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Name:- Tushar Nepale

SE (B)
Sub:- Internet of Things
ROLL NO:- 88

Case study:- 3
Topic: Big Data and Cloud Computing


Big data refers to the large volumes of data that are generated from various
sources, such as social media, sensors, and machines. Cloud computing refers to the
delivery of computing services, such as storage, processing, and software, over the
internet. Big data and cloud computing are interrelated technologies that enable
organizations to store, process, and analyze large volumes of data efficiently.

Body: Here are some examples of how big data and cloud computing are used in
various industries:

1. Healthcare: Big data and cloud computing are used in healthcare to improve
patient outcomes, reduce costs, and increase efficiency. Electronic health
records (EHRs) generate large volumes of patient data, such as medical
histories, lab results, and imaging data. Cloud computing enables healthcare
organizations to store and process these data efficiently, and big data
analytics can be used to analyze the data to identify patterns, trends, and
insights. This information can be used to develop personalized treatments and
improve patient outcomes.
2. Finance: Big data and cloud computing are used in finance to improve risk
management, fraud detection, and customer service. Financial institutions
generate large volumes of data, such as transaction data, market data, and
customer data. Cloud computing enables financial institutions to store and
process these data efficiently, and big data analytics can be used to analyze
the data to identify risks, detect fraud, and improve customer service.
3. Retail: Big data and cloud computing are used in retail to improve sales,
marketing, and customer service. Retailers generate large volumes of data,
such as transaction data, customer data, and social media data. Cloud
computing enables retailers to store and process these data efficiently, and
big data analytics can be used to analyze the data to identify customer
preferences, improve marketing campaigns, and enhance customer service.
4. Manufacturing: Big data and cloud computing are used in manufacturing to
improve productivity, quality, and efficiency. Manufacturing processes
generate large volumes of data, such as machine data, sensor data, and supply
chain data. Cloud computing enables manufacturers to store and process
these data efficiently, and big data analytics can be used to analyze the data
to identify inefficiencies, improve quality, and optimize processes.


In conclusion, big data and cloud computing are essential technologies that
enable organizations to store, process, and analyze large volumes of data efficiently.
Big data analytics can be used to identify patterns, trends, and insights that can be
used to improve business outcomes. Cloud computing provides a flexible and
scalable platform for storing and processing data. Big data and cloud computing are
used in various industries, such as healthcare, finance, retail, and manufacturing, to
improve productivity, quality, and customer service

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