists on YouTube. A few posts, not too many.
Good external links to Authority sources.

Link to older articles and update with links, add other sections
where appropriate.

Foundation links. Link out often to Authority channels/Sites

Money site – link to Twitter, Tumbler, WP, Google Site, Webbly
FB, Google Plus, YouTube, LinkedIn, BlogSpot, Vimeo etc. Build authority.

Automated promotional system – Zapier etc. connect

to social media – wait a few days before publishing. Yoast –
canonical tags LinkedIn, Reddit, Bing, tag Twitter of anybody
mentioned in the article.

Syndication and automation – the brand is what matters

Automation IFTTT, Zapier, Snap
YT Videos to DailyMotion, BroadCloud Audio, Vimeo

Affiliate Linking
Affiliate Market Place Rules. Subscriptions that offer recurring
commissions. Product ratings – ClickBank, Shareasale.

Introduce the product at the end of an article. Intro – why the

product is great, how it will help, link at start? Tie in
information about why the reader needs the affiliate product,
focus on higher quality product, and promote in 20 articles.

Add affiliate links – throughout article – end of article

- Resource page -in your emails -social media
(not allowed for Amazon) -through videos
- make bold or underline links
- reader should have a general idea where they are going to
- don’t link too often in articles etc.
- make sure links open in a new window
- only link when it makes sense
In-text links for lower-priced, simple products, that require
little or no thought, one that is already established, good
brands, provide some context for the link(s).

You can promote multiple affiliate products on one page. Product

Name + keyword -review -coupon -discount etc. Product demo.

Affiliate disclaimer – every single page

- same paragraph as the linkbait – link at the top is best
- more comprehensive disclaimer in legal pages and footer section
- read and understand all requirements for every single company
you work with
- example – meta links
FTC Rules and other rules – common affiliate mistakes
- being shady and deceptive
- it’s not your product, no false testimonials
- stick to guidelines on linking etc.
- promote good products
- test and promote over time, find new offers
- trial and error process
- purchase the product before promoting
- not linking enough, more than once
- clear Call To Action at the end of the article/email
- beginning, middle, end – 2-3 links

Resources Page – your favourite links and products.

What are your most popular articles, topics? Product are you using
yourself? Create articles around those products. Review articles,
detailed testimonial of your own experience, within rules.


Email is the lifeblood of bloggers, build a list. Email builds

trust with your audience, the money is in the list.

Establish interest and trade contact info. More relationship

building, then close the deal. Give them a reason to buy from you.
A strong relationship and strong product = lots of visitors.
Low priced products won’t get you to 6-7 Figure Blog.

Creating email opt-ins – collect emails. Footers, in-text forms,

scroll mats are less invasive than pop-ups, find X to close.
Thrive Leads – Welcome Mats.

Use a large headline to gain attention. Free lead magnet + image

of offer + NOW. Don’t ask too informally or wait too long.

Sales funnel – sequence of emails designed to sell a product to

your readers. 3-12 days, provide more value such as webinars etc.
Give a reason to buy now! Scarcity, limited time discounts, adding

Selling products via email – cold traffic to articles.

Emails to warmer traffic with trust.
The higher the price, the more need to market to your email
funnel, majority of sales come from email.

Autoresponders – 4-7 days, pre-written emails

Day 0: Intro email – deliver gift
Day 1: Provide value 2,3 Break
Day 4: Build excitement about product
Day 5: Introduce the product
Day 6: Answer common questions about the product
Day 7: Close down offer/offer last chance CTA time limited

Six Parts of the Email Sequence

1. Introduction to the Big Ass Problem or Idea
2. It’s coming – the webinar / launch / video etc. Build
3. The Review – bullet points
4. Follow up – remind people
5. Counter objections
6. Close down – the bonus, special offer, guarantee, countdown
timer on the page, scarcity, no risk

Vimeo – 4 types of links etc. Possibly link to Google property

first? Then to money site, if more spammy.

You need just one great offer to earn $10 K per month and more.
Offer the path to get people to solving their biggest and most
painful problem. Videos to post/opt in page/pop up. Thrive themes.
Lightbox button.

Test one item at a time

1. The Offer
2. The Headline
3. The bullets
4. Testimonials or graphics etc.
Tell them what to do – sign up for the email.
Send 2-3 emails per week
You want a 20% conversion on your opt in page, and 1% sales on
your OTO. Lightbox button.
Sequence of emails – 16 point text size.
Wait a day between sending mails, tag the emails.

HTML or plain text emails

Send more by Gmail, for example
Software – Atomic Email Hunter
Xerify $400 – Verify 100,000 emails

Chrome extension mozbar
Majestic Backlink Analyzer
Market Samurai Ahrefs
Ubersuggest Google Keyword Planner Tool

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