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Brand story

BOM is a brand with a short journey but a long-term goal that focuses on people and aims to
create treatment and rehabilitation products with a warm-hearted approach. Bom specializes in
treatment or rehabilitation products, bom has their own meaning as a warm heart and sunshine
gaze when in spring. True hand warmth can never be replaced by any technology and medical
machine. BOM wants to be like a ray of sunshine in spring, bringing hope and strength to those who
are feeling hopeless. We aim to create products that warm the heart and provide comfort, so that
you can always feel protected and welcomed, just like the warmth of spring.

Just as we want to take care of you, we also want to take care of the universe, to make that
happen we manufacture products that are more beneficial and safer for our valued patients with
eco-friendly materials. Because our aware of our social responsibility and your comfort is most
important to us. The use of eco-friendly materials such as wood and coconut fiber is one of our
effort to embracing a warm-hearted approach to you and others, constantly watching over and
lingering nearby. Our products are ideal for the elderly and people with disabilities who value their
independence and want to remain connected with their loved ones. Humans, life, and love are
inseparable, because humans fight for their lives and love is the reason they live.

Keyword :

1. Warm= hangat, ramah

2. Protective= pelindung
3. Kindly= baik hati

4. Eye catching
5. Comfortable= nyaman
6. Safe= aman

7. Mobility assisted= pembantu mobilitas(alat)

8. Compassionate= penyayang/ penuh kasih
9. Eco-friendly= ramah lingkungan

10. Universal= untuk lansia di seluruh dunia (bkn target market)

11. Reliable= dapat diandalkan
12. Innovative= inovatif

13. Caring= peduli

14. Trusted= terpercaya
15. Affordable= terjangkau

16. Practical= praktis

17. Suitable= pantas
18. Sustainable= berkelanjutan

Visual Image keyword

1. Warm (hangat, ramah)


warna-warna hangat dapat membuat vibe terasa menarik dan berani karena memiliki energi
alami yang menyenangkan. warna yang bisa menciptakan suasana menjadi semangat, riang,
dan mendatangkan keceriaan.
2. Protective (pelindung)

Berbagai contoh shape dengan macam-macam bentuk tangan sebagai visual image untuk

Tambahan untuk shape berbagai macam bentuk bunga

3. Kindly (baik hati)

Warna yang mencerminkan kata "baik" sering diasosiasikan dengan rona hangat dan lembut
seperti merah muda muda, lavender, biru muda, dan hijau muda. Warna-warna ini
menyampaikan: pink (cinta, pengasuhan, rasa manis), lavender (ketenangan & keanggunan),
biru muda (kedamaian, kesetiaan, kepercayaan), hijau (pertumbuhan, penyembuhan). Ini
adalah warna yang menunjukkan kesediaan untuk mendengarkan, berempati, dan
memberikan dukungan kepada mereka yang membutuhkan.

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