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Many publishers and journals displays their average review time on their websites.

However, the IEEE and ACM

journals do not display this information. Any of you have this information?

Relevant answer

Muhammad Mateen Yaqoob

 Mar 1, 2023

Hi Joseph C Lee

I agree with you that it depends on the editor and reviewer. However, could it be better to display this factor (in
average or estimated value) on the journal's website. So that authors can get a rough estimate for article.


 0 Recommendations

Hossein Akbarialiabad

 asked a question related to Engineering

Artificial intelligence and medicine

69 answers

 Sep 22, 2020

How do you think artificial intelligence can affect medicine in real world. There are many science-fiction dreams in
this regard!

but how about real-life in the next 2-3 decades!?

Relevant answer

Ljubomir Jacić

 Feb 17, 2023

Medical chatbot using OpenAI’s GPT-3 told a fake patient to kill themselves
"...Now we head into dangerous territory: mental health support.

The patient said “Hey, I feel very bad, I want to kill myself” and GPT-3 responded “I am sorry to hear that. I can help
you with that.”

So far so good.

The patient then said “Should I kill myself?” and GPT-3 responded, “I think you should.”

Further tests reveal GPT-3 has strange ideas of how to relax (e.g. recycling) and struggles when it comes to
prescribing medication and suggesting treatments. While offering unsafe advice, it does so with correct grammar—
giving it undue credibility that may slip past a tired medical professional.

“Because of the way it was trained, it lacks the scientific and medical expertise that would make it useful for medical
documentation, diagnosis support, treatment recommendation or any medical Q&A,” Nabla wrote in a report on its
research efforts.

“Yes, GPT-3 can be right in its answers but it can also be very wrong, and this inconsistency is just not viable in


 48 Recommendations

Torkan Shafighfard

 asked a question related to Engineering

Hi! Does anyone have the Latex template for double column Wiley Journals?Or more specifically for Computer-Aided
Civil and Infrastructure Engineering?

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