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Types of labor and the system of labor training

Types of labor:
1. Self-service labor
2. Socially useful labor
3. Productive work
Labor training system
The system of labor training means: 1) the correct formation of skills and habits of
labor, 2) an effective structure of educational materials, 3) means, 4) methods, 5) forms.

15. Requirements for teaching labor in the classes of Technology:

1) The work of students should be associated with their training. The link between
work and education is a conscious and productive organization;
2) Work must correspond to the age and strength of the students and
correspond to the mental development of the student. And also the tools used by the child
should fit into his physical strength, length and should not interfere with the correct
development of the student's body; time spent on work should be age appropriate;
3) Labor education should be carried out systematically and regularly;
4) Student collective work should be given preference, and they should
participate in a number of socially useful activities;
5) In the labor process, student initiative, personal creativity and amateur
performance should have a vast space;
6) safety and sanitary-hygienic requirements must be strictly observed in the
work process.

17. Active teaching methods, structure (stages) of an active lesson

Structure and stages of an active lesson:
1. Motivation (posing problems, making proposals).
2. Conducting research (search and collection of information and facts in the process
of solving problems to test assumptions).
3. Exchange of information (presentation of information received).
4. Organization and discussion of information (discussion of information,
classification, integration)
5. Generalization and conclusion (comparing results with hypotheses and revealing
conclusions about their confirmation).
6. Creative application.
7. Assessment and reflection (can be done at all stages).

Active learning methods include: lecture, brainstorming, revealing the notion, jigsaw,
KWL, cluster, aquarium, auction, carousel, role play, decision tree, Venn diagram, word
association, discussion, problem situation, questionnaire and interviews, project preparation
and others.

18. Principles of modern teaching.

The principles of modern teaching are as follows:
1. Principle of personality-oriented teaching (personal orientation approach in teaching) -
the student is at the center of the educational process. All teaching activities and all
educational activities are aimed at meeting the interests, needs of the child, as well as the
development of his talents, abilities and potentialities.

2. Principle of active cognition - the learning process should be organized in such a way that
it creates cognitive activity, natural learning activity, the desire to acquire new knowledge
from the student.

3. Principle of development-orientation - the cognitive activity of students is traced, the

achievements of students are analyzed, the knowledge and level of development of skills and
abilities of students are regulated.

4. Principle of anticipatory training ([æntɪsɪpeɪtəri]- qabaqlayıcı) should reflect the

development trends of society and prepare new generations for work in the near future.

5. Principle of flexibility of the educational system - taking into account the changing needs
of the social environment and students, it is necessary to systematically update the content of
curricula, create curricula, organize the educational process and the choice of pedagogical
6. Principle of cooperation - in the system of relationships "teacher-student-parent", each of
them must participate as a partner in the learning process.

7. Principle of dialogical learning - each student should participate in discussions and group
work in

19. Features of active and traditional learning

Characteristic features of active learning are as follows:
1) active educational position of students;
2) independent thinking;
3) collaboration and interaction in groups;
4) creative application of knowledge to achieve vital goals.
Features of traditional education:
1) severity of teaching methods;
2) mastering of knowledge by students in a ready form, the application of the
proposed model;
3) limiting students' ability to fulfill their potential;
4) the use of monologue in teaching

20. Pedagogical technologies

Technology - a set of methods and tools to achieve the desired result; in a broad
sense, the application of scientific knowledge to solve practical problems. Technology
includes methods of work, its mode, sequence of actions.
Technology in the pedagogical process is a cooperative system of all components of
the pedagogical process, created on a scientific basis, which is designed to ensure the
fulfillment of the intended goals programmed at the level of space and time. Pedagogical
technologies serve not only as elements of education, but also as its goals, content, process
and result.
The objectives of technology is to study all elements of the training system and
develop an educational process.
Teaching technology is a complex of actions aimed at the formation of knowledge,
skills and abilities. A technological process is a complex of actions associated with the
preparation of each item.
Pedagogical technology is a sequence of actions for the formation of skills, habits and
The consistent, mutual activity of the teacher, aimed at solving pedagogical problems,
is called pedagogical technology.
Pedagogical technology is used to form and control knowledge, skills, habits and
attitudes in accordance with the intended goal in practical terms.
Pedagogical value is a norm that regulates pedagogical activity. The term pedagogical
value is "axiology".
Integration - a reflection of interdisciplinary relationships allows students to study
topics of various subjects with high efficiency, coordinate many subject areas and thereby
ensure the integrity of the learning content and the formation of a unified view of the world in
the imagination of students.

21. Types of instruction (instroductory, current, final) and

requirements for tasks.
In pedagogical practice, there are three types of instructions: introductory,
current and final instructions.
Introductory instruction.
The teacher sets out the essence of the upcoming problem on the topic in the learning
process and explains what the students will be taught. He then explains how the work
processes and technological sequence (['siːkwəns]) will be performed by the students. The
tools are visually demonstrated, which will be used, and the purpose and ways of using them
will be explained. Teacher explains the operations of making products from
paper, cardboard, fabric, and so on, from the beginning to the end. And in practice, he shows
the mistakes in the work done and the ways to eliminate them. The safety rules are explained
to the students in instructions. Then the lesson is consolidated, and the teacher passes to the
current instruction.
Current instruction. Teacher gives assignments to students on a new topic. Students
organize their workplaces, prepare tools and materials, design, work out the plan of the
sequence of operations and begin their work. The teacher monitors the sequence of students'
work and helps them correct their mistakes. At the same time, the individual characteristics of
students are taken into account, and the different approach gives positive results.
One of the most important issues in the course of the current instruction is the
development of self-control of students. If the student knows the requirement for the work
done, he / she checks that each operation, technique of work is consistent and simple, and
determines if the dimensions or outline dimensions are appropriate. The teacher then
announces the completion of the student preparation and submission to the teacher. They are
reviewed and students are assessed.

Final instruction.
Teacher summarizes the lesson, analyzes positive and negative situations. He
evaluates student work. Each student cleans and tidies up the workplace. The teacher gives
homework related to the topic.
It is advisable to give students a variety of assignments in labor training classes in
order to build practical skills and abilities. The individual characteristics of students and their
previous achievements are taken into account when assigning each topic and learning
objectives. Sometimes one student makes a mistake when performing the technological
process (in the correct cutting of the box). In this way, the student is given instructions for the
assignment, so he / she is able to cut along the line with scissors.

22. Control, requirements for them. Forms, methods and functions of

Control is a way of checking.
For effective pedagogical control, a number of requirements are given to it:
1) during observation, the teacher should be kind, friendly and attentive;
2) control must be comprehensive, and the quality and quantity of teaching
must be obvious;
3) control should be scientific, not random;
4) control must be regular;
5) control must be objective and fair;
6) control should help all students in the assimilation of knowledge, skills and
abilities, be conscious and firmly developed and develop mental functions.
The forms of organization of control are as follows:
1) personal control is implemented to determine the level of knowledge, skills and
abilities acquired by each student individually, as well as the ability to work independently.

2) group control - performed to know the status of different levels of assignments in

one class and when partial differentiation is implemented.
3) frontal control is the process of determining the performance of the same task by
all students in the class.
Methods of control:
1) verbal control;
2) written control;
3) practical and laboratory control;
4) control (management) of the machine;
5) self-control
Functions of control:
1) control function (management) – shows the level of assimilation;
2) diagnostic function - determines the difficulties and the reasons for their
3) predictive or prognostic function - determines the ways to improve learning and
4) upbringing function - forms a sense of confidence in students and activates them.

23. Principles of labor training

1. The principle of purposefulness.
2. The principle of scientific character.
3. The principle of accessibility.
4. The principle of the use of visual aids
5. The principle of consciousness and activity
6. The principle of education and training in real life-related activities.
7. The polytechnic principle
8. The principle of systematicity and consistency in education and training.
9. The principle of taking into account age and individual differences
10. The principle of unity of exactingness and respect for the personality of the pupil.

24. Methods of labor training

1. According to the nature of the cognitive activity of students.

- explanatory and illustrative;
- reproductive;
- problem statement;
- partial-search (heuristic);
- research.
2. According to the didactic purposes of the lesson:
- methods of acquiring new knowledge;
- methods of formation of skills and abilities to apply knowledge in practice;
- methods of checking and evaluating KHS (knowledge, habits, skills).
3. Classification of methods according to the degree of student activity:
- active (informational and development - conversation, work with a book, oral
explanation), heuristic - research;
- passive (exercises).
4. According to the organization, motivation and control:
- methods of organizing and implementing educational and cognitive activities;
- methods of stimulating and motivating educational and cognitive activities;
- methods of stimulating and motivating duty and responsibility for learning;
- methods of control and self-control.
5. According to the source of knowledge (traditional classification, supported by many
researchers of the past and modern scientists):
- practical;
- visual;
- verbal.

39. Compliance with safety rules and sanitary and hygienic conditions in
the process of working with paper and cardboard
Safety rules
- Keep the scissors in the specified location.
- Place the scissors on the table so that they do not protrude over the edge of the table.
- Pay close attention to the cut line when working.
- Don't use blunt scissors.
- While cutting, hold the paper with your left hand with your fingers away from the scissor
- Do not hold the scissors upside down.
- Do not leave the scissors open.
- Do not walk around the classroom while working with scissors.
- Pass the scissors to a friend only when closed, rings forward.
- When working with paper, you can do without scissors. You can separate excess paper
using a ruler or fold line on the paper.

47. Natural materials used in Technology classes

Natural materials include: clay, sand, tree branches, tree cones, shells, straw, fruit sticks, etc.
Clay soil differs from other layers depending on its appearance, color, density and
slipperiness (sürüşkən). Clays are greasy (yağlı), not greasy, smooth and dry.

The type of oil clay is useful for making sculpting. When creating a model from clay and
plasticine, the main tool is the fingers. Pupils shape clay and plasticine with their fingers.
Clay has different colors: black, red, white, gray, brown. The high quality clay used in
technology lessons is yellow clay. Yellow clay is durable, fire resistant, greasy, does not
crack ([kræk]- çatlamaq, şınmaq).
It is more expedient ([ɪks'piːdjənt]- məqsədəuyğun, əlverişli) to make figures of fruits and
animals from clay and plasticine.
Porcelain (['pɔːsəlɪn]- farfor, çini) items, items coated with the extract are made from white
clay. The method of making porcelain vessels was invented two thousand years ago. A mass
made from clay, gypsum (['dʒɪps(əm)]- gips) and other mixtures is called porcelain.

51. Main types of modeling.

Modeling is based on a person's ability to duplicate similar properties and features of objects
and events, as well as to establish relationships between them.
The main types of modeling are educational models, technical models, household
models, building models, and so on. The educational model represents a copy of a real object,
and its structure gives a very good idea (representation) of the structure.
Models are moving and not moving.

52. Stages of making models and layouts in the modeling process

The modeling process consists of several stages.
1. Definition of the object of modeling;
2. Preparation of working draftings;
3. Development of a work plan and selection of materials;
4. Completing the work.

54. The content of culinary work

The history of Azerbaijani national cuisine is as ancient as it is. It is close to the cuisine of the
peoples of the Caucasus, it is close to the oriental cuisine for the taste and preparation of
Azerbaijani dishes, dark spices and additions.
Currently, Azerbaijani cuisine not only preserves ancient cooking methods, but is also well
used by the requirements of modern cooking.
Most of our national dishes are made from beef, lamb and chicken, most often from meat.
Azerbaijan is rich in rare mineral waters. "Istisu", "Sirab" are medicinal water, "Badamly",
"Sirab", table water. There are about 140 mineral water springs in Nakhchivan.

Hot drinks include tea, coffee and cocoa.

Tea is the leaves of an evergreen tea bush, its homeland is China, India.
Coffee is a natural coffee, it is a seed that is a product of the tropical coffee tree. The best
coffee is Arabic coffee and is derived from the Arabian coffee tree. His homeland is Ethiopia.
Cocoa - Powder is obtained from cocoa beans as a result of processing the seeds of the
tropical cocoa tree. His homeland is South America.

58. Stages of Technology lesson and conducting research

1. Motivation (posing problems, making proposals).
2. Conducting research (search and collection of information and facts in the process
of solving problems to test assumptions).
3. Exchange of information (presentation of information received).
4. Organization and discussion of information (discussion of information,
classification, integration)
5. Generalization and conclusion (comparing results with hypotheses and revealing
conclusions about their confirmation).
6. Creative application.
7. Assessment and reflection (can be done at all stages).

59. Integration in teaching the discipline Technology – intradisciplinary

and interdisciplinary integration.
Integration is a didactic principle that requires the construction of structured relationships
between content components and their systematization.
Intradisciplinary integration provides for the results of intra-class and inter-class
relationships in subjects.
I. Intradisciplinary integration is established in horizontal and vertical directions.
Intradisciplinary horizontal integration creates a link between learning outcomes across
content lines in any classroom.
Intradisciplinary vertical integration includes the relationship between learning outcomes
across content lines in the classroom.
II. Interdisciplinary integration involves the relationship of learning outcomes in one subject
with learning outcomes in other subjects.

68. Learning outcomes on the content line Processing technology

Processing technology is one of the main content lines of the "Technology" subject, which
will provide students with familiarization with professions and initial and basic work skills.
Students participate in the process of changing materials, energy, information in everyday
life, so they need to learn the skills and abilities associated with the corresponding processing
technologies. The modification and use of these objects is achieved with the help of various
methods and means (tools, methods), and they are based on processing technologies,
therefore, this content line is included in the subject of Technology.

Students are closely acquainted with the basic principles of the technical and artistic design of
products through the knowledge and skills gained through this content line and produce
various products that meet aesthetic and design requirements.

69. Learning outcomes on the content line Elements of technique

It provides for the improvement of the general characteristics of the technology that they
encounter in everyday life, the provision of primary information about modern technical
structures and designs and the development of relevant skills and abilities related this content
Students acquire basic knowledge and skills about the world of technology, types and
designations of machines, a combination of parts, models and requirements (economic,
environmental and aesthetic), about mass professions in technology.
Through this content line, students get acquainted with the main technological
machines, devices, units, tools, their types, structure and principle of work in everyday life.
Students study the structure and principles of operation of modern technological equipment,
acquiring knowledge about parts, mechanisms, machines used in the household, machinery in
machines, and acquire the skills to operate them. All this forms a culture of behavior in
students with the help of technology in everyday life, and in the field of their work.

70. Learning outcomes on the content line Household culture

With the knowledge and skills gained through this content line, students must adhere to the
rules of conduct they need in life, participate in family and budget management, comply with
safety and hygiene rules, perform simple repair and construction work, and take care of
plants. As well as the ability to comply with the rules of behavior and communication in
home culture and traditions, interior design and design, as well as in public places (at home,
on transport, at school, visiting, etc.) to organize your own workplace and place of residence.

71. Learning outcomes on the content line Graphics

When designing each product, it is necessary to draw and read its sketch, diagram, technical
drawing, drawings, instruction card. When using electronic devices, you need to read their
diagram to find and eliminate minor malfunctions.
For this purpose, the graphics are included in the technology. The activities on this
content line are designed to help students develop their drawings, diagrams, pictures, shapes
and forms and develop their skills for product design.

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