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Oscar Hernandez


Dear parents and guardians,

My name is Oscar Hernandez, and I will have the pleasure of having your student in my
classroom. I graduated from University of Texas, San Antonio, with a Bachelor of Science
Degree in Biology. In our classroom this year, I will be teaching your child the fundamentals and
principles of biology in accordance with TEKS and State guidelines. I am enthusiastic for the
subject, and I aim to transfer that enthusiasm to my students!

As your child goes through my class, they will be exposed to several rules and procedures for
their benefit and for the even flow in the classroom. Some of the rules include no cell phone
use during class time, following directions the first time given, and if your student does not
understand something, they are to ask questions. I believe my rules are very reasonable.
Education is very important, and the rules in place are meant to encourage and facilitate your
student’s learning.

My grading scale are as follows: 100-90 will be an A, 89-80 will be a B, 79-70 will be a C, 69-60
will be a D, and anything less will be an F. I will not use the plus or minus (+/-) scale in my class.
A student with a 91 will receive an A letter grade, just like another student who earned a 95, for
example. All homework assigned will be given a week for completion unless stated otherwise.
While homework may not be assigned every day, it is up to your student to ensure they pace
themselves properly and not allow work to pile up. The week they have to complete their
homework is to give the flexibility to your student while balancing the work presented in their
other courses. Since each student has sufficient time to complete their homework, redo’s for
these assessments will not be allowed. Should your student be absent for a test, they will be
allowed to redo it with an excused absence. Each student will be allowed only ONE redo for a
test if they’d like to try and earn a higher grade.

Should you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding your student or their
education, you may always email me. You are more then welcome to give me a call as well. Any
messages oar calls sent will be responded to as soon as possible, but I will try to reach you
within 24 hours. You are welcome to schedule a parent-teacher conference. I will work with
you to set up an appointment that conveniences both of us. Students are encouraged to
approach me with any assistance they need. I’m welcome to meet with students either
before/after school, or during my conference period (if scheduled). I strive to be as available as
I possibly can to both parents and students.

I look forward to working with both you and your student in the following school year!

Thank you for your time in reading this letter,

Oscar Hernandez

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