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Good morning teacher and classmates. today i'm going to talk about social networks.

Our way
of communicating or relating to others has been changed by technology.There are some
problems and benefits of using social networks nowadays. For example, starting to meet up in
the any specific place with new friends through applications like Instagram, in real life can be
dangerous because sometimes we give our personal information to stranger people, that's
why there are cases of kidnapping or murder. My advice is to be very careful when meeting
new strangers, always go with a friend and meet in crowded areas. On the other hand, it can
be a great experience to get along well with someone who you don't imagine would be. All this
happens from the comfort of your home. You have the possibility of contacting people from all
over the world.well, before it used to be more complicated and expensive to communicate
and maintain a new friendship with people from abroad

Besides, another advantage that social networks give us in the business world is that for
medium and small companies, the network allows them to create advertising strategies and
another way of communication to answer questions to their customers 24 hours a day. So,
maintaining availability at any time makes the business increase in sales. I mean, Know
Managing different networks by ourselves will generate an impact that can determine the
success of a business. During the pandemic, many independent business quickly sold their
products through the networks. They have adapted to this type of advertising and now they
see it as very functional because it increases the visibility of whatever they are offering and
they can take your order wherever you are located. Unfortunately, it has some disadvantages.
For example, People don’t usually trust online sales because there are cases of fraud,
sometimes orders don’t arrive to the customers. Also, the mistrust of making payments online.

I am going to tell you about the case of fraud suffered by a man who wanted to renew his
closet. He had already selected all the clothes that he liked and when the price and the
products to buy were finally closed, the cybercriminal told him that he couldn’t send the
package until he had proof that the transfer had been made to the bank account that he had
sent him, since he had been scammed before and he didn’t want it to happen again. When our
protagonist made the transfer, he contacted the cybercriminal to inform him, what he didn’t
know is that he would never receive a response from him again and all contact Previous with
him disappeared because he had closed his account in the application. SO,You definitely
shouldn't buy from sites that don't have other people's recommendations and make sure it's a
reputable store that you can trust to give you your personal information.
Good morning teacher and classmates. You have probably heard that the best food is from
Peru, in fact, the World Travel Awards in 2022 recognized the country as the best culinary
destination in the world. remember that Peruvian cuisine is one of the most diverse because it
has a Spanish, African, French, Chinese, Inca, Japanese and Italian heritage, mainly until the
19th century. by the next years , Peruvian cuisine will have brought together a great diversity
of mixtures and flavors from acidic to cloying food. Besides, the arrival of the Spanish with new
species of animals, fruits and plants; Criolla cuisine merged with Spanish cuisine and gave way
to Criolla food. After Peruvian independence, the free entry of foreigners, most of them
Europeans, was decreed. In 1899 the first Asian immigrants arrived, leaving their distinctive
mark on Peruvian cooking trends. The Japanese opened their first restaurants offering a fresh
fish and seafood dishes. Now I am going to explain the origin of traditional dishe and

The first step you must do to be able to prepare the easy Peruvian ceviche recipe is to squeeze
the 12 lemons to extract their juice, save it for later. Then, cut the fish into pieces of
approximately 3 centimeters. Arrange the pieces in the container that you will use to serve the
dish. By adding freshly squeezed lemon juice, it should cover all the fish. Use the magic of the
ingredients by adding cilantro, onion, salt, pepper, and you can't forget the chile limo unless
you don't like spicy, this step can be optional. When serving it, you can decorate the plate
with , cancha serrana, a few pieces of corn and sweet potato.

On the other hand, Italy has also positioned at the top of the best food, as we know. Pizzas are
among the most famous dishes in the world. However, Italian cuisine has other regional
treasures that its gastronomy offers. one thing i don't understand is why people don't dare to
try new flavors before criticizing it. well, An interesting fact is that the true origin of this food
began after the fall of the Roman Empire as soon as it happened that Italian kitchens separated
to develop their own culture, food and traditions. It is a kitchen with a marked historical and
traditional character, which has managed to maintain old recipes such as polenta (it is a food
of the Roman legion) and many other Italian dishes.

I’m going to explain the steps to prepare carbonara spaghetti

First, we put a handful of salt in plenty of boiling water. Then we add the spaghetti and let
them cook here for around 10 minutes. While they are cooking we prepare the carbonara. In a
bowl add the egg yolks. We also add the grated cheese and mix both ingredients with a fork.
There will be a kind of very dense dough and this will be the carbonara. In a frying pan we put
a small splash of oil. When it is very hot, add the bacon or pancetta, cut into rather small
cubes. After a couple of minutes, when they are fried, remove from the heat and reserve.
Finally, when we have the desired creaminess of the sauce, sprinkle with plenty of freshly
ground black pepper. It is said that the name "carbonara" comes from the color that this spice
gives it, which is reminiscent of the color of coal.

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