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R. A.


a. Who is the author of the TED Talk? What motivated the author to create this text?
What might be the author’s purpose?

b. Who is the audience? How do you know?

c. What is the larger conversation? In other words, what in our society, culture, or
community might have prompted the author(s) to create this text?

d. What is the main message or argument communicated in the text?

e. What rhetorical appeals are used?

f. Analyze all the ways ethos is used. How does the author(s) represent himself? Do
you trust the author(s)? Why or why not?

g. Analyze all the ways pathos is used. Where do you see the author appealing to
audience’s values or beliefs? Does the author(s) attempt to invoke an emotional
response? In what ways?

h. Analyze all the ways logos is used. Where are facts, evidence, or good logic used
to support the message or convince the audience? In what ways are good, logical
reasons provided that support the text’s message?

i. How would you characterize the style and tone? Is the style formal, informal,
satirical, or something else?

j. Would the target audience find this style appealing, appropriate, welcoming, or
inviting? Or might the style offend the audience in some way?

k. Are there any logical fallacies that detract from the argument?

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