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Prompt: What are some of the ways you can engage in political action to support your

organization? You are strongly encouraged to take one of these actions and to write about it in
your journal entry.

Description (Describe some aspect of the community experience)

At Back Bay Mission, we did not observe much of the political process. However,
through educational experiences, we learned how political issues like racist infrastructure
perpetuates racial socioeconomic inequality. At one museum, they had an exhibit where it
showed videos of legislators from southern states making racist and downright evil comments
regarding Black individuals. Though Back Bay Mission works to provide short-term solutions,
the state of being unsheltered often comes from systemic issues that can only be resolved
through political action.

Analysis (Analyze how course content relates to the community experience)

The best way to support Back Bay Mission politically is to attend its open town halls
where they discuss issues within the unsheltered community, support legislators who support
aiding the unsheltered through campaigning and voting, write to current legislators, and share
their donation campaigns. Back Bay Mission thrives on grants and community donations.
Sharing their cause, mission, and how to donate is a politically involved way to support the
organization. Also, individuals who hold office have the power to make decisions regarding
legislation around the unsheltered, (which is important given the rise of anti-unsheltered
infrastructure,) and control the funds given to said population. Supporting legislators who
support the cause of Back Bay Mission is essential, and pestering those who do not is also

Application (How the experience and course content can be applied to personal or
professional life)
As outlined in the readings, voting is integral to creating change. We can choose who to
place in political power, which affects the laws that create our reality. I am a registered voter and
I have voted in every major election since I turned 18. I strive to make sure I am informed on my
representation and make the decision I feel is correct. Sometimes it is disheartening because my
county, state, and federal districts often are won by those I disagree with. However, I am also no
stranger to writing my representatives letters and vocalizing how I feel as a constituent.
Moreover, as also shown in the readings, taking part in protests, being a part of organizations
related to the cause, signing petitions, and sharing information are all a part of the political
process and are practices that I engage in frequently. As Back Bay Mission does with their goals,
it is important to fight for what we believe in and remain engaged to encourage change.

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