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Name: Franchieska Pasiola, Jaci Sulit, Rocelyn Soliveres, Frenin Villamor

Grade & Section: 11-Gas

Research Title:

Analyzing the influence of peer pressure in the academic status of Senior High School Students
in First City Providential College: A Qualitative Research.

Chapter I: The Problem and its Background


Peer pressure is often seen during the adolescence stage of teenagers. Some students
relationship with peers promote their academic engagement peer influence in sometimes harmless it
can be positive or negative. On the positive side, if you are surrounded by people with or who have a
goal in life as an individual and do not tolerate your bad behavior and attitude. Like, recovering
individuals need friends who can encourage them and advise them on staying sober. With positive peer,
people can gain new experiences and learn new life skills. On the negative side, peer pressure can load
to a behavioral problem both inside and outside the schools like taking drugs, drinking alcohol, smoking
and other factors that can drag down their performance in school.


KEYWORD 1: Peer Pressure

KEYWORD 2: Academic Status

KEYWORD 3: Senior High School Students

Conceptual Framework:


 Peer Pressure  Questionnaires

DV:  Informal
 Academic

Analyzing the influence of

peer pressure in tne
academic status of Senior
High School Students in First
City Providential College: A
Qualitative Research.
Statement of the Problem:

The aim of the study is to critically analyze the influence of peer pressure on the academic
status of a student.

This study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What are the reasons why students experience having peer pressure?

2. What are the possible effects of peer pressure on the students’ academic status?

3. What are the possible ways for the students to avoid the negative effects or peer pressure?

Scope and Limitation:

The Senior High School students with peer pressure in First City Providential College. Students
who only have peer pressure that affects their academic status by the influence and pressure. The
researchers will not tackle the things that are not related to their study like students’ mental health and
their personal background.

Significance of the Study:

The following audience will benefit from this study.

 Students: They will benefit this study by knowing where the time to avoid having negative peers
that is not good for them.

 Teachers: They will benefit this study because they will know how to deal with having a students
who have peer pressure.

 Future Researchers: They will benefit this study because they will know what are the possibility
cause of influencing peer pressure in the academic status of the students.

Definition of Terms:

 Peer Pressure: Peer pressure or influence is when someone do something because they want to
feel accepted and valued by their friends.

 Adolescence: Adolescence is the phase of life between childhood and adulthood, from ages 10 to

 Academic engagement: Academic engagement refers to the extent and intensity with which
students participate in and apply themselves to learning and other school activities.

 Encourage: to inspire with courage, spirit, or hope.

 Positive peer pressure: Positive peer pressure is when someone’s peer influence them to do
something positive or growth building.
 Behavior problem: a pattern of discruptive behavior that generally falls within social norms and
does not seriously impair a person’s functioning.

 Academic status: an indication of your academic progress and based upon your academic

Theoretical Framework:

Erickson’s theory states that peer pressure is needed for a person to develop, learn and grow to
form into an individual, it is through both positive and negative peer pressure that people form and
develop their individuality and social status, this often starts in adolescence.

Both positive and negative social influence are used to form an individual people and develop
personalities and traits from their social influence such as friends and family.

Adolescence is the time where people develop traits and caricatures that will from the way the act
and are perceived these characteristics can be influenced by peers.

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