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English is a compulsory subject for Vocational High School 1 Muara Enim. In this
semester, one of the materials studied is about writing a report. Before writing the report the
students are required to do a research. This research is entitled the most favorite weekend
activity of the students in vocational high school no. 1 Muara Enim.

1. To find out the most preferred activity for vocational high school students
2. As one of the requirements to get English grades on report writing material


 Understanding weekend activities
Weekends are markers of one or two days of the week where most people don't work.
The night before 1 or 2 days it is also counted as a weekend. Sometimes, the days
before the working day are considered part of the weekend, and sometimes official
holidays are scheduled (or coincidentally) forming a long weekend.

 Activity benefits

1. You have more time to exercise

2. You will have better sleep quality
3. Good rest can help reduce inflammation and heart disease
4. Immune system will increase
5. Not only restore body, mental energy
6. Good rest on weekends reduces stress
7.Make you more focused when you go back to work
8. Break time increases productivity

Here are some types of activities at the end of the week, namely as follows:


1.1 Pictures of people taking a break

Rest is a self-soothing activity that involves many aspects of a person's physical and mental. Another
name for this activity is relaxing, but there are some conditions that can be said to be resting, such as
lunch time at work or school.

Types of Rest

1. Mental Rest

Just as the name suggests, this type of activity will involve a person's mentality. Currently, mental
stress can occur anywhere, be it in the office, school, neighborhood, even at home. To be able to
improve a person's mentality, doing activities that can calm him down such as listening to music to
positive thinking can be the solution.

2. Physical Rest

A person's body must have limitations in carrying out an activity, it is marked by fatigue and the body
starts to get tired. To make the body back to prime can be done by napping and sleeping earlier at

3. Emotional Break

Next there are activities related to one's emotions. Where this type of activity is also easy to feel like
you feel uncomfortable when you are with someone or doing something. Talking to those closest to
you can be a great solution.

4. Sensory Rest

We as humans have several senses, starting from the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin. Where all the
five senses can also get tired and to overcome this problem stopping using the five senses for a while
is the solution.

5. Take a Break To Inspire

Moving on to the next type of activity which is a mandatory activity for anyone to do when they need
an idea. You can simply walk past places of art such as looking at a painting or visiting a park can get
you inspired.

6. Spiritual Rest

This next activity is more directed to one's mind. Where reading the Bible or philosophy can make
you feel the needed calm.

7. Social Break

The last activity that can make you feel calmer is to stop interacting for a while with other people.
This is necessary because you need time alone to improve your feelings.

2. Traveling

1.2 Traveling pictures

Traveling in Indonesian means traveling, traveling or traveling. That is moving from one place to
another. There are many reasons behind someone doing traveling activities such as business needs,
vacations, or other purposes.

Travel Benefits

Even though we have to spend a lot of money for traveling, this activity has many benefits that we can
get. Here are the benefits that we can get when traveling.

1. Relieve Stress

It is undeniable that traveling can reduce the stress experienced by a person and restore positive
feelings. If you are bored with your daily routine then it never hurts to travel to fun places to reduce
the stress you experience.

2. Adding Experience and Insights

When traveling to a new (foreign) place, you will usually find habits that are different from your daily
life and at the same time you can learn a new culture or enjoy local cuisine which will certainly add to
your experience and insight.

3. Add Network

Traveling opens the way for you to add to your network, especially if you are traveling solo or
backpacking. Usually at the destination there will be many other backpackers and you can use this to
add new friends from various regions or even from other countries.

4. Increase Confidence
This applies if you are traveling alone or backpacker. By traveling alone, inevitably all decisions are
in your hands and at the destination there is no one you know so you will automatically be alone, but
the good news is that sooner or later you will get used to it and will increase your confidence.

3. Sport

1.3 Pictures of people sport

What is meant by sport? In general, the definition of sport is an activity that involves the
exertion of physical and mental energy to train the human body, both physically and

Sports Goals and Benefits

As mentioned in the previous paragraph, basically the purpose of exercise is to improve a
person's health status. However, lifestyle and food also have a huge influence on human
health. In addition to improving physical fitness, exercise can also improve and enhance the
performance of the human brain so that it can work more optimally. With a fitter physical
condition and better thinking power, of course in the end it will increase one's self-

Types of sports

There are so many types of sports that are done by humans as a means to improve health and
also as a hobby. Referring to the definition of sport, the types of sports are as follows:

1. Modern Sports

The definition of modern sport is all activities or businesses that can encourage, develop, and
foster a person's physical and spiritual potential with a systematic process, either as
individuals or members of society in the form of games, competitions/sports competitions
that have undergone changes and game rules follow developments. There are several modern
sports, namely airsoftgun, aeromodeling, fencing, weightlifting, athletics, motorcycle racing,
horse riding, basketball, takraw, and so on.

2. Traditional Sports
Definition of traditional sport is the original game of the people as a cultural asset of the
nation that has elements of traditional physical exercise. Although not as popular as modern
sports, until now there are still many Indonesian people who still do traditional sports. There
are several traditional sports, namely fort, clogs, congklak, stilts, marbles, tops, and so on.


1.3 Pictures of peope having a picnic

The definition of a picnic is to go out of town to have fun, bring food, and so on. A picnic is
the same thing as a walk. The definition of a picnic when you are planning with your family,

you may be planning to have lunch together. The items you need to support your family
outing are supplies. Because you bring a lot of food menu.

5. Bicycle

1.5 Pictures of peope cycling

is a recreational or sporting activity, and is one of the modes of land transportation using
bicycles. Bicycles were first introduced in the 19th century AD.

Many cycling enthusiasts carry out these activities in various kinds of terrain, such as hills,
steep terrain or just in rural and urban areas.

People who use bicycles as a routine mode of transportation can also be called commuters.
The use of bicycles as a routine mode of transportation is not only carried out by workers
who work in the non-formal sector, but also by workers who work in the formal sector.

The workers in the formal sector who use bicycles as a routine mode of transportation are
mostly members of the cycling worker community, known as Bike to work Indonesia (B2W

Apart from workers, bicycles are also widely used by school children. In addition to using a
bicycle does not require additional costs, cycling can also be done on roads that are not good
though. Cycling for school children can also reduce the danger of accidents while driving.

6. Get together with family

1.6 Picture of being together with family

There are various definitions of family, blood ties, cultural ties, group ties, and so on. In my
opinion, families can be formed apart from certain ties, but also because of the closeness
factor in relationships. Not surprisingly, people, people from different cultures and origins,
but because they live in the same place and build close relationships, they live and relate well
to a family.

Benefits of gathering with family

1. Stronger emotional bonds

Undertaking activities together such as vacations, sports, watching movies together can build
strong emotional bonds. Various studies also prove this. When emotional bonds are strong,
the family is better able to adapt to various situations.

2. Create pleasant memories

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) spent the weekend with his family at the Bogor Botanical
Gardens, West Java. As observed by, Saturday (8/10), Jokowi left the Bogor
Presidential Palace to the Botanical Gardens at 09.00 WIB. (doc.

Spending time with family will create pleasant memories for parents, children and
grandchildren. Children who grow up in happy families will create a loving environment
when they have their own family.

3. Reconnect the relationship

The busyness of parents and children sometimes makes the relationship so tenuous. By taking
time together, this is an opportunity to bring the existing relationship closer. Children can talk
about their busy lives, as well as parents can vent or tell things they like.

7. Play handhpone

1.7 Pictures of people playing on cellphones


Definition of Handphone and its history

Haandphone is a two-way electronic telecommunications device that can be carried anywhere

and has the ability to send messages in the form of voice. This definition is a general
understanding of Handphone. In today's daily life, humans can hardly be separated from
handphone . Especially with the development of handphone so that handphone have various
functions at once. Not only as a communication tool but has developed into a tool with other
functions such as entertainment media, business media, and so on.

In addition to understanding the history of handphone, we also need to know because the
handphone we now use were not created instantly. Handphone has continued to develop since
its inception. The first existing handphone were far from what we can use today. But without
the first handphone, of course, there will be no technology that is very useful for humans to
communicate today. Martin Cooper is the inventor of the first mobile phone system. He is an
employee of the Motorola company. He invented the cell phone for 1973. There are also
those who say that the inventor of the cell phone was not only Martin Cooper but also all
members of the team from the division that was with him. The first type of handphone is the
Dyna TAC. The idea of this type was coined by Cooper. Where the tool can be carried
anywhere in a flexible way.

7 Benefits of Handphone in Daily Activities

1. As a Very Effective and Efficient Communication Communication Tool

2. data storage

3. as a medium of information

4. entertainment facilities

5. As a Facility for Business and Business

6. Means in Helping Work Affairs

7. As a Tool for Organizing Activity Schedules

8. Reading a Book

1.8 Image of a person reading a book

Benefits of Reading Books

Books Make Us Better Communicators

As books increase our vocabulary, our communication skills improve. Reading improves our
language skills and develops fluency, enabling us to better express our thoughts and ideas.

1. Our Educating Book

Books quench our thirst for knowledge. Through books, we learn about how things work,
understand different cultures, and understand the history of things.

We can learn a new language, how to improve ourselves and even how to build something.
The right books are full of useful information that helps us become smarter, sharper, more
skilled, and more open to new ideas.

2. Books Keep Our Brains Healthy

Did you know that when you read a book, you also train your brain? The more you read, the
more you stimulate your mind.

Mental stimulation keeps blood flowing to our brain, preventing diseases like dementia and
Alzheimer's. When we read, our cognitive function and memory improve. The healthier your
brain, the more you will be able to focus and develop your analytical skills.

3. Stress Reduction Book

Whether it's science fiction, YES, romance novels, or autobiographies, books can help you
ease tension and relax. Books allow us to escape the stress and anxiety of everyday life by
allowing us to immerse ourselves in another world or engage us in topics we find interesting.
And since there is a book out there on almost any topic in the world, everyone is likely to find
the perfect book that will keep them focused and comfortable.

4. Our Motivating Book

Books have the power to inspire and motivate us with stories about people who have made
something of themselves despite the odds.

Whether it's the heroics of fictional characters or the real-life accomplishments of someone
extraordinary from history, books encourage us to never give up, keep moving forward, and
stay positive.

5. Creativity Stimulating Book

The right books can take us on adventures and inspire us to visualize new lands, dimensions,
and alternate universes. Through reading, our imaginations are sparked, and we open our
minds to new possibilities.

Even non-fiction books about science and technology have the power to fuel our creativity
and stimulate innovative and inventive ideas. Speaking of creativity, at Progressive Rising
Phoenix Press, we consistently add new content on a regular basis.
Our mission is to succeed through promotion, creative cross-marketing and original content.
We recognize that the industry has changed and have partnered with writers who take
ownership of their work and what we do.

B. Methodology
This research was carried out starting from September 3 to September 27, 2022. The
place of research is in vocational high school 1 Muara Enim, namely in class 12 AKL 1, 12
AKL 2, 12 OTP 1, 12 MM 1, 12 MM 2, 12 PKM 2. The subjects of this study were 30 people
consisting of 6 males, 24 famales aged 16-19 years. Data collection was done by distributing
questionnaire brochures. After the data is obtained, data analysis is carried out. After
analyzing the data then write a report.


A. After conducting research and analyzing the data obtained the following results:
1. The number of students who like weekend activities, namely traveling is 9 people (30%)
2. The number of people who like weekend activities, namely rest, is 8 people (26.66%)
3. The number of people who like weekend activities, namely sports, is 6 people (20%)
4. The number of people who like weekend activities, namely gathering with family is 3 people (10%)
5. The number of people who like weekend activities, namely picnics, is 1 person (3.33%)
6. The number of people who like weekend activities, namely cycling is 1 person (3.33%)
7. The number of people who like weekend activities, namely playing cellphones, is 1 person (3.33%)
8. The number of people who like weekend activities, namely reading books is 1 person (3.33%)

B. The following is a table of research results
No Name Class Age Gender activity Reason
1 Harry Yusgiantoro XII MM 17 Years MALE REST Because you can sleep longer and dreams can
1 be achieved by sleeping
2 Aji Februar XII MM 16 Years MALE TRAVELING Because i like exploring buildings
3 Hari Herdiansyah XII MM 17 Years MALE SPORT Because it is healthy for the body
4 Nesya Azzahrah XII MM 16 Years FAMALE SPORT Because in order for the body to be healthy and
2 fit
5 Citra Ayu Lestari XII MM 17 Years FAMALE SPORT Because so you don’t sleep
6 Rega Aidil Akbar XII MM 17 Years MALE SPORT Because of hobby
7 Dita Amelia XII MM 17 Years FAMALE PICNIC Because i don’t wash my eyes
8 Rinda Eka Feranita XII OTP 17 Years FAMALE BICYCLE Because i like cycling in the afternoon around
1 the complex
9 Iis Ariska XII OTP 17 Years FAMALE TRAVELING Because it can remove the burden of the mind
10 Desti Pratiwi XII OTP 16 Years FAMALE SPORT Because my favorite sport is vollyball
11 Ollin Agustia XII OTP 17 Years FAMALE TRAVELING Because it can refresh the brain and be happy
1 again
12 Lika Zahara XII OTP 16 Years FAMALE GET Because it strengthens the ties of friendship
13 Ghina Anisah XII OTP 17 Years FAMALE GET Because i want to talk my family

14 Reja Efti Rosa XII OTP 17 Years FAMALE TRAVELING Because it can relieve stress and have fun
15 Echi Perdalina XII OTP 19 Years FAMALE PLAY PHONE Because a lot of information will be obtained
16 Nuzuliya XII OTP 17 Years FAMALE READ A Because i like novels
17 Alvira Putri Pratiwi XII OTP 17 Years FAMALE TRAVELING Because to relieve stress,you have to traveling
18 Deta Ayu Marshanda XII OTP 17 Years FAMALE TRAVELING Because i prefer to calm myself by traveling
19 Nailah Farah XII OTP 17 Years FAMALE TRAVELING Because to relieve boredom and stress
20 Dwi Septia Marsanda XII OTP 17 Years FAMALE TRAVELING Because it can relieve stress and for
1 entertainment
21 Adel Fiolintia Utami XII OTP 16 Years FAMALE TRAVELING Because to relieve stress
22 Jennyca Zulfalika Maharani XII OTP 17 Years FAMALE TRAVELING Because to relieve stress
23 Moch Akbar Pratama XII AKL 16 Years MALE REST Because i like sleeping
24 Febi Prananda XII AKL 17 Years MALE REST Because i like sleeping
25 Suci Ramadhani A.D.P XII AKL 16 Years FAMALE REST Because i like sleeping
26 Tania Adinda Sari XII AKL 17 Years FAMALE REST Because i like sleeping
27 Dea Maharani Putri XII AKL 17 Years FAMALE GET Because weekends are always family gathering
28 Amanda Zazkhya Paramita XII PKM 16 Years FAMALE REST Because from Monday-Friday school therefore
1 we need to rest
29 Nopika Sari XII PKM 18 Years FAMALE REST Because to remove the muscles due to fatigue

1 on the move
30 Tri Aulia Pratiwi XII AKL 16 Years FAMALE SPORT Because it nourishes the body

C. Activity percentage chart at the end of the week
For more details,see the diagram below:

1. Diagram that many like weekend activities

Number of students who like activities on


3% sport
3% 31% bicycle
get together with family
play phone
21% read a book


2. Gender diagram of many classes that love weekend activities


20% Male


3. Diagrams of some classes that like weekend activities

the number of students in some classes who

like weekend activities

18% XII MM 2
54% 11%


4. Diagram of the number of ages who like weekend activities

the number of ages of students who like

weekend activities

5%3% 16



After doing the research, it can be concluded that vocational high school 1 Muara
Enim students really like weekend traveling activities, namely 9 people (30%) they choose
traveling for general reasons because it can relieve stress, relieve stress, and have fun.

- fill your activities with positive things
- don't go sightseeing in dangerous places
- get enough and good rest so that the body is more vital
- exercise so that your body is healthy and strong
- you should reduce playing cellphones so that your eyes avoid radiation
- it's better to read a book in your spare time to fill your busy life



Rinda Is filling the haunted Iis Ariska is filling the haunted

Tri Aulia is filling the haunted


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