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Kseniya Zakhidova Asian

FA0900755 Korean

2 9 0 3 2005 Fergana region, Uzbekistan

601 Prime World, 186-5 Sungui-dong, Michuhol-gu, Incheon, South Korea

Incheon Korea


Irina Li +8201055014135


Irina Li mother



September 2023

Basic Secondary Education with HonoursSecondary General School №22 in the city of Fergana

Secondary education 2022

Academic Lyceum under University of World Economy and Diplomacy

Secondary education 2023

I am writing to express my interest in furthering my studies at the Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation (APU). As a
student interested in business and technology, I believe that APU offers the perfect combination of both disciplines.

The range of courses offered by APU is particularly attractive to me, as they provide the opportunity for me to explore and develop my
knowledge in both areas. Additionally, the university’s focus on innovation and technology-driven solutions is something that resonates
deeply with me. With its emphasis on creativity, problem-solving, and collaboration, APU offers a learning environment that I consider is
essential for success in today’s competitive world.

Furthermore, I am impressed by the university’s international outlook, which allows students to gain global perspectives through
exchange programs with universities abroad. This will allow me to gain invaluable experience while also developing an understanding
of different cultures and ways of life. Moreover, APU has strong industry links, which will give me access to real-world insights into
business practice as well as potential job prospects after graduation.

In conclusion, I am convinced that studying at the Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation (APU) will give me the capability
to cultivate my skills while also gaining valuable experiences from its global viewpoint. For these reasons, it is my sincere hope that you

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