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AY) io. 8: Describe relevanth hSpune June plan. aS” Introduction: A In March 1947, LordMountbatten became the viceroy of sub-continent. He tried to keep the sub-continent united but failed in his efforts. He finally came to conclusion that there.was no other possiblé:solution of political problem of sub-continent except to partition it. y 4eon3" june, plan of the partition of sub-continent was announced. According to it, power would'be given to Pakistan by 14" August 1947. This bill was passed and came to be known as Indianidependence Act 1947. A clause was incorporated in the 3“ June Plan that separates session of Muslim and Hindu members of the assemblies of Punjab and Bengal would be held to decide whether their provinces were in favor of the partition and how could it take place. The new boundaries would be decided by Commission Sindh Assembly decide the future status of the province through the majority of vote. The Sindh Assembly and the people of Sylhet and Khyber Pakhtoon Khwa voted for Pakistan. 7 {qNo. 6: Discuss the natural resources of Pakistan? Natural Resources: ‘These are the natural resources which the Almighty Allah had given to different countries andthe worn the form of sil forest, mineral, water etc. These resources are the free gift from, ‘lbh Wecan explore them and get benefit out ofthese natural resources. The natural resources rete sue of production. q Soi 7 sath been meds part of unconsolidated material whieh sg je surface of earthandbeeome source of growth plants. - S ih Forests, ey Forests are an integral prt ofa country's econ fi economy of a county about 25% of is and shouldbe under forests, Forests are great source f ‘natural resources, a) i Minerals: Minerals are the natural weath bes Underneath the earth. Almighty Allah has Defend ey ese mineral resources played a vital roleit thera ecnoni on ny 8 bares of county, Conclusion: )) Im actua, the resource Beat wealth of a nation, The whole country’s progress and ext ee Y }-Continent to Foundation of Muslim League — 1906: ical party of The success of Simla Deputation made it imperative for the Muslimiof t have their own political organization. In 1906, the Muslims of India al their own known as “ALL INDIA MUSLIM LEAGUE”. Aims of Muslim League: The aims of Muslim League are given below: AEDrertemancs to British Government. 1. Tosafeguard & protect Muslim interests & to con 2. Tocreate a feeling of respect & good will in Muslimyfor the British Government. 3. To promote brotherhood between the different nations of India. Ke Urdu — National Language of Pakistan: V ee After independence Quaid-e-Azam said in 2 rds that the national language of pokistan would be Urdu. He said: “Let me make it clear that the n \guage of Pakistan Is going to be Urdu &no other language. ae language no nation can remain tied aw lidly together." importaneof untin omits: ANY FORY points Certain points which express the importance.of Urdu 1. Means of Brotherhood & Unity: People of Pakistan are one natioh theYéfore their thinking, aims & objectives are common. Their progress & poate upon their unity & brotherhood. An important factor for achieving,this\upity & brotherhood is Urdu. nal life are given below: 2. Source of Expressi ay Urdu has becgme 2 Sodrce of expression, feelings, thoughts & aspiration. People of two different areas ages understand each ideas & thoughts by Urdu. 3, Means of Communication & Co-ordination: Urdu serves as a mean of communication & is a binding force between all the four provinces.of Pakistan. Pe2ple living in different provinces realize that in spite of speaking different language, they are joined together by one national language which is the heritage of alg? “Medium of Instruction: Urdu language is the medium of instruction in most of the educational institutions of Pakistan. History, Islamic studies, politcal science & other subjects are taught up to M.A leven Urdu. Lectures on Islamic education & religion are also delivered in Urdu throughout akistan. . Urdu-An Important Part of Our Cultural Heritage: Urdu grew in popularity & by the later Mughal Period & the advent of the British; it had been adopted by the Muslims & the Hindus alike. It wouldn't be wrong to say if itis said that: “URDU IS A PART OF OUR CULTURAL HERITAGE"

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